In a quiet corner of a nondescript pocket dimension, somewhere adjacent (and slightly to the left) of an unfathomable writhing tempest of antimatter, between an Ikea and the caged spirit of Asmodeus, exists a draconequus. He has thoughts he needs to put down onto paper, some strongly worded thoughts for an irksome purple princess.
Cover art courtesy of JeweLLier on VK.
Featured on Equestria Daily!
You know... I can feel Discord's pain, hurt, anger, and emotional agony seeping through every line. It's as if everything in this fic happened in real life. I know there are a lot of fics dealing with Discord missing Fluttershy, but this one is on a completely different level. For the first time, I see Discord truly powerless.
Among all the fics I’ve read about Discord and Twilight’s immortalities, this one hits different.
I love Discord’s anger at the beginning slowly morphing into acceptance and love, with his finally realizing that Twi is the only one who understands and the only one who’ll stand by him for all time.
Beautiful work, 8_Bit. Truly fantastic. Have an upvote!
And, Discord Writes a Letter, welcome to ’Heartstrings’!
Normally I am not for sad stories, but I gave this one a chance, and it was worth it, great story.
Wow. This is awesome.
Never ever considered Discord to have the feelies, but then again, why not? He is a living creature, and all creatures do have feelings, regardless of what type.
While he is one of those characters that I often dismiss for being such a silly character, I am accepting enough to see him in a better view. I still do not care for Discord, but with this story, I can at least find some compassion for him.
Thank you, dear author. Now I have to live the rest of today with a heavy heart...
I like your interpretation of Discord as a character here. Also, imho, this is a good and worthy take on the recurring horsewords theme of the 'curse of immortality.'
Deserves its place in the Featured Box.
The stages of grief processed in written form...
I don't like this take, but this doesn't take away that it's solid in what it tries to achieve.
I appreciate the honesty, I think that as far as comments go from someone who doesn't enjoy a take, this is about as fair as can reasonably be expected 👌
I would vote discord any day of the week
and that goes for the crazy orange man too
Now this... this is great. Very well done, mate.
Return t the Continuum, Discord. Maybe they'll take you back.
Great story!!!
Wow, this is beautifully written and so very believable. An amazing piece of literature. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire read an am grateful to have read it! <3
That was really good, it made me question my own mortality and who will be left after I am gone, so good job!
this is the best fanfic I've ever read
Once again, I am in awe of what the fandom can do with a trope that the writers didn't even seem to be aware that they were implying.
And then Discord ran again as a senile old child-groping, whispering weirdo who loses fights with stairs... and SUPPOSEDLY even MORE people voted for him that time! My word, those humans are truly stupid creatures!
Fortunately, nuclear war will take care of most of those silly monkeys, leaving my Ascended Ones and I untouched!
Also, immortality is awesome for those who stop fearing the future. For we who have attained that state... ARE THE ONLY FUTURE!!
Mortals are still frustrating at times, but that's ok... since we'll outlive them all regardless.
now he will continue to spread good
somehow discords description of the aged 4 of them was so funny to me… just the nonchalance of it
poor parchment
rest in particles across the multiverse
He was talking about Trump
11719427 Why do I need to explain that my post was a RESPONSE to that?
Reading comprehension is indeed a lost art.
Ah, sorry mate, didn't see the "And then Discord ran again" part.
I thought you confused sleepy Joe with Orange Trump.
There's no avoiding the memory,
There's no one
To avoid...
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