• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


A thousand years ago, the Pillars of Equestria imbued six crystals with their magic - the essence of their souls - and planted those seeds to bring about a brighter future.

Over time they sprouted into the Tree of Harmony, which became the base of Equestria's power and prosperity.

Now the Tree would like to meet its parents.

This story is dedicated to Rambling Writer who did what I honestly totally forgot to do and got the Tree of Harmony added as a character tag.

Featured 8/27/2023 - 8/30/2023!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

"Moms. Dads. I would like to introduce you to the Crystal Heart. We're dating."

Weirdly makes sense

Howdy, hi~!

This was dumb, I loved it, 10/10. Great premise and I loved that each got a moment with the Tree of Harmony. Also, perfect ending note for this. Banger of a read, thanks~!

"And," the real Twilight cut in, "Before you ask, 'anypony' is still accurate. While she isn't a pony per se, it's the simplest way. We tried a few other things like 'anytree' or 'everymetaphysicalconcept' but those just made conversations more confusing."

"We also tried 'anybody', but, well, no body." ("Please do not demonstrate again," muttered the Tree.) "And we can't even do 'anyone', because we're still not sure she doesn't have any clonal colonies..."

A wonderful combination of heartfelt and severe comedic whiplash (the best kind), especially Somnambula as a MILF and that last line. Thank you.

"I was considering if this means that I am a MILF and if it would be useful to add that to my dating profile," Somnambula dropped without even a blink. ... Somnambula simply shrugged. "I am a figure of myth and legend, but I still have needs."


Daft fun. I love that ending. n_n

This story is dedicated to Rambling Writer who did what I honestly totally forgot to do and got the Tree of Harmony added as a character tag.

How exactly does one do that?

I suppose bringing up that Starswirl’s original plan to stop Shadow Stygian would have destroyed the Elements and left the Tree to die, would be gauche.

Absolutely hilarious. That ending was perfect. Somnambula's comment and Twilight's reaction was hilarious. Also loved how accepting the pillars were here. Also also. Uncle Stygian. Perfect.

"I was considering if this means that I am a MILF and if it would be useful to add that to my dating profile," Somnambula dropped without even a blink.

And like that, she’s the best character in the fic.

"Moms. Dads. I would like to introduce you to the Crystal Heart. We're dating."

And like that, the Tree snagged the title of best character back.

Huzzah, more Tree fics! This was AWESOME! :rainbowkiss:

This needs a sequel, this time involving the Tree of Harmony and the Crystal Heart going on a date.

You... you can't drop a bombshell like that and leave us hanging... this needs a sequel

Jokes apart, nice story. I wonder how other beings, like Discord, would fit.

You know, this would make a fun series.

Cadence: Crystal! You better be home by 10 PM! Shining can only shield the Empire that long, and if you don't then you're GROUNDED young... gemstone?

This story is dedicated to Rambling Writer who did what I honestly totally forgot to do and got the Tree of Harmonyadded as a character tag.

We have a handful of fics where the Tree of Harmony is sentient, and we have a hundred Spiderman stories. Peter Parker deserves a tag too!

Discord might show up for their date, if it causes enough chaos to attract his attention ... Course, he might show up to cause some to see the reactions afterward ... tough to say ...

God damn it, T. :rainbowlaugh:

This was hilarious, and damn I still love that shitpost cover art.

I came in half-expecting a shit-post story, but I stayed because it's quite well-written and the story doesn't take itself too seriously, which I find to be a strength.

Well done! I liked this. Especially the end.

"I was considering if this means that I am a MILF and if it would be useful to add that to my dating profile," Somnambula dropped without even a blink.

There is this silly part of me, there was thinking Twilight might try her luck with her there. But Twilight locking up is funny as well.

this story is the perfect blend of comedy and family sweetness :pinkiehappy:

That ending came out of left field xD Hilarious fic. It's hard to write the tree well, but you definitely got her mannerisms down pat. We need more fics with her as a main character :twilightsmile:

... Yeah, I'll ship it.


That ending. What a wonderful story. But now the big question... what to name the ship. TreeHeart? HarmonyCrystal? Urg!

You ask in the Discord. If the character has more than three stories where they're named, you're likely to get your request done. That's how Grand Pear got added as a character tag, too, if memory serves.

This is gold

Starswirl opened his mouth to stop Twilight, but it was too late.

I love the long history of sheer bullcrap implied in this one short sentence.

"I was considering if this means that I am a MILF and if it would be useful to add that to my dating profile," Somnambula dropped without even a blink.

Somnambula simply shrugged. "I am a figure of myth and legend, but I still have needs."

That was so awesome. I can't believe nobody has posted this yet:

5 out of 5 Spikestaches.
And a facehoof for breaking Twilight. :facehoof:

What would Discord's plunder seeds be in this case? That one weird uncle?

dhfvbvdhb wonderful ending twist, lmao. I love the Tree of Harmony getting personified, heh.

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