• Published 19th Jan 2021
  • 4,705 Views, 50 Comments

Might Solve a Mystery, or Rewrite History... - The Bricklayer

Stranded on the moon thanks to her own recklessness, Della Duck is nearly at the end of her rope. But it madness setting in, or is she not as alone as she thought she was...?

  • ...

*Insert Moon Theme Here*

Solitude, anger, undirected rage, loneliness.

She had been alone for so long, time had since shed all of it’s meaning.

Her thoughts were a jumble, inside her mind she felt a searing hot rage towards… someone, her name breaking through the darkness. Celestia. She had put her here, in this prison as a form of punishment. To recount her sins? Maybe even learn from them.

That implied she had sinned.

She just…. She just wanted to be appreciated, was there anything wrong with that? For her night to be… loved. After she spent decades perfecting it, painting a portrait across her night, the ultimate insult showed itself. She had been slighted, to be sure! Nobody ever really showed any appreciation for her hard work, the blanket that encompassed them as they fell into dreamland.

The skies began to broil, seemingly to match her fury.

The deep black erupted with jagged streaks of white hot light, the cosmos before her erupting in a shower of color.

And rage gave way to heartbreak, in realization that this would not change her situation.

How wrong she was.

Air, precious air! Della coughed and wheezed for life as the Oxy-chew filled her lungs, life returning and filling her body like the legendary ambriosis.

Disgusted by the flavor, she tossed the box aside and groaned: “Ugh! Black licorice?!”

It… it would lose its flavor eventually, right? Oh well, any port in a storm…

“And speaking of storms…” Della thought to herself as she looked up at the world, like a precious blue marble in a sea of black velvet. “...I don’t know if mine’s passed or if it’s just beginning.”

Her boys! She had to get back to her boys! ...oh God, she was such an idiot! They were only eggs, and she just left them behind to go on one more wild adventure! “Jet, Turbo and Rebel... Don’t worry, mommy will be coming home soon.”

Now all she had to do was lift this scrap metal and… oh. Yeah, this was going to take some doing. Looking upwards, she saw the booster rocket hanging precariously above her. Worst yet, the wreckage pinning her still wasn’t budging. She had to… she had to move it! With several angry kicks, it was becoming evident that was going to be impossible.

She looked at the wreckage pinning her, and then at her leg, and then back at the wreckage as it dawned on her.

“Aw phooey.”

And then she reached for a saw...

Nothing would stop Della Duck: neither rain, wind, snow or the very moon itself would keep her from her boys. She’d already borne the scars of her first battle with the lunarscape, her leg now glowing with a metallic sheen in the sun’s light. It creaked, groaned and wobbled with every step, at least for the first few weeks but eventually she found herself getting the hang of it.

She wouldn’t change it, after all as rule 42 of the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook -the answer to life, the universe, and everything in her eyes- stated: “Build things right the first time and they won't need modification.”

And Della always built everything right the first time. It took a bit of getting used to, yeah, but all was well in her world. She wouldn’t give up, even as the endless grey stretched before her with a sea of night above her. At first, true, she wanted to give up in despair and the first few days were… difficult, however she did not dare to venture forth to the unknown only to give up so easily. This was only a minor hiccup, right? Work harder, make yourself better, and try again. (Rule #7 of the guidebook)

...all the same, even as she worked she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. She knew it was silly, really, maybe her mind was starting to play tricks on her. That it was the onset of space madness. Or moon madness or whatever. But every now and again, whenever she looked out at the horizon she could have sworn she saw something out there. It looked like a horse, but that was impossible, right?


Maybe she was going mad.

She couldn’t even get close, as it appeared whenever the ‘horse’ realized it had been spotted it galloped off.

With a groan of effort, she began to lift a piece of nearly shredded metal. The crimson iron had been ripped apart in the crash, but it was still usable. Maybe she couldn’t repair… Of course she could repair the rocket, after all stopping would mean she was calling it quits. And a Woodchuck never called it quits. (Ignore rule #727 right now!) She needed shelter, and well… there was plenty of metal to go around right now wasn’t there?

Build this shelter right the first time, and she wouldn’t have to repair it later. Rule 42 truly was the answer to everything!

...right, where were her hammer and nails?

...okay, so no hammer but hey a wrench should work in a pinch right? You used what you got! Many moons passed, she wasn’t sure of the exact number but eventually she had a working shelter going. Her hair had grown a bit longer, but meh. Being stuck on the moon left no time for beauty care.

...god, she probably looked like a caveduck right now. When she got home, the first thing she was doing was booking a spa appointment. Okay, the second thing. The first thing she was doing was embracing her boys. Jet, Turbo and Rebel must have already hatched by now. Fighting back a sob at the realization she’d missed that, Della continued work.

“...Bless me bagpipes, Della, you’re going to be a mother! My little girl’s all grown up, why I remember when you were just a wee bonny lass about ye high chasing old Duckworth through the manner!”

“Thanks Uncle Scrooge, I just hope I can do right by my boys…”

“I know you can,” Scrooge had smiled then. “I’m sure you’ll be a great mom, I can’t wait to see your kids. I cannae wait to know what they’re like, and with luck they’ll inherit your adventurous spirit!”

“I’m sure they will, and who knows maybe one day we’ll go to the places we always wanted to with them. Climb Mount Neverrest, go golfing with Druids! Go see the pyramids!”

“To your kids!” Scrooge raised a glass.

“To my kids!”

….there was that nagging feeling again. Okay, now she knew she wasn’t going crazy! Whipping her head around, she saw twin eyes peering out at her from the darkness. They gleamed with an ethereal power, white as the newfallen snow before vanishing into the shadows.

“...well, if I ever get out of here I’m coming back with Uncle Scrooge,” Della said, even if common sense told her that nobody could hear her. “...seems like something he’d want to investigate! Life on the moon, wow! Seems like a grand adven…”

Della paused. Wait a moment, Scrooge wasn’t here. Only her. And there was the adventure of a lifetime right outside her doorstep! ...well, it wasn’t like her rocket was going anywhere was it? “All Junior Woodchucks must be open to the unknown in their quest for the truth. Rule #2! ...and the truth is, I’m not alone up here…”

Grabbing her wrench, and her pack, she set forth! Time to solve a mystery. She’d take the worst of messes, and make it into a success!

The grayness stretched out for miles, nothing but the very soil beneath her flippers. Scarred by the ages, the moon had been beaten and battered by time. Craters had erupted, smashed into being by meteors ages ago forming a timeless icon when viewed from the Earth.

Humming a song to herself as she walked across the lunarscape, Della couldn’t help but smile. Here she was, and despite being even trapped on the moon, she was unable to squash her natural curiosity. All of her life she was told to be tougher than the toughies, and smarter than the smarties! And being smarter than the smarties told her to go forth.

Taking a last look at the wreck of the Selene, Della let out a low whistle. She’d really stepped in it this time, the ship which once took her to the stars now lay a tangled mess of metal, mashed to a pulp with the jagged red steel pulled open like a can. A gaping hole lay in the side, exposing the interior to the elements.

Della knew she should stay where it was safe. Common sense told her to stay there, and work and toil through the weeks ahead and not take risks. But the Scrooge-ish side of her, -the McDuck side of her!- it told her to see what was up. Could you blame that side of her? Life on the moon! Actual life!

...assuming she wasn’t going mad, which was always a possibility but the Junior Woodchuck Guide told her to be open to the unknown. And the Junior Woodchuck Guide never lied.

It was hardly even a difficult decision. She would be the first to conquer the moon and unlock its secrets. Who knows, maybe she’d be the first to find that legendary Green Cheese of Longevity!

...hmm, fresh prints. Hoofprints. Now she was getting somewhere! ...okay, so the moon wasn’t cheese on the near side, honey on the far side so that had to leave her questioning… what did this now not so hypothetical creature eat.

“Eeeep!” Della squeaked out in a brief moment of fear. “...maybe ducks too curious for their own good?”

It was then she noticed the shadow looming over her.

“...oh boy.”

Well, on the bright side, she knew it was a horse now! A horse with deep black fur, a mane like the stars and oh yeah those were fangs!

“Yep, time to run now!”

Intruders on her moon! Trespassers!

She was alone no longer! ...but now someone had scarred her lovely moon, and that begged justice for this slight.

She’d seen the hulking mess of metal, smashed into the side of her tranquil lunarscape and disrupting the sound. An attack?

...if so, it was a pretty pathetic one.

No, no no, she had to think rationally about this. Who would attack the moon? It held no strategic importance, and slighting her was considered insanity.

Explorers maybe, ones who had been foolish enough to forget about her?

Well then! It was her duty to remind them that she was not to be crossed. She was the creature under a filly’s bed, the monster in their closet and the dark thoughts in the back of their mind. She was the one who made them wake up screaming in a cold sweat, shouting for mommy and shivering in fear.

...oh dear, that was her other half taking over wasn’t it? Was that a maniacal laugh? Push it down, push it down. Force her away, force her away!

She was not her.

Taking one giant leap, and spreading her midnight-hued wings she flew over the silent lunarscape like a great mass of shadow. Surveying all that she held dear, the Regent of the Night and the Tides was suddenly aware of a particularly irritating humming sound.

...catchy, but irritating.

...okay, it was very catchy.

Gaaaaah! It would never leave her head now, wouldn’t it, this song?

...felt oddly fitting for her kingdom, honestly. Whimsical, and full of wonder but with a trace of fear of the unknown, what was out there.

And what was out there… was her.

No, no! Bad Nightmare! Don’t make her go for the spray bottle and…. Oh ponyfeathers, yeah she was starting to take over again wasn’t she?

...well, nothing for her to do but sit back and ‘enjoy the ride’ as it were. Lovely.

Watching through the Nightmare’s eyes, she could finally put a face to that lovely tune. Find it’s singer. ...wait, who was that? Weirdest looking griffon she’d ever seen! Did a spell go wrong or something?

...well, she was brave, Luna would give her that.

...oh and now she was running in fear. Curse these fangs!

Oh, oh! Oh! She had to explain herself, apologize for her other half’s extraordinarily bad decorum. It was simply bad form to scare somegriff off before you truly even met them!

Taking to the skies again, she flew after her new friend. ...wait, why was she still running?

Oh come on, she wasn’t that scary! She’d even retracted the fangs! ….maybe it was the armor? Did that send off the wrong message?

Landing beside her, she placed a hoof over her shrieking mouth. Putting on her best winning smile, finally at last she could speak to her new neighbor.

“Now, may we speak, most wonderful of souls, explorer of the unknown and new resident of the moon and my kingdom!?!”

...and her new neighbor just fainted. Huh, must not have ever experienced the Royal Canterlot Voice before. ...had that fallen out of fashion?

“...ugh, my aching head. I coulda sworn that I’d finally gone crazy and was yelled at by a moon horse. A moon sword horse…” Della groaned before looking up and nearly fainting again. She let out a shriek, shrinking back against the wall of her ship. “...MOON SWORD HORSE!”

...wait, was the Moon Sword Horse rolling her eyes?

“...oooh, intelligence!” Della said, curiosity hesitantly overcoming fear as she scrambled up to the now slightly less frightening equestrian. “Roll of the eyes, actual speech and the capacity to care, as clearly you’re the one who dragged me here. ….ooooh, if I ever get back to Earth this is so going in the Junior Woodchucks Guide! How to survive in space, that’s got to be worth a patch at least! Discovering new life, mhmmm, yep another patch!”

Luna eyed the babbling mutated griffin trying to just keep up with her excited rambles. Why did she always attract the strange ones?

“...ooooh, Uncle Scrooge is going to be so jealous! ...wait, you’re not one of those kelpies I was warned about from Scottish legend, right? Apparently they menanced the McDucks -that’s my clan- for centuries, dragging them to the waters. ...well, if you are a kelpie then HA you’re fat out of luck. No water on the moon! ...and if you are a kelpie you’re oddly misplaced.”

“I’m not a kelpie,” Luna answered curtly.

“...well, yeah no you’re not. I’ve never seen a kelpie with wings and a horn, a long very lance-like horn at that and oh dear…” Della trailed off, making a little squawk of fear. “...the better to pierce you with my dear!”

“I shall not harm you, not while you are in my kingdom and therefore a subject under my protection.”

“...I’m one of your subjects, and wait what’s this about a king…” Della trailed off before her eyes widened in realization. “...wait, the entire moon is your kingdom? Okay, THAT IS AWESOME!”

And now the strange griffon was hugging her. Okay then. Luna flushed. “Well… well it’s not much, really. It’s just an endless sea of gray, and honestly you’re the first subject I’ve had in… in… since… well, in a very long time.”

Della noticed the ashamed look the moon sword horse seemed to bear, and decided not to press.

“She’s all alone up here, isn’t she? Last of a dying race, maybe? Or did she crash here like me? ...no, that can’t be it. I haven’t seen anything else that resembles a rocket. Or maybe she didn’t need one, she’s magic right? Maybe she sent herself here, but why? Is she an explorer like me? If that’s the case, and she has magic, why can’t she go back? Unless… Oh.”

Luna could see the griffon working it out in her head, bits and pieces of a larger puzzle slowly beginning to piece themselves together.

“...you can’t go home again, can you?” she heard her new subject whisper out in sad realization.

“No,” Luna said, shaking her head. “...and I doubt they’d want me anyways.”

“That’s… uh, wow that’s heavy. Fair amount to unpack here, but I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t want you home actually,” Della shrugged. “You’re pretty boss really! I mean, you’ve got wings, a lance-like horn and once you get past the sharp teeth and creepy glowing eyes you’re actually kinda metal.”

“...you are the strangest griffon I’ve ever met. You don’t even seem to be remotely afraid of me,” Luna observed. “How interesting.”

“...okay, I’m sorry, but a griffon?” Della laughed. “I’m not a griffon, I’m a duck! I’m flattered you think I’m a griffon, as those are awesome with their beaks and their wings and their claws -maybe not so much the treasure hoarding and the man-eating- but I am a duck. Della Duck of Clan McDuck at your service!”

“It is an honor and a pleasure, Della Duck of Clan McDuck,” Luna replied, bowing her head. “...but if I may be so bold, I’ve never seen a duck of your liking before. Are you royalty of some sort? All the ducks I’ve known just swim in ponds, quack and feed on break fed by passing ponies.”

“...wait, so there’s more than one of you? Oh never mind!” Della said, shaking her head. “I’m getting distracted. No no, I’m not royalty, I mean I probably would be to my kids but I’m only a simple adventurer! ... an adventurer who got herself stuck on the moon but it’s a work in progress! I’ll workshop it, find a way off this rock even if it’s the last thing I do!”

“Yes, it isn’t much is it?” Luna agreed with a bitter chuckle. “It makes for a fine pri…”

She stopped herself. No, too much information for now. Della Duck, of Clan McDuck would be ashamed of her, horrified even if she knew why she was here.

“...did you say prison? You were! You were about to say prison!” Della said.

“So I was,” Luna admitted. “You are very insightful Della Duck of Clan McDuck.”

“You don’t have to use the full title,” Della replied. “...and in any event, I’m not that insightful, you’re just that easy to read.”

Luna chuckled again, still bitterly. “Yes, I suppose I am, aren't I?”

“Why were you…? If I might be so bold. What did you do?”

“Horrible things, terrible things,” Luna sighed, her eyes showing her true age. They displayed a weary mare, one humbled by her own failings and one just wanting to go home again. “...I led a rebellion, an insurrection against my own kingdom. Angry at the world, my own populace for not accepting me for who I was. I was a fool, young and full of rage. That form you saw when we first met, remember it?”

“It was… hard to forget,” Della laughed nervously, but still listening intently.

“It was borne out of my own rage and malice, and so for taking that form I was imprisoned here. Maybe to reflect on my sins, I don’t know. If you hadn’t met me… I may have gone slowly insane. I may already be bound for the madhouse anyways. Time has no meaning here, Della Duck. You would be best to leave this place as soon as you can.”

“...yeah, I want to. I have to get back to my boys. They probably hatched without me, big shocker there right? Yeah, I’m definitely my brother’s sister, we both share the same terrible luck!”

“You are a mother?” Luna inquired curiously, and Della laughed.

“I was about to be yeah, I even have a picture see?” Della said before scrounging around in her jacket with Luna hanging curiously over her shoulder. She, with a fond smile and slightly wet eyes clutched the picture tightly.

Luna eyed the picture, obviously taken at a fonder time when all was well and right in Della’s world. She watched with interest as Della pointed out each member of her family. “...see, that’s me, obviously! That guy in the top hat and spats? That’s my Uncle Scrooge, richest duck in the world! Aw heck, he’s probably even richer right now! And there’s Donald, my brother. Terrible luck, as I said before which is only matched by his temper but the world’s best adventurer! And the boys, you see their eggs? Jet, Turbo and Rebel, those are their names. I wonder what they’ll be like? Hopefully one day I’ll get the chance to find out…”

Della sniffled again, obviously lost by being stranded here and far from her family. Luna’s heart went out to her, and while she’d never known what it was like to be a mother and could only imagine it, she knew she had to get this woman back to her children. Wrapping Della in her wings, she held her close as the woman started to cry.

“...I’m such a reckless fool,” Della chastised herself. “...If I hadn’t wanted to get in one last adventure, I might be with them right now. But I just wanted to show them the stars! That’s all!”

“You wanted to show them the stars?” Luna asked, and Della wiping away her tears looked up at her.

“Yeah, I always loved the night sky. It was thanks to it that the very first explorers could travel the globe, and then find their way home! We owe a debt of gratitude to it, us ducks!”

And if Luna turned away to cry herself, well, that was her own business wasn’t it?

“If I can, shall I ask how you got stranded here? I must know!” Luna pressed.

“My rocket… it ran into some turbulence, a cosmic storm sprang up out of nowhere,” explained Della as she thankfully missed Luna’s widened eyes. “...Uncle Scrooge, that’s what he must have been trying to warn me about! But I could barely make it out!”

“I… see,” Luna said. “That is, well I am truly sorry for you.”

“Why would you be sorry? It’s not like you caused that sto…” Della trailed off before she noticed the expression on her friend’s face. One of great shame. “...you DID. I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!”

Luna actually took a few steps back from Della’s rage, the furious duck working herself up into a hot steaming rant.

“I WOULD BE SAFE AND SOUND IF NOT FOR YOU, WITH MY BOYS AND MY UNCLE AND MY BROTHER BUT NO, YOU HAD TO CREATE A COSMIC STORM! IT’S YOUR FAULT I’M STUCK HERE, AND YOUR FAULT THAT THE SPEAR OF SELENE IS DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR AND… and…” Della descended into angry, indecipherable quacking, tearing up the room a little in an angry huff. Finally, she managed to regain just enough composure to choke back a sob before pointing outside. “Go. Just go.”

And as Luna trotted off, before taking to the skies she lowered her head in shame.

“Luna, you feckless idiot.”

Angrily, Della slammed parts into place not with the gentle grace of a swan but the angry thundering of the god Vulcan. Her Highlander rage was on full display as she worked and toiled, slamming steel and iron back into place, not creating anything of beauty or perhaps even function.

But she didn’t particularly care right now, she’d check to see if systems worked later. Just anything to get her mind off of Luna, that damned moon sword horse who was the sole reason WHY she was stuck on this accursed rock to begin with. “Life lesson kids, adventuring is tough.”

She practically snarled the words into the recorder, Luna still on her mind and refusing to leave no matter how much Della wanted her to. She absolutely could not believe she’d been stuck on the moon for almost a month now, away from her kids and away from her family because of one pony having a temper tantrum. She shouldn’t even be in this mess, she should be back at McDuck Manor raising her kids! Instead, here she was slamming together nails with a wrench because of a freakin’ horse!

“You know, sometimes there's a cursed idol that turns into a demon, or sometimes you crash land on the moon, where you meet a talking horse only for them to turn around and stab you in the back,” Della grumbled. “....I’m sorry boys, I don’t think I’ll be making it home soon and all because of one little pony who’s not really a pony, more like a horse who is really just…”

She stopped, her voice breaking a little as it slowly dawned on her just how much of an idiot she’d been. Her wrench hit the floor with a clatter.

“...just as lonely as you are,” Della whispered. “...oh Della, you fool. You probably just lost your only real friend here. But you still got your health, a cool robot leg and gum that just doesn't seem to lose its flavor! So you’re still on top, right? Right?”

She looked to the starscape, hoping for an answer.


Obviously, none came.

“Right…” Della repeated, slowly and more solemnly.

Luna cried a little, her whole body shaking. She didn’t even know why she tried at times. ...Della was right, it was her fault that she was trapped here.

“Sister, you sent me here for a reason. Why?” Luna pondered, looking up at her stars. “Was it to reflect on my mistakes? Yeah, you probably did a good thing, as I’m only now just starting to realize what a temperamental fool I am.”

“Well, glad you finally admitted it.”

She knew that voice, knew that dark shadow lingering over her.

“So maybe now you can come back to my side of thinking, hmm?”

“I think not. Acting like you? It’s what got me into this mess in the first place, ponies may have liked my moon and my stars for all I knew. I was just really jealous of the adoration my sister achieved, she always had the beauty and the wisdom. I was just the bringer of dreams, the little sibling.”

“So? You could have grabbed power, had it all!”

“Again, what part of me rejecting your way of thinking don’t you get? HAS THOU TAKEN LEAVE OF THY MIND?! To put it simply, as the kids say: Get lost! It is your way of thinking that corrupted me, and deprived Della a chance to really know her children.”

“So? She hates you anyways, I’m the only one you can count on.”

“Maybe Della hates me, maybe she’s right to. But I won’t stop trying to make it up to her, and get her home. Somehow… and as for you? Never again.”

“Fine, you’ll see. You’ll come around, until then I’ll be watching and waiting for you in my realm.”

“Please do forget to write!”

“Bah, maybe Magica will be more interesting to talk to, eh? At least she’ll be better company on the evil genius front! From one sorceress of the shadows to another! We can compare notes! Goodbye for now, Princess.”

“And good riddance.”

Luna sighed, well that was one problem solved. ...now to work on the next.

Swallowing her pride, and gathering her courage Luna trotted her way back to the ruins of the Selene.

“...Mrs. Della?” she asked, rather nervously as she looked around the remains and found no-one. However, what she did find was green goop, which… concerned her. The fallen Princess had long since harbored suspicions that she was never alone on this moon, and she’d felt the shiftings in the ground.

“...oh sister, please don’t tell me that my theories are true! If Della’s really been captured…” Luna thought, frantically looking around for her friend. Maybe she was wrong, maybe the goop was from something else? An experiment perhaps! “...then how do you plan to get her back? You’ve lost your magic, Luna! This moon’s kept you from using it, the Elements’ work no doubt! But you have to do something!”

She spotted the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, open to a page.

“Rule #3, No matter how hard things get, never give up on a fellow Woodchuck,” she read. “...well, I don’t know about giving up on Woodchucks but I certainly don’t give up on friends!”

Luna took to the skies, hoping to spot any sign of her friend. And while she didn’t see any feathers, she certainly didn’t miss the big hole laying just outside the remains of the Selene.

“...well, nothing for it! 3-2-1, when there’s trouble you call me!”

Diving into the hole, Luna embraced the dark. It was her natural home, and long had she since learned to see through the shadows. Her eyes narrowed into slits, like those of a bat’s. All creatures of the night spawned from her, and she bore all of their abilities. Ping. Ping. Ping! Sound bounced and traveled through deep caverns, and finally after a few worrisome minutes it bounced back.

Luna gave a fanged grin, not one of malicious promising you pain, but one of triumph. Rocketing through the caverns, Luna smashed through a wall like an ox and kicked a massive green insectoid in the face. There, off to the left was Della pinned to a wall by that strange green goop.

“Okay, I know you’re mad at me but…”

“Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? Rule #3 of the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook states…” Della started only to her surprise for Luna to finish off her statement with an equal grin.

“...No matter how hard things get, never give up on a fellow Woodchuck. Additionally, Rule #72 states…”

“Always be fair to your fellow Woodchucks! How did you…?” Della asked in a tone of amazed wonder.

“I may have had a small peek,” Luna laughed nervously as she began ripping through the goo with her horn. “Rule #7. Work harder, make yourself better, and try again. I will enscribe to do all three, and together we will get home. As fellow Woodchucks maybe even?”

Della simply had to laugh at the simply adorable smile on her fellow Woodchuck’s face, even as she climbed on her back. “...well, I’m not sure you’re a ‘junior’ anymore but I think we can definitely get you in! It’s open to anybody after all!”

The Moon Mite as they’d both call it in later days screeched in anger and spat at them.

“...okay, life lesson,” Della shouted as Luna went into a dive to avoid the acid. “Bug monsters! You're gonna be worried about the pincers, but remember their spit is corrosive too!”

“We need to get out of here!” Luna shouted as she flew down another tunnel with the Moon Mite running after them at a surprisingly quick pace.

“Oh, I’m not arguing with you!” Della agreed. “I see you don’t need to learn rule #162: A Junior Woodchuck looks out for their fellow Woodchucks, no matter the cost.”

“A friend looks out for their friends, no matter the cost,” Luna said in reply. “It shouldn’t even need to be a rule!”

Flying out of the caverns, they were back in the light of the sun.

“...whew, that was close,” Della wiped her brow. “...but also incredibly awesome!”

The days passed, the two getting into many more scraps even as they worked together to repair the Selene.

“Open up your eyes
Take a look at me
Get the picture fixed
In your memory
I'm driven by the rhythm
Like the beat of a heart!” sang Della along to a walkman’s songs, even as she wrenched in a bolt with Luna dancing beside her.

“Whoo, music has definitely changed since I was banished!” the once and future Princess commented. “Not that I’m complaining! You gotta believe that I got what it takes, to stand out~!”

And in their off time, they went on adventures as well getting to know their new home.

Such as now…

“Giant rats eat green moon cheese, who knew right?” Della shouted as they ran from a very angry rodent, impossibly large and glowing green with power. “...anyone know how to build a better mousetrap?”

She asked her question just as she dived under a boulder that sealed the rat in.

“Rule #18: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,” Luna commented, still able to kick like a mule. “Such as the rat chasing you and me sealing it away!”

“You pick things up fast!” Della said with an approving grin, flashing her a thumbs up.

“The Green Cheese of Longevity huh? What’s it to an immortal Princess?” Luna mused, eying the treasure. “...well, I hope it tastes good after all this work we put into finding it. I think my bruises have bruises!”

“Aww, that’s just part of the job! Battle scars I call them!” Della laughed. “Though we will not be eating this one!”

“Even if it’s better than Oxy-chew?” Luna asked, and her compatriot sighed in resignation and longing for better food.

“Even if it’s better than Oxy-chew.”

There were various other scraps as well, some of whom I won’t get into but one I will. The main one involved their old friend the Moon Mite…

“No, bad bug!” Della called as she watched the massive insect tear away at the Selene and run off with parts of it! “...where’s a can of Space-Raid when you need it?!”

Della then launched into what Luna guessed was an impersonation of her uncle.

“Tear me tartan, I'm the richest duck in the world, but I couldn't possibly spare any insecticide!”

The two raced after the bug, but when they found it they were in for the shock of their lives. Inside the stash of metal, hoarded away from a long war with the two was a tearful and surprisingly adorable mini-mite.

“...Wait, the mite isn't a monster. It's a mother,” Della whispered in realization as she watched the Mother Mite try and feed her picky child.. “The mite isn't our enemy, it's just trying to survive!”

“She put herself in danger, faced unknown threats, scoured this entire planet for any scrap of metal,” Luna whispered, stunned.

“Because a mother would do anything for the sake of her kids,” Della replied somewhat tearfully as she watched the mother continue to try and calm her kid. An idea quickly sprang to mind, and she walked towards the mites.

“Della, stop!” Luna shouted in fear. “You don’t know what you’re doing!”

“I do actually, let me try something. I used to sing this old song to my boys before they hatched,” Della reassured and though the Mother Mite gave her a glare, she showed no fear. “Easy girl, it’s okay. I’m just here to help. Rule #732: Respect nature, and nature will respect you, right?”

And then, she began to sing softly and slowly but calmly and kindly.

“Look to the stars, my darling baby boys.
Life is strange and vast filled with wonders and joys.
Face each new sun with eyes clear and true.
Unafraid of the unknown because I'll face it all with you…” Della sang stroking the baby mite as slowly it’s tears came to an end.

And then she watched in awe, Luna joining her as hostilities came to an end and the months-long war between Mite, Duck and Pony finally ceased. The flag of peace was being waved, and more importantly a baby’s hungry belly was being filled.

“...wow, all this time,” Luna whispered as she watched the two burrow into the soil. “...they must have been starving.”

“I guess me crashing here was a good thing after all!” Della remarked.

“Of course it was a good thing!” Luna laughed. “It brought you to me, and ended my centuries long madness!”

“...yeah, but…” Della sighed as she looked at the stash. “I just feel wrong now taking the steel back, it’s not even mine anymore is it? It’s theirs. But without the metal, I can’t fix the rocket and if I can’t fix the rocket I can’t go home!”

Luna smiled at her. “...don’t worry Della, we’ll find you a way home. It may take longer, but somehow, in some way, I’ll get you home to Jet, Turbo and Rebel.”

Della laughed. “You know, the more I think about it? The more I realize something!”

“What?” Luna questioned, with a raised eyebrow wondering just what was so funny as Della nearly doubled over in laughter. “I… I don’t get it!”

Finally, after several minutes Della managed to regain her composure. “Those are really stupid names!”

Luna snorted letting out a little nicker. “Yeah, I guess they are!”

In all honesty, she had always thought they were stupid names but she’d never had the heart to tell her friend. The years may have been long, and tiresome but through it all she’d never lost hope and Luna wasn’t certainly about to start now! Somehow, in some way, they’d see their families again.

She was counting on it.

Author's Note:

For the record, they did get off the next week by doing the whole dollar sign with metal thing. And without the Moon Mite menacing them, it was picked up by a passing shuttle leading to some very tearful reunions.

But real talk. I LOVED this episode, like utterly loved it. Easily one of the highlights of the season along with The Town Where Everyone Was Nice! and The Duck Knight Returns!. Really, most of the season was good but these were my favorite episodes. Honestly, seeing Della finally show up in any form of media was awesome. Basically, before this all we knew about her was that she existed and now we have a face to put to a name. Honestly, seeing her learn how to mom and not just relive her glory days was so wonderful.

Huge thanks to The Red Parade for proofing this, and putting up with me. Like, much love.

Comments ( 50 )

*Insert Moon Theme Here*

For those playing at home, this is a reference to the NES game. I think it got remade for something newer at some point?

It did yeah, completely remastered.

Loved this little snapshot! Too bad we don't get to see what happens afterwards, but this was nice nonetheless.

...catchy, but irritating.

...okay, it was very catchy.

Gaaaaah! It would never leave her head now, wouldn’t it, this song?

God, if that ain't a mood tho'

“Bah, maybe Magica will be more interesting to talk to, eh? At least she’ll be better company on the evil genius front! From one sorceress of the shadows to another! We can compare notes! Goodbye for now, Princess.”

And now I want a sequel with Magica and NMM talking shop.

I absolutely love this. The comedy, the way the two interact, and pretty much everything about this is like the episode and it is very awesome. Keep the great work pal:twilightsmile:

Really Della and Donald both have that same flaw but I think the Navy did it’s best to get Donald to control it while Della never really took those lessons to heart until she missed the important stuff.

Wanderer D

Yes! We need more Pony/Duck crossovers!

I LOVED everything about this!:pinkiehappy::heart: Any chance of sequel?

Della paused. Wait a moment, Scrooge wasn’t here. Only her. And there was the adventure of a lifetime right outside her doorstep! ...well, it wasn’t like her rocket was going anywhere was it? “All Junior Woodchucks must be open to the unknown in their quest for the truth. Rule #2! ...and the truth is, I’m not alone up here…”

“I’m not a kelpie,” Luna answered curtly.

I mean do I sound like Fluttershy's VA?

Finally, after several minutes Della managed to regain her composure. “Those are really stupid names!”

Honestly they wouldn't be that unusual... in Equestria.

Anyway, great story, nice work Brick.

...I favorite stories in groups of about ten, and this is absolutely going into the latest batch. Della/Luna friendship forever! :twilightsmile:

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

I never knew I needed this. This was really well-written and captures both perspectives/universes to a tee.

So Stand Out! Above the crowd!

I've only watched a few episodes of Ducktales (Mainly the Della ones she's super adorable) But I did grow up watching A Goofy Movie almost every single day! (Probably every day from 1995-1997)

Uh, yes! Della is adorbs to the max, like she's definitely Donald's sister!

You think so? I was worried the Duck universe overshadowed Luna just a bit.


Honestly they wouldn't be that unusual... in Equestria.

Damned by faint praise if I ever heard it...

This was adorable and wholesome. I also never knew I needed this, so this is great.
Keep up the great work, bro. <3

Congrats on getting top spot in the feature box!

Beautiful. I'm surprised a crossover like this wasn't made sooner. :pinkiehappy:

so to clarify, is Della on Equestrian Moon or is Luna on Disney's moon?


Well there was this bit a while back, not quite in the same theme but...

ECaptains Crash
There are no species restrictions for Wonderbolts tryouts, which means they occasionally see some non-pegasus candidates. Griffons and self-levitating unicorns are typical. But today, they're getting an anthropomorphic duck.
Estee · 5.3k words  ·  453  8 · 5.4k views

Edit: Multiple times throughout the story, the ship is referred to as just "the Selene", but its proper name, the Spear of Selene, was only used once.

Oh good, I'm not the only one that instantly thought of this upon seeing

*Insert Moon Theme Here*

Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it.


For the record, they did get off the next week by doing the whole dollar sign with metal thing. And without the Moon Mite menacing them, it was picked up by a passing shuttle leading to some very tearful reunions.

But then how did Luna get home?

Luna is on Disney's moon.

Gyro Gearloose, of course!

Well, glad to give it to you then!

Oh, I read that. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks! That is pure biting wit and some of the best Spitfire I've seen in ages.

Glad to give, love you sis.

This is a definite favorite, oh yes! Definite favorite.

I feel there should be another Ducktales/MLP crossover; one with Nightmare Moon enlisting Lunaris as an officer in her lunar army.


Damn Disney for no season 4.

Damn Disney for a thousand things.

I’ve haven’t watched the new Duck Tales show aside from a few clips so... it’s my fault for being confused.

I wish there was more of this

Like others have already said this story NEEDS to be continued!

“Bah, maybe Magica will be more interesting to talk to, eh? At least she’ll be better company on the evil genius front! From one sorceress of the shadows to another! We can compare notes! Goodbye for now, Princess.”

Nightmare Moon and Magica De Spell? Now there’s a match made in Hell.

Here is old classic one which many People looking when they hear it in Meme videos.
Duck tales Music (NES) - The Moon Theme

Forget that version, take this version. It may help you on your quest.

Most excellent.

Okay this needs a sequel. Like maybe one that’s set a year after the final season of Ducktales where Luna shows up and invites the whole family to Equestria. Now that would be a good one.

Oh my god, this was fun to read. Plz make a sequel where Della sees Luna again and introduces her to the McDuck family

This was a lot of fun to read, for sure. :pinkiehappy:

A few minor typos here and there (i.e. little things like "it's" / "its," that sort of thing) but all the same, this was a real delight to see Della and Luna play off of each other the way that they did. I also like how open-ended this story's conclusion is, really kind of gives me a "the adventure continues" sort of feeling. (Little thing, but I got a chuckle out of the Nightmare deciding to fly away and try to chat with Magica DeSpell. Good one!)

Congrats on the big 'ol 200! :pinkiehappy:


This was a lot of fun to read, for sure. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I'd hoped you would enjoy this. This was meant to be a labor of love, not even done for hitting the box. I mean, I'm happy it did for 4 days straight but this was born out of that picture that Nailah I think I was showed me over Discord. It took me all of about five minutes to decide it had to be a story.

A few minor typos here and there (i.e. little things like "it's" / "its," that sort of thing) but all the same, this was a real delight to see Della and Luna play off of each other the way that they did. I also like how open-ended this story's conclusion is, really kind of gives me a "the adventure continues" sort of feeling.

Yeah, at first Luna and Della's dialogue was a bit awkward, which reflected their status and me still working out how to play them off each other but as soon as I realized how equally lonely both must have been, reflecting on their mistakes it started to feel 'just right'. I utterly enjoyed writing Luna basically becoming a Junior Woodchuck.

And honestly, yeah, can you imagine Scrooge fawning over Luna? First magical creature he's met who hasn't tried to kill him.

(Little thing, but I got a chuckle out of the Nightmare deciding to fly away and try to chat with Magica DeSpell. Good one!)

This just in, Local Nightmare Horse rage quits! But yeah, honestly you can see them working together really well. They'd probably do a good team together, maybe a reworking of that episode of classic Ducktales with Magica bringing to life everyone's worse fears?


Yeah, I'd hoped you would enjoy this. This was meant to be a labor of love, not even done for hitting the box.

You hoped correctly, I'd say. :raritywink: And yes, I can definitely tell, there's a special something about this story for sure. I knew, pretty early into reading this, that I was in for something good. :yay:

I utterly enjoyed writing Luna basically becoming a Junior Woodchuck.

And honestly, yeah, can you imagine Scrooge fawning over Luna? First magical creature he's met who hasn't tried to kill him.

Luna's discovery of the Woodchuck guide was a real joy for sure. I was grinning through a lot of that. :pinkiehappy: And also, good Lord I love the thought of just all the ways that those characters could play off of each other. XD

This just in, Local Nightmare Horse rage quits! But yeah, honestly you can see them working together really well. They'd probably do a good team together, maybe a reworking of that episode of classic Ducktales with Magica bringing to life everyone's worse fears?

Ohhh, most definitely. *nodding* I can picture it so well it's almost not even funny.

Awwwww this story is soo awesome and adorable.

I wish there could be a Sequel for this. ;w;

Della and Luna are adorable together. 🦆🌙


You hoped correctly, I'd say. :raritywink: And yes, I can definitely tell, there's a special something about this story for sure. I knew, pretty early into reading this, that I was in for something good. :yay:

You really think so? At times it really didn't change much from the original episode, and just had Luna instead of the Planet Moon inhabitants.

Luna's discovery of the Woodchuck guide was a real joy for sure. I was grinning through a lot of that.

You're now imagining Huey and Launchpad out in the woods with Luna and their fellow 'Chucks aren't you?


You really think so? At times it really didn't change much from the original episode, and just had Luna instead of the Planet Moon inhabitants.

Yes, I do. And that's just fine with me. The point of the story was about Della and Luna, and the way that they interact and become friends. To my point of view, it didn't have to shake things up with respect to the original episode.

You're now imagining Huey and Launchpad out in the woods with Luna and their fellow 'Chucks aren't you?

I am now, for sure. :raritywink:

I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to sit down and read this story. Oh, how I would love for this to be explored in a follow-up.

Howdy hi!

A review from the mansion to you.

A teardrop twinkled in my eye while reading this. :twilightsmile:

If anyone has it cue the moon lullaby

That was...
A really nice story ~:fluttercry:

I can’t believe after 3 years, this never got a sequel.

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