• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 20,845 Views, 280 Comments

Luna takes a shower - LittleAngelStocking

Princess Luna is new to showers, but such a thing could never best her... or could they?

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Luna takes a shower

“Celestia, where’s my bath!?” A frustrated Luna trotted into her sisters bedchambers.

“What?” Celestia was standing in front of her desk, a quill levitating in front of her.

“Our bedchambers,” Luna said. “It doesn’t have a bath!”

Celestia sighed, and set the quill down, turning to her younger sister, whose mane still had yet to regain its magical, starry texture. “Luna, remember; when this castle was built nopony… er, knew about you. They’re still in the process of building your room, are they not?”

“They are…” Luna said.

“Then they probably just haven’t gotten around to finishing the bathroom yet. Here, you can use mine.”

Luna relaxed a bit, smiling. “Thanks, sister.” She followed Celestia into her personal bathroom, and looked around.

Luna gave it a good, long look.

“Celestia, you don’t have a bath.”

Celestia stared for a second, then her eyes widened. “Oh! I see now!” She laughed. “Lulu, this is a shower,” she motioned towards the large glass panel hiding a part of the bathroom.

“Shower?” Luna peeked in curiously, seeing the silver nozzle on the upper wall, and shelves built in to hold various shampoos and other soaps.

“It works the same as a bath,” Celestia stated, “Only instead of sitting in the water, the water sort of, well, showers you!”

“So I see,” Luna replied. “So that is what they are currently building in mine. I may use yours?”

“Of course,” Celestia smiled.

“Tia, wait, how do I turn it on?”

“The same way you turn a bath on. Just twist these levers here, see?”

Luna nodded, and smiled at her sister. Celestia smiled back, “Well, have fun. I have business to attend to.”

Luna nodded and watched her go, gently shutting the door behind her.

The lunar alicorn turned towards the shower, and eyed it for a long time. She used her magic to turn one of the levers, and jumped back when the water turned on, spraying the ground, and disappearing down the drain.

She slowly extended a hoof under the water, and jumped back again. “Eep! Too cold!” Once again using her magic, she turned the other lever, waited a bit, and once again put forth a hoof.

Content with the temperature, she removed her crown, chest plate and slippers, then she stepped in. “Hm, bathing after a thousand years is nice!” She smiled to herself and lowered her head, spreading her wings and allowing the water to spray her back. It felt strange, she couldn’t remember ever experiencing anything like this. Almost like a waterfall, except instead of one big spray of water, it was dozens of little ones. She waited for herself to get comfortable before she levitated over some of Celestia’s shampoo and squirted it onto her mane, and thoroughly rubbed it on before putting her head back under the spray to be rinsed.

She noticed the water heating up slowly, and turned one of the dials just a bit, not even really sure what she was doing exactly.

She instantly regretted it when the spray sped up, actually causing her to slide back a little, and then was bombarded with a spray of water hotter than the hottest fires in Tartarus.
“Ah! Ow! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!” The alicorn squealed, trying to escape and slipped, falling on her side. “Ouch! Accursed shower! To the sun with you!” She cursed, and tried to get to her hooves, only to slide back down as the hot water continued its relentless attack.

Finally, using her unicorn magic she moved the nozzle to point in a different direction – and it sprayed all over Celestia’s bathroom.

“No!” Luna cried, brought it back, and sputtered as it sprayed her face. She jerked away, finally managing to get back to her hooves and pressed it against the nozzle.

“Hot!” She cried again, pulling a hoof back, and the hose jerked again spraying the bathroom. Luna jumped up and grabbed the nozzle in her teeth, and it broke off, and the bathroom was once again being sprayed, not by little sprays of water, but by one big surge of steaming hot water. Luna cried out again, backing away. “WE COMMAND YOU TO STOP!

But not even the Royal Canterlot Voice could stop the showers attack. She jumped up again and grabbed the hose, yanking it down. The hose wiggled like a living worm. Luna bit down hard, hoping to stop the water. It slowed to a stop, and Luna held on hard. She could feel it filling up.

She bit down harder, seeing the hose getting fatter out of the corner of her eye. It begun to steam, but Luna held hard. A tiny hole opened in it, and a tiny spray of hot water spurted out.

And then another, but Luna didn’t give up. The entire hose save for the side that held the nozzle was bloated and steaming now. Another hole opened, and sprayed Luna right in the eye.

“Hey!” She dropped it, backing away. Nothing could have prepared her for the explosion that followed.

The princess was pretty sure she was going to lose limbs as the fiery hot fury sprayed into the room with enough force to crack the glass of the window and break the mirror.

Once she’d finally caught her breathe, Luna stood up and tried desperately to turn the water off by turning the levers, only to have them break off. She stared for the longest time.

“I can fix this! I can fix this!” She cried suddenly, pouncing on the hose. By this point the whole room was soaking wet, and water reached up to just below her knees. She twisted and turned trying to subdue the water.

And then found herself hopelessly tangled in the steaming hose. “RELEASE ME AT ONCE!” She cried in vain as she squirmed and wriggled, half-underwater.
The water had gone over her head now, and she used her wings to propel herself upward, allowing a gasp of air before she sunk back under, trying to wriggle her way out of the constrictor-like grip.

The water was now well above the sink, toilet and mirror, and halfway up the window. Luna was unable to untie herself, and instead just continued to use her wings to propel herself up gasp for air once again.

Flapping her wings, she kept herself above the surface, but it was when the water reached the ceiling that the lunar alicorn lowered her head, and allowed herself to sink to the bottom.


Celestia stepped into her room with a sigh. Nothing particularly interesting had happened today, and no friendship letters had been sent to her. She rather enjoyed reading them, but such things couldn’t be rushed, she knew.

She walked up to the bathroom door, and knocked.

“Luna? Are you alright?”

No reply.

“Luna? Sister?”

No reply. She frowned, had Luna slipped and knocked herself out? She knew it could happen, and considering Luna had never even heard of a shower…

“I’m opening the door,” she called and enveloped the knob with her magic, backing away, and pulled the door open.

Boiling hot water exploded outward, showing the princess and soaking her entire bedroom.

Celestia could only stand there, shielding herself with a wing as the horrible, boiling wet onslaught continued, soaking her to the very bone. The water slowed down and stopped, soaking her bedroom; leaving the drenched alicorn standing there, wings spread. The heavy water holding the pair of wings down to her hooves, her eyes wide and twitching and mane hanging down.

And sitting in the doorway, tangled up in the shower hose, was a soaking wet purple alicorn.
She smiled sheepishly up at her sister.

“We are… done showering, Tia.”


Huzzah! Yet another unplanned piece of random fun!

Don't be mad at me, I'm funny.

Proofread by crimsongraph, thanks again!

Comments ( 272 )

Why must the little things be great material for great stories?

Poor Luna, she just can't get modern technology right, be it showers, beds or microwave ovens :derpytongue2:

Random story about random subject?
Inb4 featured.

"we are done showering, Tia"
And that all their is to say on that matter.

A 1300 word story on a random subject?
Success bomb incoming!

1190151 And yet she spends her days playing video games... How does that work?:raritydespair:

hilarious:pinkiehappy: moar please :pinkiehappy:

"bombarded with a spray of water hotter than the holy urine of the great goddess Faust herself"

This killed the potential fun this could have had for me.

Other than that, good job.

1190275 Ask, and ye shall receive.
1190286 Thank you. I ended up reversing the picture so she wasn't just staring out into space. It gives my less, ''kosher'' comments much more impact:trollestia:

1190330 I know this comment wasn't directed at me, but I feel the need to defend myself :derpytongue2:

Normally I don't usually look at Faust or her alicorn as the official equestria goddess, but I thought I'd just stick that in there cause I couldn't think of another deity to substitute, and I really wanted to use that sentence :rainbowlaugh:

1190349 I've just seen it used way too much. It's almost as cliche' as TwiLuna or Twilestia. Don't get me wrong I love both ships, but it's just very common and it tends to draw me out of a story. Like when people use "somebody" instead of "somepony". Same thing goes for hands, only Spike has hands:trollestia:

1190364 Unless I make a parody, or something I don't really plan on ever using Faust as the goddess in any of my fanfics.

Yeah, it does kind of throw me off when people say 'somebody' instead of 'somepony' in a fic, I can let 'someone' go, since we we have both 'somebody' and 'someone', I figure it can't hurt to let that slide once in a while.

I don't think I've ever read a fic where the author accidentally said 'hands' instead of hooves.

Speaking of which, it bothers me when people describe a pony's foreleg as an 'arm', like when a pony wraps one around another for comfort and stuff, it really bothers me when people use 'arm' instead of 'foreleg' :P

Thank you, finally somepony gets it.
I was reading a story from way back where a big chunk of the words were in "txt-talk"...*shudders* iambrony.jsmart.web.id/mlp/gif/50223__rarity_animated.gif?1344080204
It made me want to reach through the screen and hoof-slap the author to the floor.

Haha, that was hilarious.

Priorities. you learn how to work the important stuff first. Showers, food and bed come second:trollestia:

Another pony x's y

This'll get featured for sure.


That was amazing. :pinkiehappy:


Pony x's y.

Pinkie bakes a cake
Pinkie discovers alcohol
Celestia finds chocolate
Rainbow Dash eats meat

These are hypothetical ones.

Real ones are like Luna eat's an Oreo.

Not my cup of tea. Thats all.

Sorry :scootangel:

"hotter than the holy urine of the great goddess Faust herself."

Jesus H Christ...

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:I must admit that was the cutest fanfic ever!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

this was adorable. but then again, anything with luna is 20% cuter:pinkiehappy:

Poor Luna... *sends in the Wuv Machine so she can get all the hugs*:fluttercry:

:flutterrage: MOAR!!!

1190624 hehehehehe... Dash Eats Meat... :rainbowkiss:

It's because those are all the stupid little ideas that get stuck in the back of a writer's head, until they finally put them on paper. Those stupid little ideas are exactly that - ideas. True inspiration. And their randomness makes them enjoyable to read.

I enjoyed this!

Luna... not just fail. Epic Fail :trollestia:

Oh Luna ;D
This was quite excellent

Lol, i couldn't stop chuclking at the images taht wnet though my head while reading.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

The answer is socks! :twilightsmile:
Cool story brah. You earn yourself some daily dose of pony in socks! fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/118/9/d/rarity_in_socks_by_alexiy777-d4vtv5s.png


author. even mlp doesn't use everypony and somepony all the time. and I've seen many instances in the show where they used somepony when they aren't referring to ponies either! they aren't so anal about it, so it's kinda screaming out to every pedantic fanfic writer on about "correct terminology", to chill the fuck out.

It's a show about fucking talking ponies. you're just being ridiculous if you go over a certain level of seriousness.

other examples

they seldom use hoofs as much as arms or hands (yes hands).

and despite your exp. I've read more on ppl using more of the normal english than ponyfied english to keep their story's integrity intact.

I mean you can't read an epic (pony fanfic or no) when it's riddle with slang terms and bardardised english where it is not appropriate for the tone.

Rather fun story, I liked.

And Then Celestia was like....

But seriously, good read.:twilightblush:

Luna takes a shower? Its not a clop fic??? Sweet

What if Celestia knew that Luna would'nt get how to work a shower? :rainbowderp:

Princess Trollestia strikes again! :trollestia:

She instantly regretted it when the spray sped up, actually causing her to slide back a little, and then was bombarded with a spray of water hotter than the holy urine of the great goddess Faust herself.


Seems to be slightly problematic with the effect of the water temperature considering it is supposed to be burning hot I am highly surprised at how Luna was able to cope with it all the time.

Then there is also the question of how the water did not leak out threw the door considering they are not airtight.

Still an enjoyable read :)

actually there is a story where Rainbow Dash eats meat. so that 1 isn't hypothetical. and i believe it had a bit of time in the featured box as well.

Don't worry Luna. I too lose the battle against my shower sometimes :rainbowwild:


Haven't seen it before. Something that popped in my head when I was writing my post. So it was hypothetical at the time :twilightsmile:

I think near boiling water might be a little bit much for being mostly submerged for a while and coming out with just a sheepish grin, but other than that it was cute. :twilightsmile:

Luna is best princess

I guess some liked it. But this fic isn't for me.

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