• Member Since 28th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen July 10th


Now witness the power of this filly armed and operational battlestation.


Twilight wants to fix Tempest's horn. Starswirl doesn't. Technically speaking, they don't argue about it.

Praise be Thanks to The Legendary Bill Cipher and Last Satisfaction for prereading/editing.

UPDATE, 6/17/2020: Featured. Within. One. Hour. Thank you all.

WARNING: Imminent Discord Pwning of Princesses Ahead.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

If I am understanding right, Stygian, when he brought Twilight lunch, reminded Starswirl that villains CAN be reformed, and that is what made him decide to help Tempest?

I appreciate this narrative.

And lest there be doubt, I see what you did there.

You got it, mate! Even now, he's the vital element to the Pillars of Equestria!

And I appreciate you. Even here, meeting your heroes can turn out well in the end. Well, for everything except the Castle of Friendship's door.:twilightoops:

Eh, whatever works, I suppose.

Very amusing way to go about this! :rainbowlaugh: Thank you for the hearty chuckle.

Happy to give you that chuckle! Here's to many more!

It's an old joke, sir, but it checks out.

Wait, which joke? Gotta know for posterity.

AAAAnd this is why the phrase 'what we have here is a failure to communicate' is such a great punch line.

:twilightoops: ?

Dunno, I think Discord communicated his feelings on Twilight pretty well. :twilightsheepish:

‘Keeping the throat fresh for a yodeling contest in Yakyakistan’. Greatest unicorns of the millennium still had social lives to keep, after all.


“Yes – entitling her to counsel, comfort, one of my kidneys if need be. Magic, however, is an imposition.”

I’m wheezing

Knew I remembered that story from somewhere! Yeah, the Head of our department for our Masters Program - and teacher for Nonverbal Comm. - told us that tale on our first day in. Invigorated me so much I got an A - and it was my final semester as a Masters Student, just last year.

Nice to see the origins. Thanks for the link - and the like.


Thanks. Got it from Niles Crane.

I don’t quite get what happened


Nonverbal debate over whether Tempest Shadow gets her horn back with Starswirl's help. Twilight wins, but not for the reasons she thinks.

It took Starswirl moments to realize just what Twilight had to be pointing at. It was a ledger on the Rainbow of Darkness. Before, it was one of the many things that Tirek had used to overtake the world in his time, and…. There was nopony around to stop him from getting it. He’d come so close to domination, and there almost weren’t enough ponies to stop him. And here sat Starswirl the Belligerent, about to starve Equestria of mares of action again? Nay, he thought. If I refuse, it cannot be because of my own fears.

G1 reference ftw, eh?

How does Chrysalis showing up equate to turning back time? That's the leap I'm not quite making.


It's not. But Starswirl's mind is working towards the conclusions he wants to reach about Twilight's actions, considering she's a princess. That was the point; the misinterpretations Starswirl makes of Twilight's actions that leads to the result Twilight wants anyway.

No how does Twilight get the idea about reversing time? I know that wasn't the intent by Starswirl.


Oh that, well... It was meant to be a reference to the There and Back Again season finale, where Chrysalis basically tinkered with time to take over Ponyville and Starlight stopped her.

Beyond that, though... Her mind works in mysterious ways. It's mainly meant to be an opposing point to what Starswirl is thinking anyhow, so it all works out in the end.

I never got the impression that she tinkered with time, but it works alright for what it is.
The best I could come up with was Chrysalis's throne is destroyed, so if it's there it must be because time was reversed.
And the swirl might look like the time spell from "It's About Time".

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