What do you get when Twilight finds a thing that has never been categorized in any book?
Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.
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The moment you mentioned hyperbolic geometry I knew this had something to do with Discord.
Had to blame the noog-noog on SOMEONE, might as well be the resident chaos master.
I would've called Discord first.
I didn't want to even LOOK at that coupon unless it was absolutely necessary. It used wrong words, had no capitals, Discord was spelled wrong...
It’s official, I know he stopped it but now I want a Kazood of the MLP theme.
The real mind-boggling mystery here is how nopony even dared guess that this was somehow related to Discord the moment they clapped eyes on it.
This is just....
I can’t think of a good word.
"Simutaneously turned and did not turn" Oh it sounds like a hyperdimensional object! Like revolving a tesseract around one of its axes!
Outrageously amazing.
.....Does this mean she gets that favor back?
Don't mean to hijack a conversation that ended 4 years ago but does anyone remember a fic with the same thumbnail? I'm going crazy trying to find it and as you can tell I'm getting desperate.
A reason too run, take cover, pull out the binoculars and enjoy the show