World of Friendships chapter updates · 9:37pm May 13th, 2018
Hi! My first story World of Friendships is out now and for the whole two of you wanting to know when I’ll update I’m hoping to update twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays.
This of course depends on how motivated I am and how much school work I have but I will definitely get at least one chapter done a week on Sunday.
(EDIT): you know what, i'm just going to update whenever I feel like it and have time, because the actual world of tanks is taking up way too much time.
Thank you so much for your interest in my story, Relapse!
Not at all! Honestly I just kind of forgot, I’ve been all over the place recently and reading, especially Fimfiction reading, has taken a big fall.
Big fan of both versions of the story 💜
Hello, its been a long time. You never replied on my newer version of the story about Luster Dawn. I guess you were one of the people disappointed I took down that version. Well I got good news for you, its back up if you are willing to look at it again. Hope you can forgive a person that was struggling at the time.
Hello, thank you for adding We Have No Mouths, and We Must Confess to your Favourites!