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Excuse me while I go and make an old lady deaf with my laughter.
I must read this, for the lolz have spoken.
Edit: Dear God, you actually made me laugh
Applejack putting the whole situation in her own words was by far the funniest thing I have read in this fic.
First reaction:
This is rated teen?
I'm putting it on my read later list.
We'll see.
I think I've read this before in, I loved this story :)
923018 Yeah, I thought I'd seen this before too. Still incredibly funny, especially the throwaway lines (Twilight makes home videos with the princess? Home videos of that kind?
This is one of my favorite equestria daily FICs of all time. Glad to see it here.
Will now proceed to laugh like an idiot.
Oh god, I remember this. Fucking hilarious.
Ponyville was fucked.
As soon as I got to that part I was like ''Oh god, this is going to be great!''.

a funny little read
I read this like once a week, it's that good.
I remember this one from equestria daily it was funny then and it is funny now.
We apologise to inform you, that the usual person who is logged in right now is currently unavailable to post his comment, because he has had to be taken to hospital for emergency surgery due to a busted gut, cracked ribs, and a severe lack of oxygen due to an unusually large amount of laughter.
If i could of, I would be ROFLing, but I don't have room. All of my lols sir, all of my lols.
Remembered seeing this on Equestria Daily last year. I'll read it again.
This! This! Oh holy buck THIS! Porno without porno, naughty implications, gratuitous Flutterplot, DP, gag reflex, pony hell...

"You guys were watching porn without me! I'm insulted!" Best... Line... Ever.
Oh... my... dear...
"... well... I dabbled in acting before I found my true calling, and I may have done a few films that I'm not... particularly proud of..."
You heard her Spike. Go get those pornos!
And as for you, author, have a
I started reading and planned to comment on the funiest bits plot it was too damned funny

First reaction:

Second one:
And finally:
Oh the awesomeness XD
Incredibly funny. I lol'd lots.

But then I had a moment of Fridge Horror over this line:
Wait... Rarity did a porno prior to getting her Cutie Mark?
(Wait for it...)
Sweet Celestia, there's CP of Rarity!!!!!
I've had this in my google docs for ages, I'm not entirely sure how or why. Nice to see it finally on the site, though.
"Look, what Princess Celestia and I happen to do when alone is between us and her video camera and not available for public consumption. I mean, my personal life is not on trial here!"
I laughed. A lot. And loudly.
This could use a sequel...
Fluttershy's a Pornstar
rated teen
This is relevant.
This finally shows up on FIMFiction! Insta-thumbs-up, insta-faved.
I love the humour throughout. My favourite part was Pinkie pretending to be Fluttershy with an "uncanny imitation" of her voice, and Spike playing the unscrupulous film producer. Also extra points for the mental image of Fluttershy performing seppuku with a carrot.
Reactions from all the ponies were great; Applejack was almost eerily in-character, I can totally see Pinkie liking the music, and Rainbow showing up out of nowhere to offer expert porn advice was brilliant.
I was introduced to this story through a dramatic reading on YouTube - I highly recommend it.
"You seriously think she cashed in her candy cooter for cold coinage?"
fucking LOL

You know why I like this fic so much? Not just because it's one of the funniest ponyfics written, but because there are no regrettable scenes. Yes there is innuendo and shipteases, but nothing that gartuitously goes beyond "rule of funny".
I remember reading this a while back

Still as fun to read now as it was back then
ps. delicious alliteration
I shouldn't have laughed at this, but I did. Several times. Fairly hard. (Pun not intended.)
It's concise, it's precise, and it gets a few good laughs out of an extremely awkward situation. It accomplishes what it sets out to do, quickly and cleanly, and is actually a decent read for a short-fic. Bravo!
- Christian 'Sick Pleasures' Harisay
I mean, maybe Rarity, and I'd be surprised if Dash hasn't, and I could see maybe you, but Fluttershy?

Still as funny the second time I read it
Are you planning on putting up the rest of them (particulrity Estrus. That one and Do You Really Want To Know? made me laugh sooooooo hard)?
"Spike, who had seen some of the reading material under Twilight's bed, simply nodded sagely."
I read this at 4 AM... I lol'd pretty hard, hard enough to wake up my mother. Good thing she doesn't know english!
And for added alliterative appeal, there's this:
Heh, for a moment there I expected Fluffershy to be Fluttershy's pervy sister, but this works too. Very funny stuff, man.
I approve of this story. And so do the Bio-Mechanical Technicolored Equines that are watching you.

When I first saw this, I thought it was going to be something similar to that one episode of Friends with Phoebe being mistaken for Ursula, who used Phoebe as her porn star name.
I'm glad this was quite a bit more original than that.
It never explained why Spike was so quiet... or had him talk again. Would of added so much humor.
Fucking hilarious as hell all the same.
Spike was VERY insistent on seeing that video...