• Member Since 12th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2021

Christian Harisay

One man. Some stupidly brilliant ideas. Lots of ponies. Let's do this.

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Four Years · 9:51pm Jun 6th, 2020

At some point in time after 'Chapter Eleven - Nopony Think About Draconequui' was released I seem to recall that I said Chapter Twelve would be split up into four parts, and when finished, they would be released a few weeks from each other, so for a brief moment in time, we could all pretend that DECEPTION updated like a regular story (... and because I figured an increased frequency in updates could have gotten it to more easily snatch a spot in the Featured Box).

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Report Christian Harisay · 275 views ·
Comments ( 27 )
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I've loved reading your story since it first started. I hope you are doing alright and you living situation has gotten better.

Comment posted by kingfish deleted Dec 3rd, 2016

2192275 Thanks. If all goes well, you shouldn't have to wait much longer...

- Christian 'Unlike Valve, intends to start what he finishes' Harisay

Hello! Just wanted to drop in and say how awesome your deception story is! Can't wait till the next chapter! Keep up the great work!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by 1234 deleted Sep 29th, 2015
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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