Goodness... where has Spitfire been? · 2:41am Jan 14th, 2013
Well where have I been? I've been chatting, and chatting, and working, and basically wasting my time on this lovely site called Ponysquare. That's mainly where I RP, but one day I decided to pop in on here. I've thought of a few good stories, so I was thinking about giving FimFiction one more chance. Perhaps I've been gone too long, but if you'd like to RP with me, you can go on my Ponysquare page.
-Love, Spitfire
how do I follow people again? I am trying to follow you but I do not know how
Thanks for the kind comment. I'm glad I exceeded your expectations!
I'm pleased as plumb pudding to have your watch.
Oh hello, nice to meet you.
I like your stories
302210 Lol Yeah, It can b hard to start getting watchers. It took me 35 weeks to get a feature so no worry's, just keep trying and eventually you will succeed.