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Just after the description: Wow.
Just Wow.
Oh... My...
Friendly Uncle? Fluffer...Sh...
This. Was. Hilarious.
Awkward moments are the epitome of comedy.
Great job, my good sir.
Oh, Fluttershy. "I like the bruiser."

>"Which model do you use?" she stage whispered, "my favorite's the drippy dragon!"
…and I completely lost it. Nearly shot tea out of nose too.
Cool story! MOAR!!!
Goodness Friendly Uncle, if I laugh any harder I serious just might go belly up. You've outdone yourself again. Are you perchance a comedian in real life?
And the prize for Best Use of Implicit Wingboners goes to...
Seriously, this was a masterpiece of awkwardness. Very well done.
....... God
>"So you see dear," said Twilight Sparkle's mother as she turned off the water, "that hot feeling is your wretched little body becoming full with the sin of unnatural lusts, and it's trying to make you do bad things with the colts. That's why we have to resist those terrible urges because otherwise we catch horrible diseases and the princess in her infinite wisdom and judgement sends us to Pony Hell."
Holy shit I now have a headcanon for Twilight's parents
Wasn't a fan of Fluffershy, but this? This is magical.
There's pony hell, and there's Rarity being the only sane one of the group.
Hmm, Eternal Night means cooling temperature, meaning lack of urge to reproduce naturally for all species and plants couldn't get sunlight to make food. Nightmare Moon thinks this will help her rule the world? It will probably turn the word into a wasteland instead!
A FEW large cucumbers?!
Da-yum girl!
This was an absolutely halarious story!
I fell hints of Flutterdash everywhere... Fluttershy, in the act of rushing over to give Pinkie a hug, missed and ran into Rainbow Dash instead
I'm gonna hire you as my personal doctor. Every single one of your stories earns me a few years worth of lifetime xD
Heh...that picture gets funnier the longer I look at it.
Will read tonight.
wait.. what's that smell?

946721 Whats This Fear Thou Speaks Of?
This. JUST THIS! OH...I was looking forward for 'the talk' but whatever this was just too much.
So... awesome.
You know that there are cucumbers in a number of episodes.


Am I going to pony hell?
this was just to good
Absolutely awesome as always. I lol'd throughout.
Bravo, sir.
This was my favorite of your fanfiction work. Glad to see it up. A.nd once again, online when it came up.
Worth the laughs. Thanks for writing this
I liked the Lewis Black jokes. A+ story.
You have to pay for my funeral. I died laughing.
I'm going straight to hell for liking this.
Oh well. Thumbs + Fav anyway.
this has Luna in it fine will read it later
Oh my...
I ask you to imagine the deepest, most sensual voice you can imagine when reading the above phrase. It adds to the comment quite nicely.
Part of me was really hoping for Twilight really not understanding the facts of life so the group would actually have to awkwardly explain the facts to her, but oh well, that was still hilarious.
Oh god this was hilarious. I was reading it out loud to my friend from across the room.
"Yeah, you're making a cumulonimbus out of a cirrus" - That line alone earned this story a like in my books.
"that hot feeling is your wretched little body becoming full with the sin of unnatural lusts, and it's trying to make you do bad things with the colts." - I'm sorry, but if a mare trying to entice a stallion is considered an 'unnatural lust,' is there anything that would be considered a natural lust? Also, I know it's supposed to just be speculation, but I always pictured that Pinkie's Amish parents would be the most sexually repressive out of all the parents.
"Rarity's gym teacher, a mare that appeared to have been hewn from solid granite..." "...they're going to try and put it in you. But you don't let 'em! That's for after they've put a ring on your hoof. They might try to do it anyway, and if they do then you're going to give 'em a little something I call 'the Ball Bucker'" - You lost a point with me for the confusing gym teacher. Based on her description, she sounded like the stereotypical 'butch lesbian gymteacher' who hates males. I've never found that trope funny. But as I read her dialog, I thought she might not be a lesbian. She advocated abstinence before marriage in a sex ed class, which is an extremely conservative position to hold. Then she acted out aggressively towards her male assistant coach. So she's a sadistic, conservative gymteacher, who might be a lesbian? Actually, let me give you back your lost point. You made me analyze this throw away character much more than I should have. That's got to count for something. Also, if they put the ring 'on' their hoof, wouldn't it technically be a bracelet?
Overall, a very solid fic.
That... was... hilarious!

946466 That, my friend is quite possibly the second scariest thing I've ever seen on the internet.
Hilarious, brilliant. I loved the little "imagine spots" throughout.
Two mistakes:
"Rarity commented as she lead the way" -- "led"
"Oh I know my parents were terribly loathe to broach the subject" -- "loath"
Damn, Celstia was hot!
I mean, really... causing a rather heavy waterfall to steam off of her? Impressive!
I cracked up at every line.

"Did my deodorant fail or something?"
So many great moments in this story.
Dude, isn't this your third featured story in a week? Congrats, man. That's just...unreal.
Sooooo Wrooooong. Yet Sooooooo Riiiiiiiight. I laughed so hard at this. GENIUS