• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
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Oooga Boooga!

Comments ( 40 )

You've set up for another delightful genderswap I see.


I suppose I'm a bit of a one trick PONY if you will. ^^;

This is actually a story I've wanted to do for a while, I just could never think of a means to execute it. There is a TON of Male/Male shipping with Caramel and Big Mac. Which is fine, I just always wanted to see it with a genderbend twist. So... here we are.

This looks promising so far, I wonder how Mac will deal with ending the story with having foal. I wonder how long the story is going to last? I suspect this would probably last a year or more to ensure the bonding between the two of them.

Very interesting start, loving it so far especially since this is one of my favorite mxm pairings. I look forward to seeing where it goes and reading even more! :pinkiehappy:

Well this seems interesting. Do go on.

Ya sure made me awful cute hahaha.

So here is a thing about my stories.

They can go on hiatus at a moments notice, and not update for a long LONG time. Some of my stories have waited over a year now for an update.

I'm not happy about it, but such is my lot in life. I know it's frustrating, but you'll just have to wait and eventually when I have the time and desire I'll update it. That could be next month, that could be next year. Sucks, but again that's just my lot right now.

Where is the next chapter button?! Nooooooo...

I definitely look forward to the continuation of this story, I believe I share your love of good gender swapping stories.

I'm hoping to finish this off before doing the next part of Cake Mix 2. Even with a new job and shortened hours though, I haven't really felt like writing. :/

Thx for the link bruh! can't wait to make a story about Rule 63 Mac

“The epilogue!” Twilight shouted.
“It’s Erotica.”
>to erotica
>11 months later...

OOOHHHHHH boy. :rainbowderp:

Ha, this is actually at the bottom of the feature list. That won't last long. :P

Well, if you wrote it as longer saga, maybe its rank would raise up?

It's good to see the rest of this story finally, I had been waiting for ages for this. I am looking forward to see the sequel that you have in mind for this.

Oh it was just a fun jest. My stories never get featured, and if they do it's always at the bottom of the list for maybe an hour if I'm lucky.

As for making a longer saga? It took me like two years just to finish this. Some of my stories have sat even longer. I don't have the free time or motivation for that. *shrugs*

I liked this it was fun

That was a really good chapter. I really like the way you portrayed the tranition into Red Gala.

Would love to see more of this so Red Gala appearing in Cake Mix 2 is very exciting. Loved this story. Very nice work.

I wouldn't actually mind this having its one sequel

Sadly that's one I have to say is just not going to happen. I'm sitting on too many stories that need new chapters or finishing off. There is simply no way I'd be able to get around to that.

Now this a interesting beginning can't wait to see where this goes.

This is getting more and more interesting.

This was a wild and sweet chapter.

That going to be a awarded meeting with her family and later Twilight. Looks like there's going to be Two more Apple's in the family.

Hm, this was an interesting read. Been a good long while since I read a story with Mac and Caramel as a ship (granted reading MxM stories aren't that high of priority on my list) and this was rather pleasant to read. Very sweet, initial awkwardness aside.

“I love you two Red Gala.”

‘You two’?

Ah you found one of those typos I hope readers point out. Thank you for pointing it out!

Also Fixed.

Continue this.....please :twilightsmile:

The story continues a bit in Cake Mix 2 (or at least it will when the new chapter drops) But an actual sequel to this story is pretty much a no go. I have too many other stories to finish first.

I wish I could be the Red Gala of my life.

Well, it's not every day a story immediately and irrevocably alters my headcanon, but you managed it.
Very good story. I like genderswap stories in general, but this is a really cool concept, and a great way to introduce a genderbent character without starting off with "And then Twilight's lab exploded".
Also... The last chapter had a line mentioning the nibbling of Red Gala's ear. As I find pony ears adorable, I now have a mental image of Red Gala getting her ear nommed on by a chibi Caramel. So thank you for that! D'aww levels at maximum, engaging SQUEEEEEE protocol!

Comment posted by Zanec deleted Jun 21st, 2020

This was a great story. I liked Big Mac getting gender-bent. Having been pregnant, I can relate to how amazing it is!:raritystarry:

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