• Member Since 31st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen September 2nd

New Canterlot

I can finally see...but not for long


This story is a sequel to Vinyl and Octavia: Girl Friends

Having been dating Octavia for well over a year, Vinyl begins to realize that relationships and high school craziness aren't the easiest beats to throw down. The love she has for her cellist grows deeper and stronger every day, but so do the frustrations of growing up. In the second installment of our favorite musician couple, Vinyl will have to face the tough issues of being a teenager that include coming of age, a changing world, and even a new face in school hell bent on making everyone's life miserable. Join Vinyl Scratch as she delves deeper into the continuous journey of love and life.

Edited by OLIVER HELLFIRE. Thank you for taking up the baton, my friend. Editing is Magic!

Featured in February 2017!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 71 )

This was awesome.

You actually have no idea how happy I was to see this.


And we're off to a great start. This chapter was just....adorable. Loving it already. Also,

Vinyl immediately turned to the girl by the living room window and proceeded her to show her just how nice her middle finger was doing.

That's probably the best description of flipping someone off I've seen :rainbowlaugh:

Yes!!! A sequel! :raritystarry::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

YES!! At long, long last, after spending all that time reading the prequel, screaming at my screen for Tavi and Vinyl to kiss, just buckin' kiss. At long last. This is so satisfying.

An awesome chapter, as always. Keep up the good work!

Why can I only give this one like!!! This needs like 50 million more likes!!! I love it!!!!!

Im glad im reading this i really enjoyed the first one it was amazing and this one is going to be also

So what's the chance of some lyraxbon shipping :ajsmug:

I literally got goose bumps while reading this chapter. This was amazing, a true masterpiece!


7929555 The way I picture it there's a really awkward scene where lyra asks vinyl for advice on how to come out and ask bon bon out

The awkwardness of not knowing how to advance a relationship is perfect. I speak from experience, relationships are confusing and complicated, no matter how simple they are.

I have reached nirvana

This is adorable, and well written
Keep it up

Oh gosh you truly turned this really bad day into something wonderful with this release :raritystarry:

And I'm really surprised, Tavi. Never expected something like this from you :trollestia:

THANK YOU. I loved the first story and had been waiting for sequel. This is perfect already. It just left me in a ball of fluff. Yes :)

7930097 "'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy."-Ezekiel 16:49
Not seeing how your "comment" is relevant to the story? Does Octavia walk by a beggar or something?

I really like this. Keep going.

While reading this chapter I had...
-3 sweetness induced heart attacks
-5 "awww" induced comas
- Countless smiles
I missed your writing. It's always such a high quality... just disappointed I didn't follow you to find out when it was released... that has since been fixed.

7931554 You know, I was wondering why I hadn't gotten the new story notif...:derpyderp2:

Now that you mention it, are there any plans for Octavia to get her own place?

I thought that perhaps…before…and after…

and during...and perhaps whenever we find ourselves in the same general vicinity of one another...

Seriously, Vinyl. The poor girl was doing everything short of tearing her clothes off and flinging herself bodily at you.

No. No, we will not discuss my behavior around those I found attractive at that age.

I'm so happy your wrighting a sequel, thank you so much

yesssss! I've been waiting for this XD
Damn Vinyl, cockblocking yourself like that XD

Oh man, that ending was so Pinkie. :rainbowlaugh:

Spent the last day on volume one and volume two is off to just as good a start. Glad to see things are going awesome for them.

Now I remember why Ioved the original so much. :pinkiehappy:

Based upon this chapter then I must predict that this story will be of higher quality than the first, and if my prediction proves to be correct, then this story will inevitably become my all time favorite E.G. TaviScratch fic. Your writing skills are very admirable, and I am very excited to see the sequel being writen.

I did not wright this comment to flatter you, but rather to express my gratitude and compliment your talent as a wrighter. So long as you take the time to write this story, then I'll take the time to comment on it.:scootangel:

I'm so glad that you continued this story, it's the best octastratch that I've ever read.

You better post soon or the Twilight get it *Holds up gun*:pinkiecrazy:

that, was so hot. . . .

and, please clue us in to what Octavia watched on the Internet.

That was so sweet and funny! :raritystarry:

Silly Vinyl, as Lyra would put it, of course she wants to have sloppy makeouts and junk with you, she's just as head over heels bonkers in love with you as you are with her! :rainbowlaugh:

7932727 Once an editor, always an editor.

I love you for continuing this. Now I shall read

Oh my god yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! A sequel to my favorite fanfic!! :D so far so good, can't wait for more!!!

I have read.... please be a mature tag... I'll go Kms now


Ah, was this that time you got on MTV Cribs, Satan?

Loved the previous story, it's always great to see a new OctaScratch romance fic that lasts longer than a one shot. This one looks to be even better, though I was a bit surprised at the time skip and advancement of their relationship right from the get go here. We go from what feels like 0 to 60 from the previous story to now with not a whole lot of information about what's happened between the two.

Still, this story looks to continue to bring us some excellent OctaScratch romance and I look forward to seeing where it will go :pinkiehappy: Octavia being the one to want to move the relationship forward is a nice touch, and quite a contrast from her naive younger self who was content to let Vinyl lead the way.

You know, I got the impression that Lyra was straight and Bon Bon might be on the fence from the last story but this... this makes a whole lot more sense.

I would love to see this happen. Lyra's given Vinyl so much crap for acting 'weird' it would be quite interesting to see the tables get turned.

Really enjoying this re-boot, so far!


though I was a bit surprised at the time skip and advancement of their relationship right from the get go here. We go from what feels like 0 to 60 from the previous story to now with not a whole lot of information about what's happened between the two.

I had the same feeling at first, But from the sound of it, nothing much really happened during the time skip, beyond they becoming an official item, Octavia growing a bit more at ease with Vinyl and her circle of friends and the occasional kiss on the cheek. The time skip I think is just to properly stress how slow they've been taking their relationship.

Though a flash back at some point about the dealings with her mother and the divorce and such would be nice. But I guess that debacle was never really the focus of the story.


*yawns and stretches* Youtube's gotten boring, let's see what's on FimFiction...

*sees the first Vinyl and Octavia on the profile page* Oh yeah... Did I end up finishing that? *click* Mmmm, right, now I remember...

...WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S A SECOND ONE!?! *furious clicking*

...Oh stars above there is a deity watching over me... WHELP. MOM GRAB THE POPCORN AND TISSUE BOX, I'VE GOT A FEELS COASTER TO GO THROUGH!

(Note: This is after reading the story*)

*blush levels... RISING*

So, I'm not entirely sure why, but this chapter made me think of Ore Monogatari!!, which is a romantic comedy anime and manga that's made entirely out of even more fluff than the fur of a herd of three million kittens. I'm not a huge anime/manga person myself, but if I was to ever get into something romantic, this would be it.

I mean, just look at this:

The whole point of it is to be adorable, and now that I think about it, that's probably what about this chapter reminded me of it. This seems like a feel-good portion of the story, which, while fun enough, gives me a sense of dread, because with highs, there are lows.

If there's anything for me to complain about, it's that you seem to really overuse ellipses and stuttering. I mean, yeah, they're supposed to be awkward teenagers who haven't grown out of the state of infatuation and have the hormonal imbalance that comes with such an age, but still. I'm not saying to cut it out entirely, but to cool it a bit. It makes dialogue hard to get through and audialize without rereading, at least for me.

I feel in love with all the fanfics you have made (I haven’t read 2 yet :derpytongue2:). You are my favorite author on the site because your stories are long, cute, spicy(when needed) :twilightblush:, and over all really enjoyable. Please keep your hard work! :yay:

Hello! You may not remember me but we did a whole lot of RP on kik

Are you currently still writing this? PLEASE TELL ME YOUR STILL WRITTING THIS!!! This fic is amazing!!! Good job and keep up the great work (if you add another chapter to this you will be my favorite person in existence!)

I am still working on it and I promise I will finish this ^_^

YAY!!! Thank you soooooo much and keep up the great work!


TFW one of your favorite fics gets a sequal, only to not be updated past the first chapter for over a year -_-

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