A mare who rarely speaks, a mare who never had a voice. This is the story, of how they found each other's voices...
Octavia had once lived the life of a a noble. Under the reign of her tyrannical mother to be shaped into a ‘perfect’ mare, Octavia’s only comfort came from music. When that only joy is about to be taken away from her at her arranged wedding, she runs away to the first train leaving Trottingham. From there, she ends up in Ponyville, where she meets a rather mute, and irritable DJ named Vinyl Scratch…
Most of the time. She speaks, but not often. More so than when Octavia was able to speak her mind. Will the two be able to heal from the wounds that made them this way, or will Octavia’s mother be able to track her down and ruin everything that has formed between the two musicians?
Not sure if you want to read it? Then check out this video trailer!
Specail thanks to: Zephyr, Henkie Pie, and new writers, tails AcS and Cosmic Dancer
They put up a lot with me with some of the choice I made jut in the first chapter, so be sure to show them some love ^^'
Notes from the pre-readers
now you know, here we go!
why Octavia doesn't have a cello
If I had a nickel every time V brought up the cello vs. vilion:
I think I counted 17. Was a hard call between cannon, and story flow, and I do have an idea to make up for it.
Together again, boy I wish this cold be a musical
On Octavia dyeing her mane:
The things you do for story flow -_- It's like log powers all over again, only with my pre-readers. Well, I added a bit to hopefully please them where she said she cut it close with her time. Now let's just see what the comments say...
Should be fun to figure out
On a rather big forshaowding plot point that was removed to be saved for later:
This should be fun once I let this twist be know to the audience
Once again, I have to thank my pre-readers for putting up with what I do ^^'
What does Con Sordina mean?
Let's see where this goes to. Have a fav.
Also, what color Octavia dyed her hair?
7329612 check the notes from the pre-readers below, and fom what it was to grey
starting chapter was good, now let's see you keep it up.
AJ, you are intentionally trying to disrupt the story and enrage your pre-readers, huh?
Also, my name is Zephyr, which can be shortened to Zeph, and made into a minimalistic 'Z'. But not 'V'! What the heck?
'Con Sordina', a musical term that means "with a mute". 'Sordina' is the feminine form of the noun, while 'Sordino' is the masculine form.
7330834 opps ^^'
Um... LOOK! Aquaponys in the movie!
Great start, still Octavia can't run away from her problems, she's gonna have to confront her parent's.
notes from the pre-readers:
from Tails on their travel time:
eh... I short of just left it to interoperation ^^'
on lybon:
few more, just have to o now. check back in this weekened if you read these
long opening chapter, moderate second chapter? hmm. good chapter, keep it up.
I'm not quite sure that a bard and a baker are going to embark on many epics so this might be a typo.
notes from the pre-readers
Oh boy, here we go...
By the number of edits you suggested so far, I can see that this won't be an easy thing to do. :|
So you guys having fun? ^^
Yes, FUN.
That's not a word I'd use to describe it.
Jeez, calm down, what the heck? O_o
Just trying to get my point across.
No need to yell for that, look at what you were commenting on!
Sorry, I sometimes over-exaggerate when I try to clarify things.
So the chapter begins...
yes it would
oh boy. wait for it, guys -_-
"Yes, madam..."
Seriously, she is not even allowed to call her own mother "mom".
Okay, I starting to get the feeling that we are going to see some rather dark thing in this story.
yeah, was thinking of changing the tory to teen and dark
It really isn't that dark, I think an E rating would still be more appropriate. -CD
on derpy;
what can I do when they'e all against me? ^^'
Rara's name
may need to change this fic to teen just because of my pre-readers -_-
End of chapter:
I better hurry up with that next chapter before Z goes off on another-
What was Bon Bon going to call Octy? It couldn't have been a derogatory term for an Earth Pony, seeing as Bonnie's one too.
It's not a stick its called a bow....
7353195 thank you, please don't dislike ^^'
yay! been waiting on a new chapter for this. lol has a great start and can't wait for the development stages.
I'm excited for a new chapter. Plz post one soon.
new chapter plz
Wait their not teens?
Awesomeness can't wait for next chapter
I'm guessing that the L.Z. sands for Lemon Zest. I wonder what happened between them.
I don't understand why the police are helping Octavia's "mother" find her if it's so obvious she ran away, she pretty much said that in this statement
. Especially with the way she's acting and the evil grin she showed at the end. I'm assuming Octavia's an adult, what with her "mother" marrying her off and all, so it's not an issue of a runaway minor. The only thing that makes sense to me for the police looking as intensely as they are, is that "mother" payed them a lot of money to find her.
7492222 fic is now rated teen
7492371 meh, I guess would be 17-1 human world. and changed that on bit on note -_-
7492222 I think the author's talking about the rating of the story, not the age of the characters.
The best part was, she didn’t feel weirder out by it
there were couple of these in there, but only a couple. good chapter
I don't get it. Why did Octy suddenly cry?
Rather entertaining story so far with an overall well thought out and interesting plot as well. Looking forward to the upcoming chapters.
Going great.
hmm... small errors here and there. simple things that you can find i'm sure. good chapter though :D
looking forward to that conversation that is desperately needed between bonny and tavi
7687942 feel free to point them out if you're free
More soon?!!
Hehe, drunk tavi is best tavi
Well now that is a interesting plot twist. Excellent work!!!
7352823 I figure it has more to do with her rich girl heritage.
Interesting story. Lots of typos, but not so much that it pulls me out of the story.
Love the stroy
Hey dude. I clicked on the story because i liked the picture, title, tags and premise. However, after reading the description, i decided not to read it, at least not as it is. I'm not writing this to be an ass, but because i'm not the only one who turns away from a story because of a bad description or introduction, and it's a shame that that's gonna be what prevents the story from getting read.
Your description is only eight lines long, but it is chock full of errors. Repeated words, wrong punctuation, incoherent sentences, and awkward phrasing.
awesome chapter
moar~~ // and simple corrections n grammar, but i wont be bitchy about it
Is this ever going to be finished?
(Just asking, please don't hate me!!!)
>I know who you really are, Princesses (name more associated to the cutie mark).
I'm loving it so far! I hope you update soon, but no pressure! After all, you can rush greatness, right?
Great story so far, please please update. It is so beautiful.
Also Octy's mom is still a bitch!
Will this ever be continued?
One day...
Were you setting up her equipment?