• Published 4th Oct 2015
  • 8,426 Views, 140 Comments

I'm gonna (X) myself, no matter what I do! - Pickleless

Sunset is forced to listen to Helping Twilight Win the Crown over and over.

  • ...

Unleash the Magic...

"And if we inflate, then you're to blame!"

All the students started to inflate like balloons as... Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

The song proceeded as normal as it could with the situation blowing out of proportion. Near the end, Twilight made her way down the street on a unicycle.

"YES! YES!" Twilight screamed with a manic grin on her face. "I broke into the cyclist store, grabbed a unicycle, and rode it back before the song ended! Yes! Ye- ohhhh yeeeeaaah I forgot about the car that comes speeding down the stree-"

Comments ( 26 )

.............Ok then.......

I'm jus' gonna walk out this door.....


Uhm... Everyone be prepare for Legends of the Everfree!

Do Nightmare Moon! You should totally do Nightmare Moon! :rainbowlaugh:
I'll totally follow you if you do Nightmare Moon! :pinkiehappy:

Soooo, Twilight's looping now?

Would you be suprised if this was called one of the greatest fics in this fandom? Cause you really shouldn't be :3

Seriously dude, this needs a sequel.:ajsmug:

Dude, this could be another Groundhog Day story. I saw one with Blue Blood and the Gala and this could rival that... or not. It's a funny idea.

Haha, noooooo...
No this fic is nowhere near The Best Day Ever.

7981775 I actually got your attention. YAY! And I agree but at least it was just as unheard of as this.

Authors generally read every comment posted on here dude~ I chuckled at the Flash Letters one, the Fluttershy chapter.

And Best Night Ever isn't obscure, just old. Trust me, it's well loved.

The elements of torture. Also what going on

This raises many manh questions...

Such as whther this is just how the EOH works in human world or is this litterly how it works in general in both world.

As well as if they just keep reliving the last musical.number they heard or were part of over and over with the weird things happening.

And third, if all the EOH in general works this way then was it the last song snd dance the bearer were part of or the one it was used on?

If the first snd third then what did Nightmare Moon hear as it wss either Giggling at the Ghosties on loop or some song we never hear from 1000 years ago

So manu questions

I've reviewed your story HERE!

This was both strange and hilarious. Good job, my friend.

First one was the best

I broke into the cyclist store, grabbed a unicycle, and rode it back before the song ended! Yes!

I see that not only "Hard Reset" Twilight is into speedrunning her time loops.

I...do believe I have found the weird side of fimfic again... I'm just gunna go...:rainbowderp:

Huh. It would seem insanity has returned to Fimfic.

And I am ok with this.

I still don't know how i got here....

"YES! YES!" Twilight screamed with a manic grin on her face. "I broke into the cyclist store, grabbed a unicycle, and rode it back before the song ended! Yes! Ye- ohhhh yeeeeaaah I forgot about the car that comes speeding down the stree-"


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