• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Caboose put the foals on the ground and sat down next to a tree, breathing harder than usual. "I'm tired." Caboose stated plainly.

"Generally that's what happens when you run for an hour straight." Church replied.

Caboose yawned. He then glanced at his flank and started to grin. "I got my marky thingy!" Caboose exclaimed, hopping up and down, exhaustion suddenly dissipated.

"What is it? What is it?" Pinkie asked.

Pinkie ran up to Caboose and looked at his cutie mark, her smile spread from ear to ear.

"It looks just like Pinkie’s..." Rarity said.

"Yeah, but the top is different for some reason." Twilight said.

It was a trio of balloons, the left and right ones were light blue and the one in the middle was pink. But the pink one wasn't a regular balloon. It was the shape of a heart.

"This is awesome!" Caboose yelled.

"I was half expecting your mark to be a dunce cap." Tucker said.

"Nice going Caboose." Church said, punching Tucker in the shoulder for his reply.

"Your special talent is the same as mine!" Pinkie said, hugging Caboose.

"Your special talent is blowing balloons?"

"No silly, it's throwing parties."

"I am just about to be brilliant!" Caboose exclaimed. "If we both make a party together, we can make it a double party!"

"A double party?" Pinkie gasped. "That is brilliant."

The Cake twins crawled up to Caboose and started playing with his hooves. "Thank you for letting me throw a party for you." The little ones giggled and hugged him as the mares all quietly cooed at the sight.

"It's enough to make you sick." Grif said, dry heaving sarcastically.

"Tell me about it..." Sarge said, before he broke out in laughter. "Oh well, good for him. He’s having a good time."

"Sarge... are you happy?" Simmons asked.

"For a blue?" Grif added.

"Caboose is surprisingly a good kid." Sarge grunted. "He may be blue, but I have a feeling he is all red on the inside."

"He is all red on the inside." Simmons said matter-of-factly.

"That's the spirit Simmons!" Sarge said.

"No, I meant..." Simmons started. "You know what? Never mind."

Pumpkin and Pound both yawned and lay down next to Pinkie and Caboose. "Look's like Caboose ain't the only one who’s plum tuckered out." Applejack said.

"I don't like plums though." Caboose said.

"You're right they really do look pooped." Pinkie said, slowly picking up Pumpkin Cake. "I guess I have to bring them back home so they can go to sleepy-weepy."

"Does this mean that the party is over?" Caboose asked.

"Sorry Caboose, but me n' Sarge need to clean up the barn right quick." Applejack said.

"What? I don't want to clean up." Sarge said. "Simmons! Grif! I order you two to clean up the barn."

"Hey Sarge, I don't know if you noticed but we aren't soldiers right now." Grif said. "We don't have to take any of your shit."

"Besides, Rarity needs my help tomorrow with a client." Simmons said.

"Simmons, having sex for money? Even I have to admit that that is pretty scandalous." Grif chuckled.

"I hate you so fucking much." Simmons muttered.

"Sarge, they weren't the ones that made the party happen here, it was you." Applejack said. "That means it's your job to help clean."

"Dammit." Sarge muttered. "I hate cleaning."

Grif chuckled and started to walk away with Fluttershy.

"Have fun Sarge." Grif chirped happily.

"Let us go Simmons. We must be well rested for the work of art we will be making tomorrow." Rarity said.

Simmons nodded as Pinkie took Pound Cake and placed him on her back with Pumpkin Cake and dragged Caboose up to his hooves.

"We should get going too." Pinkie said. "Thanks for letting us have the party here Sarge."

"Yeah, yeah." Sarge grumbled.

"Good night Sarge." Caboose yawned.

"Night." Sarge said.

The others then followed suit, said their goodbyes and departed the farm. Tucker nudged Rainbow Dash in the side and motioned his head to the others. Rainbow Dash nodded and cleared her throat. "Hey Rarity?"

"Yes Rainbow Dash, how may I help you?" Rarity said.

"I was just wondering if maybe you need any help at the boutique." Rainbow Dash said. "Me and Tucker need to make some bits."

Rarity raised her brow and stared at Rainbow Dash.

"What do you need the money for?" Rarity asked.

"Well it's just that the Wonderbolts are in town in the next few days and me and Tucker wanted to go see them." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sorry Dashie, but I don't have any work for you." Rarity said sincerely.

"Oh." Rainbow Dash said sadly. "Does anybody else have anything we can do?"

"You can come by Sugarcube Corner and bake with me." Pinkie said.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked happily. "That would be awesome. Thanks Pinkie!"

"No problem." Pinkie said happily.

"Come on Tucker, we'll need to hit the hay early tonight if we're going to be working all day tomorrow." Rainbow Dash said, taking off straight towards her house.

"Fuck." Tucker muttered under his breath, flying after Rainbow Dash.

"I don't think Tucker is the best choice for a cook." Grif said.

"The same could have been said about Caboose, but he seems to have done well." Church said.

"Thanks Church." Caboose said groggily.

Soon they all split up and went to their homes for a good sleep. In just an hour, everypony was asleep.

Everypony except for Simmons, who had decided to stay up a bit longer to practice using magic, interested in seeing what else he could do. He decided to start with something small. He focused on the letters that were still on the table and he lifted a couple into the air. He smiled at his success and slowly widened his focus to encompass more and more of the cards. Soon enough he had all of them levitating just above the table and he closed his eyes and started organizing them by street name. He opened his eyes and felt a rush to his head, staggering as he suddenly he felt extremely tired.

"Woah." Simmons groaned. "Maybe I'm trying to raise the bar a little too fast."

Simmons then piled the messages neatly, keeping them organized and he released his magical grip on the letters. The pounding in his head slowly disappeared. However, he decided against trying any more magic, instead opting to go to sleep instead. He wouldn't be much help to Rarity if he was tired and sick.

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