• Member Since 12th Jun, 2016

Midday Giggle

Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened!

Flashlight<3 19 stories
  • Flashlight<3 19 stories - 2 unread chapters The best and most CUTE Flashlight stories ever! <3 (Free to suggestions)
    Created by Midday Giggle
    - September, 2016
Found 17 stories in 39ms

Total Words: 395,164
Estimated Reading: 1 day



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It is said that "love conquers all", this statement is true, but how can love exist in a world filled with darkness and hate. This is the story of those who found love in this world, a story of friendships forming and breaking, and a story of those who were lost returning to the light.

Long ago, nearly all kingdoms of the known world waged a terrible, scarring, and heinous war, one that would take the lives of many and changed the world forever. That is until King Discord ended the war with his great magical power, however even the end of the war was not enough to fix the problems it caused. Naturally, the other kingdoms looked to the kingdom of Chaosville to support themselves and make King Discord give them aid. The way they would conduct such an alliance was through the bond of marriage between a representative of their kingdom and one of the six children of King Discord. In a world ruled by politics, money, power, and war, can true love be able to emerge and conquer all?

Current ships:
Rainbow Dash x Soarin
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Twilight x Flash
Fluttershy x Discord
Rarity x Fancy Pants
Applejack x OC
Ember x Spike

More ships will most definitely be added

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to How to Propose to a Princess

Flash has done it. He has finally proposed to the love of his life. And now after two days of chaos, dates, and attempted kidnappings by Rarity, he and Twilight are finally ready to relax and just let the feeling of being engaged sink in--


Is one day to relax TOO MUCH TO ASK?!

Ah well. At least it won't be nearly as stressful as their first meetings...

The phenomenal cover are belongs to miyathegoldenflower on DeviantArt and was done as a commission for ponyjosiah13. All credit for it goes to them.

(Disclaimer. The image of Flash's mom in this image is not the same as Flash's mom in my story. However, the image is the perfect representation of this story, so I used it anyway :pinkiehappy: )

(04/14/2019, Insert happy bouncing as this story got Featured!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: )

Chapters (6)

Flash Sentry really needs to watch his words. Particularly when talking to certain individuals.

From the All The Time In The World writeoff.me contest where it placed 9th.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to Date a Princess

The Pony of Shadows has been set loose on Equestria once again!

Now if only Flash could focus on THAT instead of having to try and NOT punch Star Swirl the Bearded in the face! It would HELP if he stopped criticizing his mare friend for TWO FREAKING MINUTES!

This is going to be a loooooooooooong day...

UPDATE: OH MY LUNA, I GOT FEATURED!!! I honestly can't believe this happened AGAIN!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (02/14/2019)

Cover art belongs to dm29 on DeviantArt.

Sorry if the cover art isn't quite related, but it's the only one that I thought would fit.

Also, Happy Valentines Day :heart:

Alternate tags:
Don't punch him. Don't punch him. DON'T PUNCH HIM! Remembering to try and avoid punching. Epic make-out memory. Punching the REAL bad guy elation. Still not punching. Argument. More argument. Lightning. ONE JOB!!! THUNK! Apologies. Still in trouble.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Rainbow both believe that the other takes her for granted. They make a foolish wish that they will soon regret. So yeah, be careful what you wish for, I guess. Turns out even the Elements of Harmony need a good ol’ friendship lesson from time to time. This fic is loosely based off the novel and movie Freaky Friday. Contains Flashlight and Soarindash among others so YE HATH BEEN WARNED. I hope y’all enjoy.

Chapters (13)

We all know what happened when newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle went through the enchanted mirror that led her to a world parallel to Equestria to retrieve her crown stolen by Sunset Shimmer. But, what if she hadn't gone through alone?

What if instead of Spike, her friends defied Celestia's warning and followed her into the other world? Would things really be that disastrous, or can this group of friends bring back together a different group of friends, who remind them of ponies, or creatures, back home in Equestria, or seem somewhat familiar? And will they also help the Mane 6 stop Sunset Shimmer from accomplishing whatever plan she's scheming?

Hints of shipping included.

Ships involved: Flashlight, SoarinDash, AppleSpike, Fluttercord, Cheesepie, and Raripants.

Chapters (14)

When the Moth Miraculous gets misused again, the Ladybug and Black Cat are called to action once again. But this time, there are six called to each Miraculous.

Twilight Sparkle is a normal girl with a normal life, along with her best friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. But, when they find a pair of mysterious earrings and meet a Kwami named Tikki, they soon find themselves facing evil throughout their home city of Canterlot as the Ladybugs: Princess Ladybug, Swift Spot, Ladybug, Junebug, Lady Luck, and Coccinelle.

Flash Sentry and his own group of best friends: Soarin', Spike, Discord, Cheese Sandwich, and Fancy Pants, are normal guys as well, with their own problems to deal with. Until they all find a strange and peculiar ring and a Kwami named Plagg. With that ring, they can become the Black Cats: Black Knight, Shadow Racer, Cat Noir, Dark Lord, Cat Burglar, and Black Leopard, fighting crime alongside the Ladybugs.

On top of balancing school and superhero work, love squares appear between the Ladybugs and Black Cats, both as superheroes and civilians. The girls have crushes on the guys, but the guys are in love with the girls' alter egos, both as normal teenagers and as superheroes. Despite all of the love complications, they all have to work together to defeat their arch nemesis, Hawkmoth.

Ships featured: Flashlight, SoarinDash, AppleSpike, Fluttercord, Cheesepie, and Raripants.

New cover was made by a friend on mine on wattpad, fam5555.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to How to Date a Princess

For 5 years, Twilight and Flash have been dating. For Flash, it's been a magical experience that, despite the ups and downs, was all worth it. And so after much thought, he has finally decide that it is time to ask Twilight the ultimate question. He is going...to propose.

Now if only his bedroom door, Twilight's friends, and the randomly annoying antagonist will let him do that without any trouble. But given how it's almost Tuesday, the chances of that are pretty slim...

This story is a sequel to 'How to Date a Princess'. It is highly advised to read that first...both for story reasons, and for laughs.

The cover image is not mine, it belongs to jucamove1992 on DeviantArt.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to How to Date a Princess

It has been two years since Flash Sentry has begun dating the most beautiful pony in Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The years have been fun, exciting, and full of love and adventure. And now, it is time for him to show her just how much he loves her...

Or at least, it WOULD be if he weren't currently tied up in a warehouse on the outskirts of Ponyville by a bunch of ponies that think they actually stand a chance of kidnapping his marefriend. ESPECIALLY once she realized he's missing.

To be fair, he did try to warn them...
UPDATE: HOLY LUNA, THIS GOT FEATURED!?!?!?!? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (Bounces around like Pinkie on a sugar rush)!!!!!

Story is a sequel to 'How to date a princess' and a prequel to 'How to propose to a princess'

The cover art belongs to the incredibly talented dm29 on deviant art.

Alternate story tags:
Kumquats, too much rope, annoying sun, possible concussion, clearly obvious villain, 'why couldn't this wait until tomorrow' cliche, marvel references, punching, internal laughing at villain's stupidity, underestimation of Princess Twilight, overestimation of Flash Sentry, Mental hilarity, gift shops, more marvel references, head injury, royally pissed off Twilight, one last marvel reference, 'I need a hospital' cliche, romantic make-up date, and hope for the future.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to Climb a Mountain

Twilight has a problem. After a noble by the name of Duke Bull Horn comes to her castle demanding that she take his son to the Gala as a date, Twilight loses her temper and lets it slip that she already has a date. Fearing the criticism she will get it she indeed does show up without a date, Spike suggest that she take the Captain of her recently formed guard, Flash Sentry. While Twilight initially rejects Spike's idea, Flash himself willing volunteers to take her so that she can avoid the criticism that the Duke might pin on her should she show up alone.

Will the Gala be better than the first one Twilight attended, and will this date become something more? Or will the nobles ruin everything and cause the night to go down in flames?

Brief disclamer: this story is meant to be a prequel to my first story "Gone, But Not Forgotten," though I only realized it could be prequel about 4000 words into typing it, so excuse if it somehow has minor inconsistencies.

MAJOR UPDATE: New rewrite version out and ready for reading. Same story, but BETTER! Also, NOW WITH SEQUEL: How to Propose to a Princess

ALSO ALSO: Now with PREQUEL, How to Climb a Mountain. It never ends. Though it should be noted that the prequel is not needed to enjoy this story. (1/14/2020)

Alterative tags to label the story:
Beautiful Twilight, Playful Banter, Rarity Teasing Twilight, Annoying Nobles, Spike's Idea, non-chaotic Discord, Hungry Twilight, Silly Flash, Celestia playfully teasing Twilight, Luna Threatening Flash, Rarity Threatening Flash, Dancing, romantic strolls, interruption of romantic strolls, more chaotic Discord, the plot demands things, questioning all of reality Pinkie and Discord Tag-Team, moonlight dancing, and kissing.

Image belongs to the very talented jucamovi1992 on deviantart.

Now translated into Chinese: https://fimtale.com/t/32563

Chapters (3)