• Member Since 12th Jun, 2016

Midday Giggle

Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened!

Other great stories! 120 stories



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Jealousy. The infamous heart parasite, that feeds on and sours most flavors of love. The changelings call it "that which spoils food". For years it has nestled within Big Mac, feasting upon every exploit of Applejack's, every newspaper article bearing her name and photograph, every excited babble of Apple Bloom exaggerating Applejack's feats. He kept it under control, hidden from his family, until now.

And never noticed how much worse she had it.

Takes place shortly after Brotherhooves Social. Contains minor spoilers if you have not seen it.

Listed in Popular Stories within a day of posting! Thanks for the views and likes!

Chapters (1)

An ancient pony contemplates the past and what is. It is how she stays sane after so long alone, and how she keeps in touch with who she is. Remembering those who have long passed...

Chapters (1)

“Hey, Twilight. You’re up late.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.”


It’s two in the morning and everypony in Canterlot Castle is asleep. Everypony, that is, except for Twilight and Cadence.

Plagued by nightmares about recent events, the two soon-to-be sisters join together for a cup of hot cocoa, tears and deep conversations. Brace yourself; it’s going to be a rough night.

Featured: 09/18/2023 - 09/22/2023
Behind-the-page: Ladybugs Awake
Scouted for: Equestria Daily!
Featured in: Equestria Daily, 20 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Shiny and Cadance Day
Translation: Russian by NovemberDragon

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

Night Light's daughter is going off to study with Princess Celestia at the palace. That's a good thing... right?

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest II in the drama category. Find the other entries here!

Inspired by a lyric from the Horslips song Faster Than the Hound. That lyric is the chapter title.

Chapters (1)

When you've lived as long as Granny Smith, you've got a right to be set in your ways.

Pear Butter's not gonna accept that.

(Winner winner chicken dinner of Scribblefest 2018's Flutteryshuttery award. Edited by some guy with fabulous pants.)

Chapters (1)

Ocellus should have expected this question to come up someday. She really should have...

Just a silly little thing I thought of and had to write down.

Korean Translation by Ad Hoc
Audio Reading by ajvasquezbrony28

Chapters (1)

Most cutie mark stories are happy, exciting tales of finding one's special talent. But not Mac's story. And after Apple Bloom gets into a fight at school, Big Macintosh decides it's time he told her his own cutie mark tale.

Caution: Feels inside.

Spanish Translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-manzana-en-su-flanco-1022796216

Chapters (1)

Years ago, Rainbow Dash achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. She'd gone through the academy, been a staple of the main lineup and, eventually, earned the rank of Captain.

At 43 years of age, it's time for Rainbow to leave that dream behind, but not before she can dazzle the ponies of Cloudsdale one last time.

Proofread by AShadowOfCygnus.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

It's no secret that Zephyr has had an eye on Rainbow Dash for some time, and has taken every opportunity to try and charm her. After yet another failed attempt to do so, he feels like talking to one of his friends about it. Sadly, only Flash was available to listen, and the latter becomes even more unhappy about it when he hears exactly how Zephyr views this rejection.

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart spent most of her foalhood listening to stories of favourite Aunt Twilight Sparkle's many accomplishments.

Now a young mare seeking her place in the world, Flurry has attempted to model herself in Twilight's image. One could even say that Flurry idolizes her aunt.

Twilight wishes she didn't.

It's time for a chat.

*Set 15 years after the end of Friendship is Magic*

Huge thank you to kalash93 and son_of_heaven176 for their tremendous work on editing and proofreading!

*Coverart is not owned by me, all credit goes to kiwi4578 on Derpibooru*

Chapters (1)