• Member Since 12th Jun, 2016

Midday Giggle

Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened!

SoarinDash <3 110 stories
  • SoarinDash <3 110 stories - 0 unread chapters Best SoarinDash stories! #SoarinDashMyOTP (Free to suggestions)
    Created by Midday Giggle
    - September, 2016
Found 109 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 4,072,912
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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This story is a sequel to His Other Half

'Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.' - Emily Dickinson

Nobody ever told Soarin that grief felt so much like fear.

Some leave our lives as quickly as they entered. Some were with us right from the dawning of our existence. Some leave footprints all over our heart, and change us for the better.

But some insinuate themselves into the very centre of our hearts, become our whole life, alter the very nature of our souls, and we are never, ever the same again.

They had been together for so long, the prospect of losing her had never really crossed his mind. He couldn't imagine a world without her, it was simply... unfathomable.

But he knew he couldn't stop it from happening.

And he hated that.

Chapters (4)

When all bets are off, Rainbow Dash is at the ready for both friends and strangers alike. Whether it’s saving Equestria from the claws of tyranny for the sixteenth time or making a long errand in stormy weather, she’s your mare to get the job done no matter the danger. Though she may even take some licks in the process, Dash is one to come back stronger and faster each time.

But what is a pony whose reputation is built on tackling problems supposed to do when encountering one which requires a softer and more self-reflective approach? It turns out good friends will help you diversify your skill set and teach you a bit about yourself along the way. Whether you’re expecting it or not.

Inspired by cover image by Glitterstar2000.

Chapters (2)

Inspired by Incubus' song 'Here In My Room.'

Soarin' throws a forced formal party to impress the noble ponies of Canterlot, and hates every minute of it. But when the rainbow-maned mare he's longed to see once again arrives unannounced, he'll be treated to a night he'll not soon forget.

WARNING: There are suggestive and some adult themes in this story, but it's not what I would consider a straight up 'clopfic.' I'll leave it to your own imagination when you reach that point.

Chapters (1)

“Okay, how about you come with me,” Soarin said hastily, not sure if he was motivated by a strange desire to save the castle’s glassware or by the chance to spend some more time with the borderline insane yet beautiful mare next to him.
“Where?” She asked, looking up from the glass she had sentenced to ‘Smashy-time.’

Rainbow Dash learns why it's good fun to get drunk at your best friend's brother's wedding. Good company doesn't hurt either.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, you just need a little quiet. Soarin needed to think. He had already decided what he was going to do, heck, he had known it since the day he met her. It was so peaceful in the sky. No disturbances. Just endless, cool silence. He knew what he had to do.

Because he loved her.

Because he was never going to let her go.

Because if the sky was burning and the light was fading and the world was falling down, she would be the only thing on his mind.

And god be damned if he was about to let her go.

Chapters (1)

Soarin has a crush on Rainbow, and after Spitfire's advice, he 'happens' upon some tickets to see Rainbow's favorite band with her. But will she find out that he doesn't actually like them at all?

Massive thanks to pikablob for editing and proofreading!

Chapters (1)

After inadvertently running into Soarin one night when out flying, Rainbow Dash invites him as her 'Plus one' to Twilight's Hearth Warming party.

It's definitely not a date though.

Until suddenly it is.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Direction

A year ago, Scootaloo's parents were arrested, and Scootaloo was placed in Rainbow Dash's care. Now, she visits them for the first time, to say what's on her mind, even if it's hard.

A Nuptialverse story. Takes place during Direction.

Chapters (1)

Before becoming superstar of the Wondercolts Basketball Team at Canterlot University, Soarin had been eight years-old. A skinny and softy kid who only wanted to play soccer with the children of his age. The little boy other little boys mocked.
Thankfully, even a skinny softy rejected boy can find his best playmate. Only, it takes an expected form: six years-old, bratty with magenta eyes and rainbow hair.

Part of the Truth About Girls universe

Chapters (1)