Twilight and Rainbow both believe that the other takes her for granted. They make a foolish wish that they will soon regret. So yeah, be careful what you wish for, I guess. Turns out even the Elements of Harmony need a good ol’ friendship lesson from time to time. This fic is loosely based off the novel and movie Freaky Friday. Contains Flashlight and Soarindash among others so YE HATH BEEN WARNED. I hope y’all enjoy.
I'm really enjoying this so far. :) Is this going to be a Twidash story?
Thank you for the like but I’m sorry, only Flashlight and Soarindash (among others) in this one. However I’m perfectly happy to write a Twidash fic if you want.
That's completely fine! I'll still be reading it. And I'd be Happy if you did ^^
*finds a corner and cries*
But I’m already invested in this story, and you pop the shipping like a pie to the face. I suggest adding Soarin and Flash in your character category, Twidash shippers such as myself have been deceived.
I literally thought the same thing.Why is this story on The Twidash Group?
Sorry people about the confusion just edited the character tags. I didn’t realise initially that it looked like a Twidash story. Again, sorry about any confusion the story tags caused.
Wondered when Discord would show up. This is too good a set up for him to pass up!
can't wait for more x
please label your story in description if section shipping.
*slams hands on table before pointing at the couple*
There's FlashLight in this. That alone deserves an upvote from me.
On the whole the story was fairly enjoyable from a plot perspective. There were some things I thought could have been improved (I'm not sure what I think of the reveal about Discord, and I would've liked to see more focus on Rainbow Dash and Soarin's relationship), but aside from those and other relatively minor issues it was fine.
However, while the plot was decent, the story suffers from some recurring writing problems that were very distracting. The biggest was the formatting of the dialogue, which isn't done correctly, with the biggest and most recurring problem being the constant lack of spacing after quotation marks where there should have been some. For example, in the opening line:
There should be a space between the second quotation mark and Twilight, so it would be:
In dialogue, there's no space after the first quotation mark, but there should be after the second.
On the general subject of dialogue formatting, there's a good resource on dialogue formatting right here. Just read through that and you'll avoid almost all of the dialogue formatting errors.
Something else that was occasionally distracting was what some term "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" which is when there's an excessive referring to characters by their characteristics in the narration, e.g. referring to Twilight as "the lavender unicorn" rather than Twilight. Obviously, there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that occasionally, but this story at times engaged in it so frequently it was distracting--the ending of Chapter 5 was particularly egregious in this regard.
One final note on the writing front: While only occurring a few times, one error I noticed was the writing of phrases such as "should of" or "must of." That's incorrect. They should be written as should've and must've (the same is also true for would've and could've).
It's possible this is your first attempt at fan fiction in which case these kinds of errors are understandable, but future stories would be improved by fixing these issues.
Thank you for the constructive criticism, it was much needed and appreciated. I will go through the story ASAP and try to fix the grammatical errors.
Poor Twilight! Still, that was hilarious.
Oh, Spike...
Good thing that Applejack's there.
And here we go...
It is nice to see that the two of them apologized over the argument from before. Though, yeah, it's not gonna be THAT easy to reverse the magic. XD
Oh dear, this was fun. Poor Dash. Twilight ain't gonna be happy when she finds out... but then again, I'm sure she has plenty of trouble already at Wonderbolt HQ...
Oh dear. In some ways I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to see Twilight deal with more of the Wonderbolts' training or Spitfire's bullhorn, because I think that could have been a hilarious chapter in and of itself.
Though, this still is pretty fun. (And dangerous too - I'm sure that the real Rainbow would be pretty ticked at Twilight for playing matchmaker with her and Soarin. XD)
Oh no... Discord, what are you going to do?
Eh... I'm actually not too thrilled with this plot twist. I liked it a lot better when it was just some wishing artifact.
Having Discord be the architect of all this frustration and misery, so he can become a godfather and probably STILL drive Twilight up the wall... it feels somewhat in-character, but at the same time just seems WAY too assholish and mean for me to actually find anything entertaining in it.
I really, really hope that Discord gets some comeuppance in the future chapters.
This was nice. I really didn't expect to see Sunset appear here! XD
Okay, so all in all this was a pretty good read. I had problems with Discord blackmailing Twilight in such a way, but I'm glad that we ended it on him clearly in hot water with Fluttershy, so that evens out.
All together, I did have fun with the concept. It was fun to see the way that Twilight and Dash dealt with some of the stuff in each other's lives. In some ways I wish we could have seen more of the life-switch mayhem (I could readily imagine a joke with "Dash" enthusiastically tackling paperwork at Wonderbolt HQ, much to the shock of Spitfire and the others XD) but I think you were pretty smart not to drag this out too much.
Honestly this line made me want to shake Twilight and go: YOU LIVE IN A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC! WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT BELIEVE YOU?!
I get this story is suppose to be about funny hijacks between Rainbow and Twilight switching bodies but this still doesn't feel very believable when in other Freaky Friday adaptions it is because they live in world that doesn't otherwise have magic. But that's just my two cents.
I agree with Scholarly-Cimmerian, I feel that Discord being the one behind this was shoe-horned in and it makes him more of a jerk than he is. I mean seriously I can understand if he did this kind of thing any other day but given the fact that it was right before Twilight's wedding.... Yeah it just goes too far in this case. And that he pulls a Rumpelstiltskin on her with the whole godfather thing feels a bit disturbing.
While I do I think there were some flaws in the portraying of characters, it's still a good read and that it has my favorite ships in here so that's a plus for me.
Rube Goldberg at its finest. Nice :P
Mac and cheese? Yes please, I would gladly accept that anytime :)
Well then this could have been better lol it looks like Twilight is preparing for an event going on and she's pretty nervous about this although it was pretty hilarious in the end and can be a little bit frustrating for her that angel bunny is in trouble this time
Oh so it's a wedding ok cool and poor Spike he really wanted to ask Rarity to be his date but fancy pants beat him to the punch and it was nice of Applejack helping him to lighten up the mood to be his plus one good job Applejack and I do hope he will find somebody
Oh yeah that was something else and Trixie really knows how to push somebody's button
Oh boy things just escalated so quickly and bolts Rainbow dash and Twilight are getting each other's nerves right now and apparently Twilight is getting married but it looks like they got really angry and it's one of those you don't know how it feels to be me and apparently the Dark Crystal is going to fix that and it's a start of a Freaky Friday now
So apparently Twilight and Rainbow switch bodies because of the crystal and now they have to figure out how to reverse this spell and basically they had to ask Starlight and rainbow was going to tell spike about the situation but Twilight stop her the least people they know the better
Oh boy things are really getting difficult now because now they have to switch places of what they do in the prepositions Twilight is going to the Wonderbolt and rainbow is going to the Crystal Empire and when Rainbow got there she saw flash and apparently they still got the emotion from the original bodies even though that's not her mind this is going to be very hard for rainbow to control her emotion and I'm sure Twilight is going to be having that same problem soon
Ohhh Twilight you sneaky girl lol
Oh wow I didn't see this coming so it looks like Twilight is having problem with physical practice with the Wonderbolts they even noticing that she's not herself which there are right but they don't know why so soarin ask if she's okay but it looks like deep down in the subconscious of rainbows mind she has a crush on him and apparently Twilight is going to do what Cadence does try to hook them up hopefully that will not turn into a disaster but again I ship those to so much as well and soarin has a crush on Rainbow dash
So it looks like Starlight is teaching rainbow how to use her Alicorn Magic and so far she's doing pretty good job until Flash Sentry came in and rainbow in Twilight's body asking him to fly with her and despite the warning about her emotion she can't help it because that's Twilight's feeling and apparently rainbow is having really trouble try to keep her emotions in control and it looks like Discord knows what's going on oh boy
Well it looks like Rainbow as Twilight and Flash Sentry return to Ponyville and at the castle and Twilight as Rainbow Dash also came back from the Wonderbolts practice and told each other about what they did today and seriously what is Discord up to 🤔
Omg I cannot believe I didn't see that coming dang it Discord 😡
Oh my gosh really didn't see this coming so basically Discord was behind this whole situation that Twilight and Rainbow are in I mean that's kind of mean what he did especially on her wedding day
Well then rainbow took her reaction pretty well but then Rarity came in and helping Twilight to get ready for the wedding rainbow was about to tell the truth until her and Twilight switch back their original body it looks like Discord kept his promise still that's kind of mean well let's see how the wedding goes
Omg that's so amazing and romantic and it's really cool to see everybody here including Sunset Shimmer I'm really glad she came this was a beautiful wedding and those two are really cute. To Twilight and flash
Well at least everything was going pretty well especially the after wedding and of course Twilight and Rainbow had to tell them about the whole situation of course there was mixed feelings about what Discord did
Well this was a pretty nice Freaky Friday story and I have to admit I'm a sucker for Twilight and Flash Sentry shipping here and even Rainbow dash and soarin as well and yeah Discord really had to explain a lot this was a pretty good story keep up the good work
I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop reading this story. There are too many plot points bothering me (e.g. why are they not telling more people about this?), I find the diction extremely distracting, and the premise just isn't interesting enough for me to keep going (this one, unlike the prior two, is a much more personal thing and has nothing to do with your writing quality).