We all know what happened when newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle went through the enchanted mirror that led her to a world parallel to Equestria to retrieve her crown stolen by Sunset Shimmer. But, what if she hadn't gone through alone?
What if instead of Spike, her friends defied Celestia's warning and followed her into the other world? Would things really be that disastrous, or can this group of friends bring back together a different group of friends, who remind them of ponies, or creatures, back home in Equestria, or seem somewhat familiar? And will they also help the Mane 6 stop Sunset Shimmer from accomplishing whatever plan she's scheming?
Hints of shipping included.
Ships involved: Flashlight, SoarinDash, AppleSpike, Fluttercord, Cheesepie, and Raripants.