• Member Since 18th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)


This story is a sequel to How to Propose to a Princess

Flash has done it. He has finally proposed to the love of his life. And now after two days of chaos, dates, and attempted kidnappings by Rarity, he and Twilight are finally ready to relax and just let the feeling of being engaged sink in--


Is one day to relax TOO MUCH TO ASK?!

Ah well. At least it won't be nearly as stressful as their first meetings...

The phenomenal cover are belongs to miyathegoldenflower on DeviantArt and was done as a commission for ponyjosiah13. All credit for it goes to them.

(Disclaimer. The image of Flash's mom in this image is not the same as Flash's mom in my story. However, the image is the perfect representation of this story, so I used it anyway :pinkiehappy: )

(04/14/2019, Insert happy bouncing as this story got Featured!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: )

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 90 )

Woohoo! I needed a good Flashlight story after the week I've had. :twilightsmile:

Glad to here this came out at the right time :twilightsmile:

I'll be adding this to me watch list. I hope this goes as well as your other projects.

I'm a bit surprised you used my commissioned artwork as the cover. I figure that it's probably the only pic of its kind available.

It was the best image for the overall theme for the story. I couldn't really find any others that fit the silly tone of my stories so well, even if Flash's mom isn't the same as she is in the image. Still, thank you for commissioning it and accidentally giving me a cover :twilightsmile:

Yes. More Flashlight is exactly what my doctor ordered for me. Thank you.

Thank you for never letting me down with good Flashlight. This is just what I was needing. Best part was when the ring went missing :rainbowlaugh:

After being sick for 3 days, nice to see a story like this. Thanks.

Also, why is she telling Twilight to breathe when she just shoved three pancakes into her mouth? That seems a bit contradictory.

You know, I was kind of wondering about that.

Nice to see more of this fun Flash and Twilight relationship.

This new story is funny! I can't stop laughing :rainbowlaugh:

How nice to have a wonderful continuation of How to Propose to a Princess.

10/10 would love to read more

So if you don't mind me asking how long will it be before Twilight and Flash encounter Tempest for the first time?

This story will have either 3 or 4 chapters. Then the next story will cover the events of the movie and Tempest will enter the story there. Then there will be one more story that I won't spoil yet, followed by the Wedding story. And Sparrow and Freedom Shall Ring will be updated sporadically between those chapters and stories

So don't worry. I have plenty of plans for Tempest :moustache:

Including a potential soulmate for her?

Awesome! Because I find Tempest to be quite attractive.

I can't wait for the next chapter. This was awesome. I wonder if Shinning is going to freak.

And now after two days of chaos, dates, and attempted kidnappings by Rarity...

Wait what? Rarity WTB?

Attempted kidnappings so that she can prepare dresses for twilight. Aka, rarity gone crazy with fashion!!!!

Because it perfectly fits for this universe :pinkiehappy:

I've been eagerly waiting for a continuation of this series. Here's hoping Flash/and/or Twilight doesn't get kidnapped by a supervillain or by a power mad maniac.

.... oh, right.

It must be - that- day. That accursed day of the week.

The Universe just has it out for our heroes, doesn't it?

Only on That Day. The rest of the week is perfectly fine :derpytongue2:

I don’t know exactly what will happen, or when, but whatever it will be, it will be on Tuesday. Because it’s always Tuesday :derpytongue2:

No. I’m just trying to finish two other updates for other stories. The next chapter is about 7000 words in for this story

FINALLY!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: I've been waiting for this for a long time, and for me at least the wait was well worth it! :pinkiehappy:

So far things are going well for Flash, let's hope that luck keeps. He does raise a good question though, what is taking the girls so long.

Keep staying safe out there!

Now all Velvet and Night Light need is Spike bringing home a girl or girls to meet them.

That would be a meeting I think all of us would love to see.

I’ll keep that in mind for a future story, though I have everything up through Flash and Twilight’s wedding already planned, so it may take some time to get there

Hooray, you're back!

This was fun! Made me smile! More please!

I certainly hope an overexcited mother and sister-in-law is as exciting as this night gets. Your FlashLight stories seem to have some sort of action-filled twist that seem to involve Twilight and Flash kicking somepony's butt. Considering how heartwarming this story has been so far, a part of me is hoping that this story may be an exception. At the same time, you've made your twists work for all your other stories. I'm sure you can do the same for this one.

They do, don’t they. Maybe this one will, maybe it won’t. I can’t say, for risk of spoilers! But hopefully I’ll be able to get the next chapter out in a few weeks so you don’t need to wonder for too long.

Glad that Spike didn't go since he's busy castle-sitting with his special pen pal.

Did Flash remember to get the recipe?

Wow! Out of all the stuff to comment on, that's the one I pick. :rainbowhuh: I guess it's the foodie in me.

It was so hard for me not to smile like an idiot throughout this chapter :rainbowkiss:

Worth the wait in my eyes, can't wait for Flash's family.

And this chapter was both adorable and funny as hay.

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