• Member Since 26th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I am a brony. I like warhammer. I play vidya games. I read frequently. Guess what? I also hate talking about myself.

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Found 10 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 131,014
Estimated Reading: 8 hours

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Omen had been living in Ponyville for a while, living off of the research grants from a few of the miscellanea that he had brought with him from his own home when he had been suddenly transported. At least until a petition began circulating the top of Canterlot that he was a dangerous madman. Until it gained traction he really didn't mind. He kept to himself, only bothering to descend from his rented room in the castle of friendship to do the weekly tests Twilight asked before returning to his own private reading and experiments.

At least, until it finally reached the courts with enough backing to at least get him evicted. With that going on he could hardly afford to ignore it anymore and donned his best suit. After all, if he wasn't wanted, why bother staying. He just had one little thing to do before he left, one last goodbye before he went to talk to the darlings at the Griffon Empire.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Worst Equestrian Necromancer

The world of Equestria is a strange place. Mad necromancers consorting with a regal princess. Gods of chaos released and running free. In this face of insanity, even a single snapshot can lead to glimpses of madness that may amuse and confuse. These are those snapshots.

Chapters (2)

There exists in any given location either an inn or bar where the locals meet at the end of a long work day and trade drinks and stories. By the ancient laws of happenstance, the same must be true for areas where the permanent population is exactly one. Now, most would assume it would default to those creatures preferred drinking area in their own house. These people have never been to the only truly lonely place in Equestria. On the border of the unending sea and the badlands there sits an Inn, with a strange bartender. If one comes seeking riches or fame, he will gladly kick you out, stating the only riches here are booze and misery. But if you come for a strong drink and an ear to listen to your problems, then you have found your home.

Rocking the featured box again. Can I get a hoorah? 2/12/19 for those curious.

Chapters (15)

You could find all sorts of bounties in the forests of Everfree. From rare plants to great treasures, they all lie in the heart of the accursed darkness. If one is lucky, they will find a great bounty hidden beneath the dark leaves and scratching bushes. If one is unlucky, they will find naught but death and pain in this home of the damned. And if one is particularly lucky, they may run across a lone fire, tended by a lone creature. If the individual is brave or stupid enough to approach, they may even get the chance to talk. Of course, this has never happened before, but who's to say it won't? After all, impossible things happen every day.

Chapters (9)

Now with an audio reading by the wonderful folks at The Audio Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NpE9-qsq5c

There aren't quiet nights in Appleoosa anymore. After a gang rolled in and kills the sheriff, there wasn't a whole lot the town could do to stop them. They had the guns, ponies, and pure mind for violence to keep the town under their iron-hoofed rule. The town has submitted to their rule, trying their hardest to eke out life until the Royal Guard notices that taxes have stopped rolling in and acts.

Or at least, so they think. Until a strange creature rolls into town. A tarnished iron star on his heavy duster, and iron on his hip. Now the only question is, who will kill them first.

Chapters (1)

The girls had known that their friend had been researching something. They had watched as he pored over books writing notes in a private code. They had watched as he went to town hall and failing that, Canterlot archives looking through Cutie Mark registries. And know they watched, as he finished his personal quest. The only thought they could dredge up was a single word. Why.

Chapters (2)

Ragar the Ageless has seen many things in his non-life. He has seen fields of cotton candy, the wails of the soon-to-be-dead chanting in chorus. Once he even saw a unicorn. Well, there are a lot of those in Equestria, so maybe that one was less noteworthy. But still, he's seen a lot. Now he wants others to see him in all his glorious evil. The only issue is he's not so good at it.

** EDIT **

Well crap, featured with every chapter. I feel all special and stuff. So let me give you all some love. You're all wonderful people, trees or whatever internet capable folks have been reading.

Dang, look at all those likes. I'm feeling the love. Thank all of you for enjoying my wonderful trip through insane necromancy.

Many Thanks to Locke_Jaw for his wonderful artwork that is my new cover.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to The Night's True Darkness

Luna is gone, Celestia is here. And as her own world begins to fall back into routine, problems are still arising outside of the public eye. As her sins catch up to her, she tries to talk to the last of her family, and finds that they are still bitter about their mothers treatment, and that they still support her through hard times

Chapters (1)

Though a long time has passed, Luna decides that the time has come for her to pick up her true mantle. For ponies have always viewed her as the princess of the night, and the night as her child. But, she has another child. A child that was born in the darkness of night, and only truly flourishes there. It is a child with emotions that rule everything. It can be summoned by anger, fear, or even just a surprise. And finally, after all these years, Luna has come to her child again. Because everyone else is to weak for the job, and someone else would've gotten it wrong.

Chapters (1)

While following a chaos ship, the Blood Raven Crucius Marx gets stranded on Equestria. He starts to acclimate to his new environment. However, when everything starts to go pear-shaped he'll have to choose sides. to fight for the Imperium or, save the world he has come to love.

Chapters (12)