Sometimes I think I like speculating about stories more than writing stories.
I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )
Cum historia, Mutat valde Razgriz, Revelat ipsum, Primum daemon scelestus est
I have accomplished my halfway point of my goal and am now a halfway decent writer. Thank you to all the friends and fans who support me.
Lecturer by day, pony word peddler by night.
"Everything is the Omniverse. Everything is canon."- SlouchyFall: Artist/Animator, Black Brony, and Earth Pony Enthusiast.
Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.
IDW and Tales apologist (♀ | Timezone: UTC | Discord)
And all your friends will be there with smiles on their faces.
Just a pone who likes to write about other pones in compromising situations ranging from sexy to deadly and everywhere in between. You can support me at
Pretend I'm mysterious and deep please. DERPI-LINKVALIDATION-B16675D885
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss
Routine day with a dirt cheap brush, then a week goes by and it goes untouched. Then two, then three, then a month, and the rest of your life you beat yourself up. - Aesop Rock, "Rings"
Male. Los Angeles, California. Hmm. I have a WPM of 65. Meh. Occasionally arts. Lord of Dorkness's #1 fan. User #26976. inb4 Crossover
I think it'd be better if I just shut my mouth, cuz I hate how I look, how I sound.
Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?
"I still can't wait to lose my virginity conquering Poland with Goldenwing." - /mlp/