• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2013
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"I still can't wait to lose my virginity conquering Poland with Goldenwing." - /mlp/


Act Two Complete! [SPOILERS] · 12:21am Jun 5th, 2023

Finally here. Longer than it should've taken, but we've made it.

Remember, this blog will contain spoilers! So if you haven't finished Sunken Horizons yet, go do it! Or make your peace.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,653 views ·

Hiatus · 6:33am Jan 6th, 2023

I had really hoped I wouldn't have to write this. I was actually on track to get the last chapter of SH out in time, as well as a few other things (commissions) which I needed to write. I was finally getting back into my groove after a visit from my dad which had completely halted my productivity. Then my dad decided to come back down and visit again for Christmas, and I haven't written anything since.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,023 views ·

Ministry of Image Part 2! · 4:13pm Oct 24th, 2022

Okay, I know I said I'd have a chapter for you the next time I put out a blog. I'm gonna be real, I wasn't expecting the Ministry of Image voting to move this fast. This is my first time!

Anyway, there's not much to say here. The Ministry of Image poll has moved on to its second stage, and happily enough, EH is still on the list! The two most-voted for stories will get fancy hardcover prints with some fresh custom art, and of course you'll have my undying gratitude.

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Potential Ministry of Image EH Publishing!!! · 3:00am Oct 21st, 2022

Throughout my career I have prescribed to a certain ideal: that as an author I should not bother you, my audience, unless I also have some content to provide. That's what you follow me for, after all. I never want to give you guys a notification from me if there isn't also a toasty new chapter for you to read. And I have stuck by that for a long time.

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Report Goldenwing · 564 views ·

Chapter 31, Finally · 9:13pm Sep 16th, 2022

Kept you waiting, huh?

Business first. XXXI: Of Resurrections is being released alongside this blog. Nine months is a long wait, and it shouldn't have taken me this long, but alas here we are. I think it's a pretty good chapter! It's been reviewed by no less than five of my editors, with a sixth unfortunately being too busy with work to get more than a quarter of the way through it. I'm very excited to see what everyone thinks.

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An Important Announcement · 6:24am Dec 12th, 2021

I would like you all to know that I have just moments ago received a piece of fanart featuring the lovable sisters, Ana and Gava. I will not show it here, however, for it is lewd. Relatively tame, but there's some heavy tongue action. It was drawn by Elicitie, an ornithologist who some of you may recognize.

Truly this is a historical event. Finally, someone has drawn porn of my characters.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,116 views · #very-important #fanart

Chapter 30? This Month! Fanart? Right Now! · 6:39am Nov 26th, 2021

The draft is currently 12k words, and growing. Also, I've got some fanart to share! These are all drawn by Sheol, who is very cool and great. Note that though I love all these interpretations, they aren't necessarily strictly canon! I like to go light on descriptions specifically so that everyone can imagine their own version of the world, so this is just one amazing artists' idea of the story.

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On Respect, Rules, and Enforcement · 6:44am Apr 26th, 2021

The Ch. 29 draft is at 5k words. If you don't take part in the site community at all, this blog probably isn't relevant to you. Now, onto the matter at hand.

Bear with me here. I know, I haven't updated in two months, and I really do hate that the first time you hear from me in so long is for something like this, but I think it's something that ought to be said. I know I'm not a big-time author but I have my own little base, and I feel a personal obligation to speak up.

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Report Goldenwing · 1,097 views ·

Chapter 26, Already? · 2:37pm Nov 19th, 2020

14,446 words. And I wrote it all in one week.

I'm not exactly sure what happened. I suppose it's just the knowledge of how close I am to wrapping up this second act and, thereafter, the home stretch to the finish. I ran the monster math, pulled the graveyard graph, and concluded that SH will end by Chapter 30 (plus an epilogue) at the latest. And knowing that, with the path set out before me, I guess I just really wanted to get started on it.

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Chapter 25, Virtual Boxing, and the OST · 6:34pm Nov 12th, 2020

So here I am, another chapter drafted (9.7k words), having just sent it off to the editors after staying up through all the night and all the dawn, with your "regular" heads-up announcement that I hope to have it out on Friday.

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