• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2012
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And all your friends will be there with smiles on their faces.


It takes enormous will to stand up to centuries in exile, and great mental strength to hold one’s self together.

This story is part of Nightmare Night in April.

Chapters (1)

She remembers the swift wind and the rolling grasses and the thundering hooves on the plain, her ancestry, her birthright, her heritage... all gone.

The demons descended and enslaved her race, warped them and thwarted what she could become. She wanders now with ancient memories, the aftertaste of metal in her mouth and a skin-crawling itch where the saddle once rested on her back.

...Is that another herd in the distance?

This story is part of Nightmare Night in April. Art by GGA.

Chapters (1)

Flitter thought she knew what it meant to be strong, after meeting Fluttershy.

But when the dead start to walk again, they're both going to need it.

Estee has technically approved this travesty of a classic story, accompanied by a slightly raised eyebrow, a look that could wither a freight train, and a sigh that still echoes mournfully in the remote corners of spacetime.

The first draft of this story appeared in the October 2020 Writeoff, where it came in next to last.

This story is also a part of Racc’s Crackfic Storm!

Chapters (1)

Some grow upset as they age and the world no longer makes sense to them.

For some, it's the opposite.

The first draft of this story was written for the November 2019 Writeoff, where it came in fifth.

Art by the amazingly talented Anon Y Mous.

Chapters (1)

A simple tale in which the persistence of a gallant knight is at long length rewarded.

This story first appeared in the May 2022 Pony round of the Writeoff.

Art by GGA, drawn and composed in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkamena’s Wake

Overindulgence in Nightmare Night takings may not only leave you restless, but may invite attention from mischievous sprites and beasties, looking to mock those who've glutted themselves on goodies. Sleep paralysis is no fun, either. But perhaps Pinkie (and her gorge) may rise to the occasion...

Note: This story is a sequel to Pinkamena's Wake, and is also somewhat written in the style of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, a classic work of English literature that is notorious for being hard to read. While this story is not as cementically dense as FW or PW, it is still full of wordplay, literary references, portmanteau words and puns and will be a challenge for many readers. If this isn’t your sort of thing, try one of my other stories. If you’re game, dig in! It can help to read the story aloud.

This story is an entrant in Racc's Crack Storm 2022.

Cover art by Maxman.

Chapters (1)

When you least expect it, love can catch up from behind you.

Note: Apologies for this, I've been sitting on it for quite a while and had to get it out of my system.
If you find flatulence jokes to be amusing, you will probably enjoy this story. If you do not find such jokes amusing, I respectfully suggest that you spare yourself the reading time, and also spare me your downvote.

This story is an entrant in Racc's Crackfic Storm!

Chapters (1)

Pants are taking over Ponyville! PANTS!

This story is an entry in Racc's Crack Storm!

Chapters (1)

Ever since she was a filly, Twilight had a secret place she could call her own.

One day, she will be forced to confront a dreadful, terrifying secret that she’d vastly prefer never to have known...

This story is an entry in Racc's Crack Storm!

Chapters (1)

The dusty tome showed you how to enter the Lands of Dream. You learned the ritual and ventured out with your mind to explore the astral realms.

But you’ve lost your way, and hidden dangers lurk around you. How will you ever get home?

Your only hope may be to trust a stranger.

This story is an exercise in positive visualization, narrated by Luna with you as the subject. It was written for the June 2017 Writeoffs, where it came in seventh. The Luna painting is by FidzFox.

Chapters (1)