• Member Since 4th Aug, 2019
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she/they, arospec asexual | Despite everything... we stay silly :3

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  • 131 weeks
    status update go brrrrr

    Multiquestria isn’t dead! Just trapped in writer’s block limbo :P

    Work on Super Sonic Rainboom and Pine Apples has been kinda slow going, although it’s more that I keep getting ideas for the later parts of the story instead of the current parts.

    ...also I got Fire Emblem: Three Houses for Christmas and that may have been a mistake because I’ve already got like 200 hours in the game.

    Speaking of FE:3H, new Multiquestria pairing announcement! Celestia adopts Flayn, aka best girl.

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    0 comments · 168 views
  • 161 weeks
    Super Sonic Rainboom update

    I'm in the middle of writing chapter 7 of Super Sonic Rainboom and I find myself faced with a bit of a problem. My original plan was to just have Sonic grow up as the events of the show progressed, but that will not be quite feasible for a couple of reasons.

    1. There are over 200 episodes and I do not have that kind of mental stamina.

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    2 comments · 255 views
  • 161 weeks
    The plot bunnies are rampant and I have a new Multiquestria announcement

    Daring Do adopts Link from Breath of the Wild in Daring Do and the Blade of Evil's Bane

    That is all see you later I gotta go reread the three physical books and watch Daring's episodes

    0 comments · 138 views
  • 163 weeks
    Super Sonic Rainboom fans, I have an announcement!

    With the positive reception of Super Sonic Rainboom (thank you guys so much for that, by the way! It's extra exciting to release a new chapter :twilightsmile:) I've decided to start work on the next two fics in the spin-off series (which, yeah, I'm making it a full series because Super Sonic Rainboom is too much fun to write) and I'm here to announce the titles and pairings! Also, if you have ideas for other pairings please let me know either in the comments or via PM.

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    1 comments · 246 views
  • 186 weeks
    No chapter update this week, sorry!

    I got AC:NH for Christmas and time is a meaningless void but oOPS it's Sunday and I haven't updated :,D

    So yeah, I'll have to postpone the chapter but if it's any consolation I think it's going to be a pretty long chapter! Lots of filler episodes and shenanigans to cover before we get to Season 4 and I want to consolidate them as much as I can!

    0 comments · 184 views

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status update go brrrrr · 1:40am Jan 21st, 2022

Multiquestria isn’t dead! Just trapped in writer’s block limbo :P

Work on Super Sonic Rainboom and Pine Apples has been kinda slow going, although it’s more that I keep getting ideas for the later parts of the story instead of the current parts.

...also I got Fire Emblem: Three Houses for Christmas and that may have been a mistake because I’ve already got like 200 hours in the game.

Speaking of FE:3H, new Multiquestria pairing announcement! Celestia adopts Flayn, aka best girl.

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Comments ( 7 )
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I liked your story, you can read my story to see what you think https://www.fimfiction.net/story/499451/the-power-of-the-gravity-falls

Thanks for the favorite and for adding my story to your collection! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save, guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

Aww, thank you! :twilightsmile: You're awesome too!

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