"Take me away to a dream and I will live like it was real, wake me up to reality and I'll live it like it was a dream."
Hi there. I'm just your average fanfiction writer hoping to make a name here.
Dolphin Mad Scientist. Also, respect trans people.
Hey, I am Questionmark x3, but call me Qx3 or just Questionmark. I love to write stories including royalty
Just a pone who likes to write about other pones in compromising situations ranging from sexy to deadly and everywhere in between. You can support me at https://ko-fi.com/scarletribbon
Man this site gets pretty gay.... ~ Commissions are OPEN
just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life
If I cold begin to be half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you.
I am a one-shot writer who loves Slice of Life tales and hearing from readers who enjoy my stories. Click on my blogs for an MLP poem.
I am retired if you wanna fine my work follow the link. https://www.patreon.com/Mrmidnightwolf https://discord.gg/AeZBhyR
Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that's where they expect it least.
i can't write. but, i can come up with ideas for hie fics
Aspiring hypno-smut author. Any sort of advice, ideas, suggestions, etc. are welcome. https://twitter.com/acid_panic
I write garbage. Sometimes people want to read garbage.
Stories. Ponies. That's all. If you like my stuff, please follow! <3
Haven't been on since about 2014. Nearly 10 years have passed, and I'm back here. What a time.
"Show my head to the people, it is worth seeing." - Georges Danton
"For fun" is the best reason to do anything. "The best" is the best way to do everything.
Original username Zoddtheimmortalone. I'm a fan of anime, but I enjoy the classics more. As for My Little Pony, I may not watch it as much, but I do like the show and I also love EG
If you close your eyes, it's like nothing's ever changed.
The easiest solution is usually the right one.
MLP helped me find my muse in Oct. 2014 after 6 years without it. I have a Psychology B.S. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.
I like reading and writing sexytime stories, but don't tell anyone!
Come closer, I don't bite...unless you're into that.
Come what may and test what will, I always find peace in some form of writing. Be it famous, hidden, or simply my own, it is and forever will be a sanctuary.
Insanity is only those of the vivid imagination
It's gonna be weird. It's gonna be dark. It's not gonna have a happy ending.
This is an alt account for posting smut but all I will say is that I am a carbon based intelligent organism of earthly origin, made mostly of water.
If you like my stories, feel free to join me on Patreon.
A quiet mouse who worries too much. I lurk often and write rarely. I swear I'll finish something, someday.
Writer of "Saga of Soul" and "Where I Watch: My Little Pony"
I don't write pony stories. I mainly write about humans or Equestria Girl stories.
I´m what happens, if you have a great libido and too much time on your hands. And yes that also includes fapping...
Hey folks, I'm a writer from the UK and I write MLP Fanfiction from time to time. I also do edits, proofreads and commenting. I primarily write lighthearted stories as well as clop or dark subjects.