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Schorl Tourmaline


Surprise! Second Nightmare Night Cosplay Image. · 12:36am Nov 1st, 2020

So seeing how Scylla has won our "Nightmare Night Cosplay" contests two years running, I'm cheating a bit by having Schorl in a second costume this year. While the last image was for "Helltaker", this next one is for a more obscure horror game. I wonder how many of you will be able to guess the game from the image along. Just remember that I worked extra hard this year (or in reality, Scylla worked extra hard drawing up a second costume for me), so if you haven't voted on one of us to win, you

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Annual Halloween image time · 5:11pm Oct 29th, 2020

It's that time of the year again. The time where Scylla and I come up with an image that isn't comprised of only BDSM rape porn, so we can actually post on FIMFiction in the form of Halloween Cosplay for our OCs. As with the years prior, we are doing a bit of a "contest" with the image, where you can vote on your favorite pony, and that vote will lead to another image down the road that is only comprised of BDSM rape porn, where the winner can take advantage of the loser :P. Links to

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"Interview of Aryanne" appreciation page · 9:41pm Jul 27th, 2020

Seeing as the story's comments got shut down, I made this page for people to comment on it. Have fun ^_^.

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New Project Release · 4:21am Apr 15th, 2020

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while, but I have some good news. Firstly, the most important thing for you all probably, I'll be returning to writing my fanfics soon (as early as tomorrow). I'll be starting on Weak and Powerless, and then will be doing my best to finish up all my current Fanfics before the end of the year.

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Plans for the year · 3:06pm Jan 1st, 2020

Hey everyone. Looks like we made it to 2020, despite the best efforts of mankind to do otherwise :P

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Halloween Costume Contest · 5:54pm Oct 4th, 2019

Hello everyone. Here for a few reasons. First being to announce that I am still around (again), but also to repeat the tradition started last year in my blog with another Halloween Costume contest featuring Schorl and Scylla.

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I'm still alive! · 10:37pm Sep 13th, 2019

Sorry for being MIA for so long. I just wanted to update everyone about my "vacation" a bit. I'm kinda still on it, and won't be writing pony stories for a bit longer, however I haven't been sitting on my hands exactly. I've actually been working on a project that I'm hoping might turn into something more than fan fiction. While I've kept it a secret for a while, I think that I'm far enough along to let you all know what I'm up to.

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Taking a bit of a break · 6:56pm Jun 21st, 2019

I have decided to take a small break from writing, and wanted to inform anyone who might be interested in my current stories. I was already kinda working on another project for the past few weeks, but seeing how long that was taking, I wanted to make it official that I wouldn't be doing any updates for the next few weeks to up to a month. I hope this doesn't upset anyone looking forward to the next chapter of either "Fish Out of Water" or "Weak and Powerless".

Report Schorl Tourmaline · 270 views ·

Merry Christmas Everyone · 6:00am Dec 25th, 2018

Or whatever you celebrate. I hope you all had a great year, and here's to having next year be even better...

Hey, there is only one time a year I get this sappy. You better enjoy it while it lasts.

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Halloween image · 1:19pm Oct 15th, 2018

A little something Scylla made for Halloween. Schorl and Scylla dressed up as Panty and Stocking. As a little addition to this, we are going to make a follow up image to this based on which one viewers looks better. The loser will be at the mercy of the winner. So which do you prefer? Trick or Treat?

Cast your vote here: https://www.strawpoll.me/16649203

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