• Member Since 25th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen July 14th


Stories. Ponies. That's all. If you like my stuff, please follow! <3


Hey readers! <3 · 1:24am Jul 15th, 2020

Hey there!

Sorry for being so absent lately. I've had lots of stuff happen and honestly, I lost most of my motivation. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things and will hopefully have something out relatively soon :c

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Changing Time Enough For Three to better fit my original idea. · 4:57pm Apr 11th, 2020

Hey guys,

I had just put out the two latest chapters, but I now feel like the story doesn't particularly match the tone that I was going for. Things were put in, namely the gods, to kinda overcome some of the plotholes that were there without actually doing the work. I'll be updating Arc 1: Chapter 14 & Arc 2: Chapter 1 quickly to make sure that it all falls in line with my original idea.

Hopefully you understand. Sorry for any confusion which may arise when reading through the story.

Report Valtyra · 382 views · #Editing #Change

Sorry about the late update! · 12:36am Nov 28th, 2019

Heya peeps!

I know that's it's been a while with an update for Time Enough For Three, but it is being worked on. I'm mostly done with the chapter, but it needs editing first, then it'll be straight out!


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Hey peeps! I have a Twitter now :D · 8:04pm Oct 30th, 2019

Hey all,

As the title says, I have created a twitter... finally!

So, uh, yeah. Go follow! Twitter Link

I'll be posting extracts from new chapters, as well as general thoughts about stuff :D

Either way, the new chapter will be posted up very soon and it's filled it absolute cuuuuute stuff! <3

Thanks peeps <3<3<3

Report Valtyra · 277 views · #Twitter

Thank you so much! <3 · 9:10am Oct 20th, 2019

Hey there, readers!

First off, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for being here. I know the amount of stories on this site rises each day and it's sometimes not easy to find a story you like. So, thank you for reading mine.

Secondly, I want to say that I've taken the criticisms and complaints that some have made and really thought about the story.

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What's up peeps! Am back :D · 6:42pm Sep 23rd, 2019

Hey all!

As many of you have probably surmised, if you have spent any longer than a full second looking at my profile (not sure why you would, but oh well) is that I've been away for quite a while. I was starting my fourth year of uni and as such I had to take a break (though there wasn't much of a start).

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Report Valtyra · 217 views ·

Wow. It's been so long xD · 2:52am Aug 19th, 2017

What's up guys,

I never thought I would be on here once more. To be honest, I'm kinda in a bad spot. I've essentially promised a friend that I would rewrite one of my stories and that means reading through my horrible stuff once more.

But don't worry... I think I have the story in mind. Well two, but let's not dwell on semantics.

Anyway, I'll see you guys around. Those that follow me still anyway!

Report Valtyra · 336 views ·

Hiatus :( · 2:34pm Aug 12th, 2014

Hey everypony.

I know I haven't been on, or updated in quite a while. This is mainly due to the fact that I have dropped most of my motivation for writing. Hopefully I get it back soon, because I know some of you are looking forward to a new chapter of BALM, plus RC. :)

Report Valtyra · 642 views ·

New chapter of Rune Cascade! · 4:18pm Jul 4th, 2014

Hi everyone.

As you may have noticed, Rune Cascade was put On Hiatus. Now, That was because of a multitude of factors, which have cleared up... mostly...

Either way, I'm working on the newest chapter now. It's got comedy, more Luna / Frederick talking and other stuff which I'll spoil if I say too much :)

Keep an eye out or it. The chapter will be up soon!

Report Valtyra · 404 views ·

It's a doozy! · 2:35pm May 16th, 2014

Have I got a blog post for you!

Well, do I?

Yeah, thought so...

Anyway, I've completed chapter 5 of Memories best left forgotten!

It's a doozy... Or well it would be if it was any bigger than the other chapters... But anyway, it's done :)

It will be up once I get an editor plus a few other stuff you have to keep an eye out for!

Report Valtyra · 465 views ·