• Member Since 13th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Third Wheel


New Story coming soon · 2:30pm March 17th

And by soon, I mean later today. This time, a sequel to one of my very first works, also one of my more popular ones. It is fully written, and will be uploaded over the course of a few days. So look forward to over 20k words of Shining claiming the Elements as his own in the very near future.

Report Third Wheel · 132 views · #new story

Commissions Info · 6:59pm February 21st

Like my work? Interest in getting a commission? Here's all the necessary info:

  • How do I get a commission?

Contact me here through PMs. I am also available on Discord at third_wheel if you find discussing details there more convenient. You can check my profile (on Desktop view, as mobile hides stuff) to see if commissions are open at the moment and how many people are in the queue, or just ask.

  • What's the process like?

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Report Third Wheel · 440 views · #Commissions

Still Alive · 1:17pm January 16th

Did I use that title already? Whatever, Portal is pretty great. Anyway. I'm trying to get back into things. Actually, properly getting back into things, taking commissions again and getting Patreon running properly and all that. It'll still take a bit as I sort things out and finish a few leftover things, and I'll make a more proper announcement later, but I figured it'd make sense to already let you know, for a couple of extra reasons too:

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Report Third Wheel · 165 views ·

Signal Boost · 10:39am Jan 11th, 2022

With only a few days left for it, it has been brought to my attention that EponaFest, an upcoming Italian MLP convention, is currently running a crowdfunding to support the event. It would be great if you could spread the news around and/or donate money to the cause, provided you have it available. They're even giving out gadgets if you donate.

Report Third Wheel · 179 views ·

"And believe me, I am" · 2:21pm Jul 18th, 2020

Still Alive

Guess who's coming out with a new story and a new chapter in a few hours?

I'll be getting through my backlog of commissions and Patreon requests in the coming days, and sorting out some issues I had with Paypal. Except new stories from me soon. Once I'm done with that, I'll make a new blog detailing my new Patreon setup (currently I have everything paused) as well as a more detailed explanation of commissions and new prices.

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"that sounds like a lot of work" · 10:45am May 19th, 2020

Because I'm bored, I'll be keeping a list of the fics DLS has reviewed for his contest. If you want to see just a table of scores rather than links to the stories where you can scroll down and look at the reviews themselves, Gara is compiling a list here. Otherwise:

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Report Third Wheel · 630 views ·

The Pool for DLS's DLC is up · 5:51pm May 6th, 2020

You can find the voting pool for Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest here. This only affects a couple of the prizes, but it's a nice way to let people know you appreciated their stories. Or you didn't. A lot of writers took part in the contest (I was one of them, but there were also a couple of people with actual talent), so feel free to give the list of

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Report Third Wheel · 262 views ·

So about my next fic pt. II · 3:25pm Feb 25th, 2020

I have a version of the cover that's okay with the mods. I'm not posting it today though, Buster has decided to dump his old shit on the site again today and fuck no, I would like at least a shot at getting some views on this after all the shit I had to go through, so I ain't posting it while everyone's busy jerking off to that.

Report Third Wheel · 267 views ·

So about my next fic · 1:03pm Feb 24th, 2020

It's ready. It has been ready for three days. Have you seen the newest picture by hooves-art? That's the cover art. The fic was ready to go before that pic went public. There would have been a link to it in hooves's posts like last time I commissioned a cover for it.

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Report Third Wheel · 311 views ·

New voting pool up on Patreon! · 2:27pm Jan 29th, 2020

Do you want to decide what story I should work on next? Then head over to my Patreon, where you can vote on that, and get a bunch of other rewards for just a few dollars a month.

As an update on other stuff, the previously announced sequel chapter to SBF will come out in a few hours.

Report Third Wheel · 147 views ·