• Member Since 14th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2019

The Wizard of Words

Come what may and test what will, I always find peace in some form of writing. Be it famous, hidden, or simply my own, it is and forever will be a sanctuary.


During a rather peaceful day in the Canterlot Gardens, Princess Celestia begins to wonder about the nature of Chaos. Naturally, the best way to understand something so complicated is to speak to an expert in the field.

It is only too fortunate that Discord loves to talk about his favorite past-time.

Chapters (2)

Shortly after Cranky and Matilda's Wedding, Ditzy remembers that she forgot to thank the Doctor for helping her. And as a good friend, it is her duty to thank the doctor for his help. What could go wrong?

Story #20 Baby! Thank you all for the support!
Consider this a simple but sweet thank you for all your kind words and criticism over the few years.

Chapters (1)

Starfall is an up-and-coming Magical Martial Arts Fighter. Trained by the famed White Sister, Celestia, little stands in her way in becoming one of the strongest unicorns in the entire MMA league. Aurora Glider is a dedicated research specialist and trained physician. Looking to improve undeveloped pegasi flight, she knows one day she'll be able to help anyone who needs her.

Two mares from two sides of the same coin. All it takes is a chance injury on one's part to force a meeting between the two.

Minor Warning: Characters are Personality Swapped
Cover Image by Ambris, used with permission
Story fourteen in my Twidash Challenge: Alternate Universe

Chapters (3)

History is a mystery to even those who know it well. For no matter how deep we dig, there will always be another layer to uncover. For every mystery solved in the texts of time, there is another that is quick to take its place. Ruins are discovered, monuments resurrected, or maybe just an old text finally having the dust swept from it. There are so many ways history can be found.

But sometimes, those few dark times, there is a history that truly is better off forgotten.

After an ancient ruin is uncovered, and its finders missing, it is up to the Elements of Harmony to answer the mystery of the ruin's history. Or else they may fall to the same mistake again.

A love/apology letter to all my Pangur Ban and One Last Game readers. Focusing on Karl from Castle of Nations/Law of Talos, I hope to make him every bit as terrifying, powerful, and charismatic as he was before. I hope you enjoy.

P.S. If this story embodies any tropes, it’s Bloodless Carnage, Exact Words, and Power Source.

Chapters (5)

Octavia was always one for planning ahead. Whether it be dinner that night or her career years away, she always had an idea of how to get there. The right amount of practice, the proper performance to the right pony, and she could see her life progressing exactly as it should.

However, suddenly turning into an alicorn kind of put a damper on her plans.

Story thirteen in my Twidash Challenge: Secondary Pairing (Quite Obviously)

Chapters (14)

Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun, has long guided the ponies of Equestria with a gentle and caring hoof. Never once did she allow herself to be swayed by thoughts of power, nor did she turn away from her subjects in their times of need. A ruler rightfully adored, she has helped an uncountable amount of ponies with their lives, finding their dreams, and fulfilling their destinies.

But comes the day she had long dreaded, but never feared.

Twilight Sparkle, her dutiful and precious student, has fulfilled her destiny and has become a new princess for Equestria. With her new role comes many responsibilities, but for a curious mare such as herself, so to come the questions. What does it mean to be an alicorn? What does it meant to be a princess? But more importantly than anything else, why is Princess Celestia an immortal, but Twilight Sparkle not?

It is a question the Princess of the Sun must now answer. Her last secret to be told to her greatest student.

Chapters (5)

It has been months since Discord was reformed and relocated to Ponyville. Under Fluttershy's watchful eye, he has kept himself from harming or manipulating a single pony. There is only a small problem that came with the larger solution.

He has gotten bored.

Concerned for her new friend, Fluttershy suggests he uses his magical powers to help ponies around Ponyville in ways that no other pony can. Good thing, Discord has such a unique way to help ponies in need...

Story eleven in my Twidash Challenge: Random Theme
Cover image by GlancoJusticar

Chapters (8)

Twilight has always loved mysteries. Researching them, dissecting them, and finally, solving them. Almost nothing could compare to the joy she feels when finding an answer to a question no pony knew.

But there are mysteries with answers better left unheard, truths that aren't meant to be known. Now Twilight has solved a mystery with an answer she doesn't want, an answer she can never forget.

Chapters (1)

Looking back, it should have been obvious. It wasn't at the time of course and they knew that, but it was now. All those brief moments they spent together, the close encounters, it was like they were dancing around the subject.
And it all began with something so very small.

Set during season two.
Story eight in my Twidash Challenge: Song Fic
Cover art by johnnoz

Edit: Yes, I won the contest, to my absolute glee!

Chapters (1)

After months of practice, trial, error, and research, Twilight finally perfects the Wing Casting Spell. Her friends are more than excited to see the fruits of her labor. All her friends except for Rainbow. Why is the cyan mare so hesitant to congratulate Twilight?

Prior to Season 3.
Story seven in my Twidash Challenge: Slice of Life Theme
Cover Image by Psychodikdik

Chapters (5)