• Member Since 11th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2020

Purple Pony

The only thing Purple Pony likes more than purple is her purple mane. It is just so purple that Purple Pony adores it.

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New Story Next Week · 5:51pm May 10th, 2018

I just finished that story I was staring to work on at the start of the semester. Seriously. Just finished it a few minutes ago. Now I can start to work on Back and Forth with Friends again.

Wait, you want to know where the story is?

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Comments ( 17 )
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PURPLE :heart:

*ahem* such mane. :pinkiesmile:

ohmahgawd so purple

I dunno. She appeared in a Rarity episode for a couple seconds. I think it was season 7.
She isn’t important, if that’s what you mean.

Thanks for the follow! I hope you'll continue to enjoy my work. :twilightsmile:

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Inspiration is a massive @$$ · 7:22pm Dec 7th, 2016

So, I haven't really updated Back and Forth with Friends lately. I was hoping I could get some sort of idea that would be helpful, but I can't seem to come up with anything. This just proves that I can't really write slice of life stories. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I'm trying to come up with something, but it isn't working. Remember, any ideas are appreciated. Until then, Back and Forth with Friends is going on hiatus.

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