• Member Since 13th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Something has been gnawing at AJ

It has been several months since she joined the rest of her friends as an alicorn. After having time to think about what this might mean for her future, she arranges a meeting with Celestia.

Contains AppleDashery and another ship I shall not name :p

Chapters (1)

In the middle of the night, Rainbow finds that Applejack is missing.

A thank you to bookplayer and Jake R for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

The heart wants what the hearts wants, right? But what would happen if you never truly knew what your heart wanted? What's supposed to be a usual morning for Applejack quickly turns to chaos as she is left with three questions.

What happened to her?
How will she cope?
Why do the Cutie Mark Crusaders keep following her around?

A big thank you to Kutsune Risu for proofreading it and an even bigger thank you to Jackie for the astounding cover-art

Note: I won't be following the canon established by the S3 finale.

Chapters (5)

100 - 500 word, prompt based mini-fics by the authors from the AppleDash group here on FiMFiction, including Tchernobog, bookplayer, KrazyTheFox, DbzOrDie, ThatPinkPony, BronyNeumo, TwilightUCrazy and more!

Note: word-count is based on program used for writing the fic.
Prompt count: 282

Chapters (324)

It's a very special day...
Two of the luckiest mares in Ponyville are getting married.
Just who could I be talking about...

As if you don't know.

A big thank you to Tchernobog and Lycan_01 for being awesome editors, and Jackie for the awesome cover art

Chapters (1)