• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


This story is a sequel to Drill Sergeant Luna

Still lamenting her guards' quick and embarrassing loss against the now-reformed Changelings, Princess Cadance decided she should personally whip them into better fighting shape. Princess Luna electing to train Canterlot's guards herself was a change that worked wonders for them.

However, Shining Armor doubted if Cadance, possibly the kindest of the alicorn princesses, was emotionally capable of training her guards with the same degree of "tough love" that Princess Luna had with hers.

Fortunately, or unfortunately from the guards' point of view, Shining's worries proved to be wrong once Princess Cadance became Sergeant Cadance.

Enough will be explained to not require reading this story's predecessor first. However, check it out if you want to see the details of how Princess Luna's training of Canterlot's guards went and what led to it.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 27 )

“Great! I will inform them that I will be in charge of their training starting tomorrow, but I will send Twilight a letter; I’m going to need one of her friends – I think – help.” Cadance trotted out of the bedroom. She peeked back into the room and playfully teased, “By the way, I hope you didn’t ask Twilight to pick out that book under your pillow for you. It’s a little outdated.”

:twilightangry2: Hey!

Naturally, her guards weren’t going to enjoy themselves either.

Oh, this is gonna be an even bigger comedy trainwreck than Luna's was. Can't wait for it.

The only thing that would make this funnier than Luna's bit is if Cadance brings out Flutter-Rage.

Why I am thinking about the BDSM?..

“Maybe, but I was weakened from a stomachache that day from something I ate.”

Sure Cadence... Sure.:raritywink:

Methinks Cadance's guards are in for a big, and loud, surprise:rainbowlaugh:

Big and loud you say? Hmmm.:trixieshiftright:

This already looks amazing and I can't wait for more!


And you won't have to keep waiting too long.


Alas, there won't be Flutterrage, though there may be some type of rage. Still, Fluttershy acting as a drill sergeant is an interesting idea..,hmm.

There's probably none of that in the book Shining was reading. Then again, who knows what turns Cadance on in bed:rainbowlaugh:

More will be coming in a couple of days:twilightsmile:


Sure Cadence... Sure.:raritywink:

Part of me wonders what would disappoint Applejack the most about Cadance's/Cadence's lie; the fact that she tried to lie in itself, or that it was such a bad lying attempt:rainbowlaugh:

Nope, I was thinking about the drills.

Using US to light a fire under your guards' flanks? Clever Sergeant, very clever. Also yall ponies are VERY interesting.

Are you also going to do this kind of story with Twilight and Celestia?


Yeah, Cadance gave herself and Equestrian ponies too little credit:rainbowlaugh:


It kinda happened with Twilight in the last chapter of the story before this one. But having a whole story with a drill sergeant Twilight or drill sergeant Celestia is very doubtful as of now, partly due to how it would be tough to have those stories stand out from this or the first one. It's possible that I might write one sometime down the line if some kind of inspiration ever comes to me and the urge to do it is strong enough,

“I hate to say it, but I don’t think your philosophy is only good on paper.”


Thanks got letting me know about that typo. I just fixed it.

Celestia is too much of a weakling to do this. Luna's story showed how much of one she is. Twilight would be awesome though.

I bet they figure out that she's ticklish.


Hilarious as it would be to see :rainbowlaugh: I wouldn't count on it.

‘If an alicorn must pound on me for days, why couldn’t the alicorn be Princess Twilight?’

:twilightsmile: That can be arranged.

I believe that CJ can say it better than I can.


Letter to Twilight=sequel hook, I take it?

All that training against physical threats, yet absolutely no defenses against mental magic? Yeah, that's on you.


:twilightsmile: That can be arranged.

How knows? Flash just might like it:rainbowlaugh:

:facehoof: I'm assuming this is season 9?

It is.




It wasn't a sequel-hook. I imagine the Mane 6 would still win with good 'ol magic of Friendship and rainbows.


As Cadance herself said, she didn't see it coming:rainbowlaugh:

And so because of Cadence's "brilliant idea" and failure to teach mental defenses, the Mane 6 and Spike the Brave and Glorious were overwhelmed because the guards were too well trained and wiped the floor with them. Sombra went on to claim the Crystal Empire again and kept the royal family imprisoned. Everyone, sans Sombra, lived miserably ever after.

If that happened, that would make Cadance's (and for that matter Luna's) plans be one of Equestria's biggest epic fails of all time.

As well as being a good ending for Sombra.

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