• Member Since 8th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Pony with a Pen

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to not write about ponies. When I have those moments, I write about ponies.


There's nothing interesting in Froggy Bottom Bogg. Absolutely nothing. Except sticks, if you're into that sort of thing. Starlight isn't, even though Maud is, so Starlight will have to make an exception for this one particular stick...


Sometimes, we don't think things through. Sometimes, bad things happen. And sometimes, it's for the best. This is a story about one of those times.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

I half-expected Spike to send Mud Briar's body to Princess Celestia by accident...

Well, that was interesting :rainbowlaugh: Now all they need is to roast marshmallows and make s'mores!

"Spike, this is the third body this year you have sent me. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Not funny

Aprion #5 · Apr 3rd, 2018 · · 3 ·

I... I think I love you for this. You have just made my day, my week, and my month.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving pony!

Had Starlight enlisted the help of Trixie or Discord, we might have seen something akin to Very Bad Things.

I don't think I'm ever going to be able to look at Starlight the same way again...

Dear, Maud , , ,technically it's Maudileena Daisy Pie. but I digress,
Dear harlot? technically with your emotional out bursts I have had enough,
I have found another in my life, Well technically I met a another who is more my type of wild party animal. technically a more active being in line with my rapier wit and daring do, Technically , you and I? we don't match... your comedy circuit would of conflicted with my life plan in politics and technically keep me home bound as a cooh biscuit nanny (technically a slave to your female hormonal rampages
(I know what you do with Bolder as if I technically didn't see it!) No I am going where no pony will ever find me,
Technically Nothing will ever find me, Live long and prosper but technically that is a copy righted phrase .
Technically I'm burning up to start my new life maybe on the rebound you can hook up with one of Rarity's old romantic partner technically he's a rock,,, Tom's his name.

Technically gone forever Mud Briar

Technically you can call me Mud.

Technically any further contact would be impossible .


“Okay, nope. I’m done,” Spike said as he turned and walked away. “Friends are NOT always there for you, Starlight, especially when it involves murder.”

It took about fifteen seconds for Spike to notice he wasn’t getting very far. Unicorn magic is so frustrating.

I lol'ed :yay:

On the one hand... what the actual fuck? On the other... good story.

And this is when Celestia finds out Spike really is just like other dragons. Pony lives? Who cares? They're just ponies! Unless he also sent her Garble's corpse at some point. Someone please write this. Spike the serial killer. And only Celestia knows. Or cares. :pinkiecrazy:

Remember, kids! A friend is someone who helps you move. A real friend is someone who helps you move a body.

I stopped reading after the fifth thechnically.
Well done, you are a master on Mudbriar forgery.


This is as funny as it is messed up.
Would've been even funnier had he accidentally sent the skull to Celestia.

If I ever wrote a sequel, that's probably where I'd take it, but the thought of Spike and Glimmy sitting around Mudbriar's smoking remains just seemed like the appropriate place to stop. More wholesome, you know? lol

Mud really WAS the worst thing to come out of mlp

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