• Member Since 8th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Pony with a Pen

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to not write about ponies. When I have those moments, I write about ponies.


So what if it’s been a few hundred years since her last stallion? Celestia still has it. She doesn’t need to prove it to Luna, certainly not by competing with her to bed that handsome new guard. That kind of insecure, promiscuous behavior is below the Princesses of Equestria. They stand as paragons of virtue and purity for their little ponies, and they would never sacrifice that trust and respect for a meaningless tryst. Seducing a royal guard—how could they possible do something so immoral and short-sighted?

Besides, both Sisters know who would get him first.

Cover Art Image Sources:

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 20 )

What's wrong with Luna's face in the picture?

They stand as paragons of virtue and purity for their little ponies, and they would never sacrifice that trust and respect for a meaningless tryst.

After all, doing that would result in a clear conflict of interest on the guard's part that would likely cost him his job in the worst way.


"Seducing a royal guard—how could they possible do something so immoral and short-sighted?"

Just FYI, your title should be "Knock one up." To nock (v) is to bring an arrow to bowstring in preparation to fire.

7760239 could also be notch, like notch on a bedpost. Depending on what implications you want to make.

7760239 Celestia and Luna are vying for the attention of the Royal Guard, Private Long Arrow. (It's a pun :pinkiehappy:)

7760275 Luna might want to make that implication :trollestia:

7760281 Never mind my previous statement, that is a witty pun. One worthy of a read. :twilightsmile:

7760275 That is a notch, not a nock, points for trying.

I'm guessing this will end with the princesses finding out Arrow is already spoken for, or gay, or something that will reveal their efforts were doomed from the start.

7767336 But love always prevails! (And sex is pretty much the same thing as love, right?)

What is that thing? :rainbowhuh:

What an utter bloody farce! :rainbowlaugh:
It's like a train-wreck, this situation the sisters are bringing about: don't want to look, can't look away! :twilightsheepish:

I'd like to, and I'm planning on it, but first I'll rewrite a few bits of what's already here. I also have another story in the works, which will also come first.

Hmm... How much you wanna get that Long Arrow is either;
A- Taken
B- Not interested in mares.

Did ageless beings experience mid-life crises?


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