• Member Since 3rd May, 2014
  • offline last seen January 30th


Names R.A. Spook. Website. Patreon. Kofi.


Jasper Mountebank is a well-to-do merchant of the Victorian period. he loves his tea, he loves his evening walks, and he loves to have everything in its place, as any gentleman should.

But when Discord, in a last-ditch effort to spread chaos beyond his defeat, drags him from his home with the intention of creating chaos in his absence, He learns that in this new world the place of any human, even a gentleman such as himself, is not so clear cut.

A Commission of thus far indeterminate length for an anonymous benefactor. Currently Capped at 30'400 words. if you would like to contribute to the continuation of this fanfic, feel free!

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

Big ups to yakopak for the new cover art!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 32 )

I'll be very disappointed if this does not involve pounds of flesh and ducats.

could be fun hope he turns out as a pony

The Merchant of Venice - a Shakespeare play, involves a blatant Jewish stereotype moneylender who tries to kill a guy because he can't pay back his loan.

A good start actually, I kind of cringed a little at the way this MC talks but I guess it is expected for a posh victorian-era-ish guy who found their self in ponyland, I am still pleased and I await what else to happen with our new Human Protagonist. =)

Main antagonist is a griffon named Flylock lol

Perhaps you should write your own version of the story. I'm sure it will be very popular on /mlpol/. Heck, I'd read it.

this is the kind of support I love to see tbh! go for it ^^

If he writes coherently and runs it through grammerly I'll probably enjoy it. However, my Ashkenazi grandmother might disapprove of it. Anyway, good first chapter although I don't see how such a gentleman can cause chaos except for the whole being human thing. I await your second chapter with great anticipation.

Ah! A man of high society! Quite refreshing to see, especially compared to the common rabble these days. I'm sitting nearly at the edge of my seat in anticipation!

Good work sir! I must applaud the quality of such good work! I also find the subjects truly entertaining. I shall watch your career with great interest. But please, don't go weird, we wouldn't want the crown to get upset would we?

Thank you for the kind words! Rest assured, I will only get as weird as the customer's request ^^.

Beware of the hand horse...

In any case, strange monkey-thing or not, Applejack was never one to refuse a hoof shake, and took his paw, shaking it heartily, a surprised look coming across his face as the firmness and intensity of her response. “Well, I suppose it is good enough meetin’ ya, Jasper. The name’s Applejack. This here’s my lil’ sister, Applebloom.” She said as she gestured down at the younger filly after releasing his paw. The strange creature rubbed his paw for a moment with a small wince before placing his glove back on, smiling at the two of them kindly again, giving a small bow of greeting to the young filly. “A pleasure meeting you both. As to what you can do for me. I am erm...new to town, and in a bit of a pickle! I’ve been trying to find somewhere to bed for the evening, but so far it seems all of my attempts have had me shooting into the brown and, to be frank, I’m quite poked up about it.” he says, rubbing at the back of his neck, seeming a bit abashed. My stature and queer appearance seem to have turned most of the townsfolk into meaters, but you seem a bricky enough gal to stick around for a chat, so I was hoping you might point a gent in the right direction.

ayy Bub, I think you forgot to place quotation marks at a certain area, hope I helped you bruh XD

yeah customer wanted weird lyra lol

Loving this so far. Waiting patiently for the next chapter.

This is commed? Damn.

yep! i was given a loose story premise and told to run with it as a saw fit with occasional event requests ^^

"oh! This must be one of those er...lightbulbs I keep hearing about in the science journals. Goodness Edison really has his fingers in every pie, doesn't he... " they finished more softly than they began as they looked up at the fixture with a squint. he was tall enough, in comparison to the fairly squat pony architecture surrounding him, to reach up and gently tap the bulb a few times. "Fascinating..."

Pfft, imagine if Jasper actually found Tom Edison here, crazy shit.


Just wait until he sees Twilight's lab machine.

love the new art! :heart:

You really must do more, this is great.

Ah, I see. He's a merchant, and in being brought to Equestria he's gained contract magic. This promises to be...well, promising.

It's cool, i like it. But you now what i dont like. Emoticons, they are everywhere and they dont even make sense.

I can’t not imagine this guy with a British accent.

Welp you've gotten yourself a new constant reader of this book, mein freund! I mean the concept of a Merchant in Equestria is such an untapped concept. I mean yeah we have the Displaced 'Merchants' but they kinda get tainted by the introduction of other factors, in my opinion. I look forward to more, mein freund!

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