• Member Since 12th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2022


Writing is just pain leaving the spirit...


Set a few years after Magic is Friendship has ended, Pinkie Pie is living her life in Ponyville much as she always has. She helps take care of the Cake twins, she plans parties, and she spreads joy to everypony she comes across. When Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyville to ask her a very special question, it throws her whole world for a whirl, and these star-crossed ponies will have to figure out how they can be together even when they have to stay apart.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

wow! this is amazing!

Carrot Cake is the dad. The twins are Pound and PUMPKIN cake.

Whoops! Fixed now. That'll teach me to pay closer attention.

Thank you! You like anything in particular?

The door knocked. “Flurry Heart? Little miss, if you’re face isn’t in that corner, your father is going to have some words!”

Grammar error

I really loved this fic. Though I have to ask, is Starlight with Sunburst, with Trixie, or both?

I'm hoping both because that would make for an interesting story as to how they got together.

Deliberate ambiguity, for the win.

Either that or planting a seed in the reader's mind to make them want to write a story. Both explanations work. :rainbowdetermined2:

nothing specifically, i just loved it all!

Then, clearly satisfied, she took a great big bite. And stopped, her eyes shrunk to points. Pinkie bit down again, snapping something crunchy baked into the cake. She mulled the mouthful for a few moments before swallowing, then took both hooves and started poking at the loaf.

One of Pinkie’s eyes grew three sizes as she inspected. Then she turned back to the foals.

That is the best :rainbowlaugh:
This whole story is! Heartbreaking, heartwarming, bittersweet, all of the above...

This is sweet.:twilightsmile: Feels like it could fit right into the show universe!

THIS WAS YOUR FIRST STORY!?!?!?:pinkiegasp:

With the way this was written I was sure you were a seasoned fimfic writer this a good story and it is also very well written.

Oh! :twilightsmile: Well, thank you very much! :pinkiehappy:

Ok, Flurry Heart having a temper and being sassy ks the best thing

I liked this! For a first Story it's great!

With a hoop and a holler, the twins cheered and clapped hooves. A job well done! Well, until Pinkie saw the mess they made in the kitchen. Then it was the rest of the morning spent mopping and scrubbing while she ran the shop. But they had a noticeable spring to their steps.

Consider "hoot"?

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