• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
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The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!


A lot can change in a thousand years. For a pony out of her time like Somnambula, it can be disorienting and confusing. With her mind full of worries about her home, she decides to take a trip south to see her old hometown. But will she really find peace in a place where so much has changed, or does she perhaps have another reason for making the journey?

Editing provided by SolidFire and LoyalLiar.
Cover art provided by Ruirik.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

in the feels.:pinkiesad2:

Very nice. It takes the time to build the emotion, and though it's not a surprise, it reveals each thing at the right time. It was a clever choice to use Pinkie Pie for a commentary on hope, life and death.

Well she was Pinkie's predecessor after all, remember?

Ohhh, the feels. Bravo, 24th. I'm curious, where did you get the name Mahrdina? Is that an actual Egyptian word? I definitely recognized some of the familial terms as genuine Egyptian, like shari.

I combined Arabic for "pony" (Mahr)" and "city" (Madina) and ended up with Mahrdina, which in itself is a pun on the Saudi city of Medina

Ri2 #6 · Apr 3rd, 2018 · · ·

You can't go home again. Unless you can. Hmm.

Now I wonder how some of the others like Rockhoof will feel. At least Somnambula's town is still standing and inhabited. His island was destroyed and completely abandoned.

Even worse, take note of how the mountain on the island looks in modern times.

It likely got Krakatoa'd at point blank.

Beautiful...just, simply BEAUTIFUL:heart::pinkiesad2::fluttershbad::raritycry:!!!

This was pretty great.

Absolutely beautiful story about Best Pillar! And I like how you wrote Pinkie as well. Some make her so shallow that all she knows is silliness.

And as has been said before, the feels! :fluttershbad:

Wow... Feels!

Take notes, people. This is how you horsepun to the fullest extent of your worldbuilding.

I have to say you done this perfectly

Live for the pun, die for the pun.

Damn dude. That was pretty damn good. You wrote Pinkie and Somnambula very well. Pacing was great. And of course those feels made the story as a whole just fantastic.

You should do THIS for ALL the Pillars :ajsmug:

Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

Based on the title, I was really expecting the sphinx to show up. But this was not disappointing in the least. 10/10

I imagine Rockhoof seeing his home being just... gone... would hit him pretty hard. The others all have someplace (or some descendents at least in the case of Mistmane and Meadowbrook... and probably even Somnambula if the implied interest in Hisan is more than just implied like in this story) to go back to.

Rockhoof has nothing.

Though I do have to say, you are the spitting image of Somnambula herself. You will be the best Somnambula we have ever had, that I can assure you.

Those artist must have been extremely talented to make a statue after she had already disappeared that so resembled her that a 1000 years later it matches her still.

“Stay with me,” she said. “If this is to be our last night together… then I want nothing more than to share it with you.”

Here’s a what if scenario, what if they made love and since she was in limbo and time stop, she emerges from limbo a thousand years in the future and discovers a few months after that she is pregnant?

This story is more melancholy than I expected, but it's very well-written. It's good enough for me to incorporate parts of it into my headcanon.


Oh. My.


This is a beautiful story. I am truly in awe of your world-building, your Pony/Egyptian culture - everything. I especially loved this sentence here -

“Somepony send my Ka onwards to the Field of Reeds, for I have suffered long enough.”

- Not entirely certain why, but it was a lovely way to tie in some more subtle culture-y world building stuffs that I really appreciate.

I also loved the fact that you realised that Somnambula's village wouldn't have been named after her when she was a filly. Mahrdina is a really pretty name, and also a very clever horse-pun.

That scene down in the catacombs with the mummies was astoundingly beautiful and heartbreaking. I loved her reactions when she found her children's graves. I am not a mother, and certainly not one who went away for a day and found everyone and everything she loved dead for a thousand years, but her reaction seemed perfectly realistic and heartbreaking.


Here’s a what if scenario, what if they made love and since she was in limbo and time stop, she emerges from limbo a thousand years in the future and discovers a few months after that she is pregnant?

This idea would make for an amazing sequel - also heartbreaking, I imagine, but I would love, love, LOVE to read something like this, as long as it was as well written as this one has been.

Also, one last comment, I promise - Pinkie Pie. I find Pinkie Pie in the show can be much better of listener, and much more serious when she needs to be , than the fandom makes her out. Your Pinkie Pie here is a very true to canon, with her silly antics and unused-to-the-desert troubles, but still bouncy, yet when Somnambula needed her to be quiet, she was. I appreciated that. Pinkie Pie can be a wonderful character when well-written.

In all, an amazing story, thank you very much for writing something like this. This thoughtful, heartbreaking story is truly a work of art.

while this was a very nice story it didnt end quite how i expected it to, this was a bit to....real...for the land of magic and ponies...i expected at least for the spirit of the prince to make an apearence to comfort his wife from the beyond or something like that....on the flip side...i kinda...well i kinda like that it ends this way too...da know why

This story hurt in all the good ways, oh dear sweet Somnambula I can't even begin to imagine the pain you went through.

And speaking of puns, Hisan means horse.

Oof the feels.

The Catacombs scenes and Somnambula’s farewell with Prince Hisan were my favorite parts… along with Pinkie Pie getting Somnamburamallamadingdong’s name wrong all the time lol.

Oh and her losing sleep frequently is a nice touch.

Wonderful! Had this on a backlog forever and I'm happy I finally got around to reading it! :)


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