• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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A Matter of Morals

"I can't expect you to understand, Sera," Rainbow Dash muttered into the firelight.

"Try me." Seraphimus marched closer to the gathered group. "Understand what?"

"Anything!" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked. "The sarosians—Princess Luna's beloved children conjured from nightmares..." She gestured dramatically with her hooves. "That's thousands upon thousands of years of history at play here! That's the sort of leverage we potentially wield in dealing with these Bloodwings—"

"You came into Rohbredden—my home—without any knowledge of the trials and tribulations of the Five Tribes," she said.

"Six," Kepler hissed.

Seraphimus clenched her beak through that. "You knew nothing about Unification. The Council of Verlaxion. Or even the Month of Thawing. And yet—you tackled the hurdles set before you. Tell me... what was the solution in the end? What allowed you to triumph while surrounded by so much adversity?"

"Sera..." Rainbow shook her head. "I... I kinda thought we were past this—"

"Do not cower from the truth—"

"I'm not cowering!" Rainbow Dash frowned. "I had to take the blame for Verlax's death!" She sighed heavily. "It was the only way to assure that the Tribes turned on me instead of each other. Otherwise, every pony and griffin you ever pledged your life for would be jumping at each other's throats... while windigoes preyed upon them from the skies!"

"So your solution was to manipulate the strife and dissent of my continent to a unique advantage."

"It's... it's not that s-simple!" Rainbow's voice cracked.

"Stay calm, Rainbow—" Twilight insisted.

Rainbow nevertheless hissed through her teeth: "Your beloved 'queen'—a demented dragon Divine with a goddess complex—set a gazillion traps for me! It was all an elaborate plan of hers from the beginning!"

Ariel cut in: "Verlax had everything covered. There was no avoiding any of the tools of deception she had placed generations in advance."

Seraphimus merely nodded, not taking her gaze off Rainbow Dash. "So... of course... you went straight to her lair and talked things out... harmonically."

Rainbow Dash blinked.

Wildcard glanced curiously at the rest of the Herald.

"I remember once, Rainbow..." Seraphimus arched a feathery eyecrest. "...in Steamfall... I had made you an offer. I was willing to take you all the way to Frostknife... to the Council of Verlaxion so that you could air your grievances to the highest authorities in the land."

"Somehow... I dun think she was bein' sincere about that at the time," Applejack muttered.

"If you were with us then, darling, then perhaps you could have told us the truth," Rarity said.

"I..." Applejack nervously winced. "...I ain't too sure anymore." A gulp. "I ain't too sure even now."

Seraphimus continued speaking: "I gave you a peaceful and harmonic solution, given how chaotic and redundant the pursuit had gotten for the Right Talon of Verlaxion. What became of that offer? Would you care to remind us?"

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle. She lingered... then eventually hung her head. "I... uh..." She toed the ground with her front hooves, sighing. "...I refused."

"Why?" Seraphimus cocked her feathery head to the side. "Was not my solution a pacifist one? Did it not align with the harmonic virtues that you learned in your own homeland? That you've struggled to carry for all these countless months of ardent flight?"

"I couldn't do it." Rainbow angrily clenched her jaws, yet she avoided Seraphimus' gaze. "Not so long as I knew the true nature of Verlax... what she was capable of... what 'her children' were capable of..."

Seraphimus leaned back, exhaling. "And... now... do you not know what this Lexxic is capable of?"

Rainbow shut her eyes with a sigh.

"It's just not the same situation here, Seraphimus," Ariel said. She stood up tall, frowning at the griffin. "Verlax was an immortal with a crazed obsession with the Austraeoh! Lexxic is just some edgy midnighter who doesn't even know the Austraeoh exists! And unlike Verlax, Lexxic and his kind have a personal connection with Princess Luna, whose enchantment still empowers Rainbow's Element and—"

"I know how terribly you wish to mate with your impulsive leader," Seraphimus calmly said, staring daggers at the female Heraldite. "But let that not excuse you talking yourself into an illogical cesspool."

Flynn and Logan flashed each other looks.

"... ... ...!" Stupified, Ariel shook with a quivering jaw. "I...! That's not...! Why you stuck up oversized—!" She jerked in place.

Wildcard was holding onto her tail with a metal talon. He gently tugged her back to the ground—where she folded her forelimbs with an angry huff.

Meanwhile, Seraphimus had begun pacing about the campfire. "Rainbow's quest is—at its core—a mission of 'harmony and restoration,' is it not? But—as I'm sure you well know—that does not necessitate doing things harmoniously all the time. In fact, to do so would likely have ended her journey prematurely on multiple occasions." She scuffled to a stop, glaring at the group. "For the longest time... I failed to understand this. I allowed my anger and vitriol to pollute my senses. The same emotional mechanics that saved the fate of my fellow citizens under the threat of unstoppable windigoes was a death knell for me. I took the death of Verlaxion to heart... in the same way that..." She sucked in her breath, and for a brief second she looked vulnerable. "...I took to heart the death of my family."

Wildcard stared quietly at his former Commander.

Clearing her throat, she regained her steely edge. "But I can see now. Well, I can almost see. The fact that I'm still here is by no small degree a measure of faith. Still..." She turned to face Rainbow Dash. "...faith isn't enough on its own to save your leader's journey. Common sense and tenacity are far more reliable traits. No doubt listening to them was enough to make Rainbow Dash survive in the long run... even if it required impulsive and brash decisions."

"Look, Seraphimus..." Rainbow Dash breathed sharply, gesturing in the air. "...my desire to speak with the Bloodwings—"

"Is neither sensible nor indicative of a tenacious mind." Seraphimus' charcoal eyes burned. "It is the foolish desire of a child to reconnect with a piece of her homeland. Didn't you achieve that with the midnighters of Bleak's Plummet?"

"Sure! I did!" Rainbow Dash stood up, making her ghostly companions squirm. "And from that experience, I feel that—"

"Yes. You feel." Seraphimus seethed. "Far too much, I suspect. Rainbow Dash, you cannot make it to your harmonic goal here on this plane by investing in feelings. There are creatures here numb to the most incomprehensible horrors. They feel absolutely nothing, and thus there is no peaceful anchor to their judgment. I do not speak just of the Dihmers, but those who have evolved to find security and contentment in causing suffering... not just experiencing it." She shook her head. "You cannot pursue a harmonic route with these cretins. Save yourself the trouble of contemplating such. The gangly creatures of this city have given you your one and only gift on this plane, and it would be a shame to waste it."

"Look, Sera..." Rainbow tried to breathe calmly. "I can't apologize enough for all the crap that went down in Rohbredden. I'm sorry about the windigoes. I really am. I know you'll find this hard to believe... but I have saved nations and continents multiple times before!" She slowly shook her head. "I'm not half as calamitous and foolish as you think I am. Verlax—your Queen—had sealed Rohbredden's fate long before either of us was even born! But that's not the case with the factions of the Trinary War! If my options in getting the Shards of Endrax fall down to only two choices—eliminating the armies protecting them or somehow getting them to cough the Shards up—then I wanna fight tooth-and-hoof to do the latter option! I mean... I have to try!"

"You cannot afford the luxury to 'try' anything here," Seraphimus said. She looked at the Herald as a whole. "None of you can. The stakes are the highest they've ever been. If this journey is as real and important as you tell me it is, then you cannot follow this leader of yours into a death trap."

"Ach... but we have beforre..." Kepler managed a smile. "...even one that you set within Frostknife. Were you blind to the Rrainbow One's tenacity then?"

Ariel smirked.

Seraphimus sighed. "She had an ace behind her fetlock." Her charcoal eyes fell on Rainbow's wings. "Tell me, Rainbow, do you possess such a game-changer now?"

"Like I've been saying..." Rainbow pointed at her Element. "...Princess Luna's enchantment—"

"Rainbow..." Flynn stood up and began pacing himself. "Rainbow..." With a sigh, he trotted about to face her, mechanical eye rotating to a stop. "What if it fails?"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Maybe you're willing," Flynn spoke as calmly as he could manage. "Hell, you're always 'willing.'" He gulped. "But this... this is just really bad shit we're up against."

"That's why we should come up with a plan!"

"What kind of a pl-plan?!"

"One where we can... where I can abort the whole thing at the drop of a saddle if I have to!"

"And somehow get away from under Lexxic's nose," Flynn droned.

"Something like that, y-yeah!"

Seraphimus groaned. "Has she always sounded this foalish in discussing strategy? It's a wonder I was ever close to being intimidated by the Rainbow Rogue."

It was Logan's time to stand up. "Alright, toots..." He marched firmly over towards Seraphimus, glaring the entire way. "...let's say we run muzzle-to-muzzle with Lexxic and his Bloodwings." His brow furrowed. "What's your genius plan?"

"It's simple." Seraphimus stared back at him. "We assassinate their leader."

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie winced.

"Hit and run," Seraphimus continued. "A swift kill and an even swifter retreat." She nodded. "Yes, we will undoubtedly be pursued, but most of the Bloodwings will likely be thrown into confusion and disarray. Considering the proposed nature of these midnighter barbarians, the death of their leader would cause enough dissent and chaos that their entire army would distabalize. It is within this window that we perform a surgical strike of their lair, procure the Shard, and continue onwards to the next task."

"Hehhhhhhh..." Flynn smirked aside at Logan. "Ever still the murder chicken."

"Mmmmhmmmm..." Logan nodded.

"How..." Ariel buried her face in her hooves. "How in the Hell..." She slowly raised her head to glare at Seraphimus. "... ... ...is that even remotely better than Rainbow Dash's plan?! It could never friggin' work!"

"No." Seraphimus shook her head. "It couldn't."

"Then why would you friggin' suggest it?!" Ariel barked.

"Because it's still a far more viable solution than whatever it is your leader is conjuring." Seraphimus looked at Logan and Flynn. "Perhaps if we were to win favor with the Dihmers and goblins first, we could actually assemble an army sizable enough to make my plan more feasible. Call it 'absurd' if you wish, but it's far more suicidal to attempt anything with the scant numbers we currently possess."

"I'm not about to plot the death of a sarosian leader," Rainbow Dash droned. "Or anypony for that matter." She turned to frown at Seraphimus. "I don't care how much pain or misery they've spread! There's no excuse for it!"

"You didn't seem to care back at the World's Edge."

"That was different!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Chandler's forces were trying to kill us and our back was to the wall!" She frowned. "And if I really wanted to tear some throats, then a lot less of Frostknife's finest would have returned home alive in the end. That I can promise you."

"Yeah! Don't even kid!" Ariel huffed. "We had Xarchellus' nightbloods on our side. It took a lot to hold them back—"

"Look, just—!" Rainbow Dash waved her hoof between the two females before turning to glare at Seraphimus. "I am way past the point of having an ethical debate with anyone! Much less you." She seethed. "Verlax did her worst to see how much blood I can shed in the end. I went butt over elbow to make sure she got as little enjoyment from my plight as possible... even if she was deep in the grave by that point."

"You surprise me, Rainbow," Seraphimus said. "I would imagine Verlax's trials—however horrible they truly were—would have hardened you far more than this." Her charcoal eyes narrowed. "A pony who survived her entrapment—who ascertained the cost of sparing Rohbredden—would know the proper way to deal with these midnighter barbarians."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow stood closer to the griffin, staring her down. "...Verlax's plan included ruining your life and reducing you to a murderous exclamation point. And—in the end, at the world's edge—I didn't let her have her way with you. Did I?"

"... ... ..." Seraphimus was silent at first. Then—with icy grace—she spoke: "And all it cost you was one Dragon Divine. The only being left on this plane who even remotely had the strength and versatility to protect you all the way to your destination. But now—Axan is a pile of ashes overlooking the Edge."

Rainbow Dash blinked.

Twilight, Rarity, and the others exchanged anxious glances.

Seraphimus tilted her head to look at the rest of the Herald. "Who next is willing to give their life? A necessary sacrifice to assure the sanctity of your leader's priceless harmonic morality?"

Ariel bit her lip. She and Wildcard were silent.

Logan, Flynn and Kepler said nothing.

"I see... perhaps all of you, then?" Seraphimus calmly spoke. "Noble—to a fault, considering that such sacrifices may yield nothing in the face of such insurmountable adversity."

"They know the risk at hoof, Sera," Rainbow Dash muttered. She then frowned at the griffin. "And I'm not about to make them charge into death. You can learn a lot from them. Just have a little—"

"What? Faith?" Seraphimus' beak stared Rainbow down. "Know this, Rainbow. I am indeed indebted to you for the new lease I have on life... and for opening my eyes to this strange and ever-changing world. But this is not an exercise of faith for me. Verlax made you sacrifice your ethics for a spell... but in so doing she took away the only things that matter to me. My nation... and my family. I'm not in this for faith... I'm in it for a cost that cannot denied. I must strive—with every fiber of my being—to make sure that you do not waste that cost on an act of impulsiveness and blind daring." She leaned back, breathing. "Meditate on the price your friends have paid when you send them into the same gauntlet that you'll be sending me... and yourself."

With that said, Seraphimus walked off, leaving the campfire and those bathing in it alone in silent contemplation.

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