• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Once upon a time, in the chaotic land of whatever its unruler felt like calling it at the moment, two sisters discovered their destinies and awakened their true potential. Flush with vast, cosmic power, they challenged the master of creation.

As was often the case when dealing with him, it didn't go according to plan.

Written for F*** THIS PROMPT! 13. Prompt: Immortality makes ponies very emotional.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

Yes, this Discord did act remarkably like Q. They've really dumbed it down in the show, so you normally don't get this sort of thing, but I for one really like it!

Pretty awesome. I wish you look in the contest :pinkiesmile:

Horror of horros <-- you lost an "r", I lose letters too
I have some idea of what I'm talking. <-- was "about" meant to be there at the end?

Anywho this was great. Loved Discord in this. So much more entertaining.

Ah, it's refreshing to see this. One you understand the idiosyncratic ways of eternity Shits and Giggles becomes is the only way for anything. :pinkiecrazy:

Horror of horros

Ah yes, the Horror of Horros. I remember that beastie well.

A solid yarn. On the rare occasions when I do treat the alicorns as immortal, I will definitely use this interpretation as the format.

You sure this shouldn't be marked comedy? Celestia, Luna, and Discord are all hilariously dumb in this.

I highly recommend you look at Alara J. Rogers's work. Her "Next of Kin to Chaos" setting is built around the idea that Discord is Q. Her other work is also incredibly thoughtful about the nature of an avatar of chaos. Basically, if you want well-done, intellectually deep Discord stories, she's got you covered.

Well, not the only way. After all, there's a reason Discord doesn't have any other immortals to hang out with.

Thanks to the efforts of you and 7482938, the foul fiend has been banished back to dread Horros.

Also, glad you liked it that much. :twilightsmile:

I considered it, but I wasn't sure if the story was sufficiently humorous to qualify. It's mostly the sort of shenanigans that come prepackaged with Discord. Really, this one is not at all easy to genre-tag. To the sisters, it's a dramatic adventure. To Discord, it's a tragicomic slice of life.

7483089 All right, good point. But I can make the insane act as long as it gets a reaction.

This was very well written, but for some reason it rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not entirely sure what I didn't like, but it bothered all the same. Sorry, I know that's not helpful criticism, but I felt I needed to explain my thumbs down.

7483089 I've read a few of her stories, but I haven't read any of the Next of Kin to Chaos series. I'll take a look at that, thanks!

Alondro just walks in and shoots Discord in the face.

"OWWW!! What was that for?!" grumbled Dick-cord.

"Because you're a dick. Which is where I need to strike, by the way," Alondro smirks, then kicked Discord in the nuts and walked out.

Discord groaned and writhed on the ground, "I... didn't... see that... coming... hurk... how... chaotic!"

And THAT'S how you deal with douche bag gods who think they're all that! :pinkiecrazy:

Of course, it does all stem from completely misconstruing the nature of consciousness, in that it's highly debatable if emotions are required for self-awareness. Indeed, one can find pure sociopaths who display very little emotional attachment whatsoever, and yet they are quite clearly fully cognizant.


I liked FoME's version more. Sorry.

7483261 Doesn't this site have a rule against roleplay?

7483476 Well, it's a simple matter of disproving Discord's point. Cancer cells are 'immortal', yet no one would classify them as conscious in any way. Bacteria can divide seemingly forever, making them also functionally immortal. Are they more self-aware than ponies?

Seems to me Celestia and Luna couldn't respond to Discord's short-sighted argument because NOTHING in that world is anywhere near as intelligent... as me.

*Alondro achieves ultimate victory again!* :trollestia:


I feel like the only way to achieve ultimate victory is to be Alondro's parents when you finally move out.

Hey, it's a lot more explanation than I get for most downvotes. Thank you for taking the time to leave the comment. Sorry the story wasn't to your taste.

You're missing the point. It's not just a matter of immortality implying full consciousness, or that emotions and self-awareness are necessarily intertwined. Based on Discord's understanding of the terms, standard pony thaumobiology and sapience are mutually exclusive. It's certainly possible to have an emotionless awareness or a mortal sapience, but neither of those is going to be equine.
This sort of reasoning has made him about as popular with other immortals as it has with Celestia and Luna.

Also, your attempts at counterarguments would not go over well, not least because your gun would probably end up giving him a soothing scalp massage before turning around and criticizing your aim.

7483689 Ooh, burn!
7483674 You're gonna need some aloe vera for that one.

As for the story itself, it is an interesting concept. I can definitely see Discord thinking like that. Although I'm not quite sure I understand the Adventure tag. It's not much of an adventure, is it? That said, I can't really think of any better tags...so....carry on, I guess. I do feel like the actual point of the story took its dear sweet time showing up, and it didn't stay very long when it did. But the story has a lot of charm, enough to earn an upvote from me.

immortality makes ponies very emotional, by extension, that means that mortality makes them barely emotional at all.

Are you sure about that? Are there any correlation between those 2 things? On which empirical evidence or logical conlcusion or statement do you build your theory? Can you also explain how you define order and chaos?

A creature of order and harmony, guided by a thread of destiny and designed to come together with its peers to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts."

It is contradictary to chaos to have a purpose, a meaning or a reason, at best he can stay agnostics and talk about probability and causality.

Even our logicians disproved that the world can be explained in any sense because the mathematics is a language, a complex structure of symbols created by history and society, rather than being a seperate reality. Since science depends on math, it is impossible to define the world in an ordered sense since the math is flawed. That is not counting the problem of induction and gödel's theorem of uncertainty which further supports the statement that world cannot be completely explained in an orderly sense even in an infinite future with infinite computing power.

So how can a creature who calls himself embodiment of chaos dares to make such a statement that a semblence of order can exist. And why does he care? He is another slave in the sea of uncertainty, how can he call himself a player as he is a nothing to in the cosmos like everyone else. If his understandment of enjoyment is torturing others then that is really sad, he is just trying to distract himself from the fact that even with all his power he is a useless ant like everyone else .

Hm. Yes, I can definitely see how, from the perspective of an immortal, aeon-old being, ponies might (maybe depending on the exact mechanism of 'destiny') appear as nothing more than non-sapient agents of a greater super-organism, exchangeable pieces playing their preordained part, with their so-called individuality being nothing more than baseline noise.

Being who he is, Discord has of course incorporated a baseless leap of logic into his presentation; namely the notion that immortality would change anything of Celestia's or Luna's status. Immortality doesn't change any of their cognitive capabilities, and while the experience of centuries eventually might make otherwise obscure patterns obvious to them, their mortal talent in ignoring what they don't want to see should be undamaged.

Another interesting bit I got from this is the rationalization that victimizing mortals is justifiable because no lasting harm is created—while not stated explicitly, it did seem to implicitly be Discord's view on things. Now there's something to think about.

Altogether, I quite liked the blue-orange morality going on as well as Discord being Discord. I must admit I'm somewhat of a fan of the "Those are my ponies—Get your own."-line, and while I don't think Discord would actually hold (assuming Discord's state of mind to be at least continuous, if not smooth on any interval of time) those beliefs (he'd get bored of tormenting them pretty quickly if he thought ponies were barely more than automatons, don't you think?), I really did enjoy the read.

7483689 *sigh* The basement name-calling nonsense again? is that the best you've got?

I've traded better insults with Vladimir Putin.


Are you sure about that? Are there any correlation between those 2 things? On which empirical evidence or logical conlcusion or statement do you build your theory?

Deliberately misapplied logic. When emulating Discord's thought process, the goal is to see how many fallacies you can cram together in a single idea.

As for an avatar of chaos acknowledging a semblance of order, he kind of needs one to be even remotely coherent. You know what you get with a chaos avatar that brooks no order whatsoever? You get Azathoth. Far less fun to write.

I won't touch the philosophy beyond noting that regardless of the ultimate explicability of the universe, science clearly has something to it. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation by way of artificially generated lightning channeled through warped sand etched with light itself. :ajsmug:

7483842 And you actually think repeating the vastly over-used 'parents' basement' trope is a proper insult more than 20 years after it was first used and repeated ad nauseum by adolescents who believe themselves clever for regurgitating stale comments they saw on 4chan.

Also, I own my parents. So much so that I can now legally use them for my experiments. A deep comprehension of bureaucracy allows one to do many fascinating things.

7484198 Those advancements are product of approximations, not a certainity.

I have issues with discord approachs to chaos, it is a very long story but the writers should have written a more proper backstory and motivations for him like gravity falls did for bill chiper rather than butchering many concepts.

7484191 Silly Alondro. Everyone knows Putin's Twitter is managed by a committee. Your little spat with him was probably just an intern's hazing ritual.


Discord's leap in logic reminds me of scientist who believe in evolution, but then turn around and insist animals can't have emotions, as if the emotional system suddenly leaped into existence, fully formed upon the salience of man, despite every other part of us needing millions of years of iteration to develop.

7484209 Basements never came into the equation. That's some suspiciously specific denial right there.

Quality story.


he'd get bored of tormenting them pretty quickly if he thought ponies were barely more than automatons, don't you think?

The thing about Discord that he won't admit, even to himself, is that he's horribly lonely. Chaos and disharmony without anything to contrast them are just noise, with minimal entertainment value. Whatever happened between him and the other immortals has left him with nothing but ponies, so he treasures them in his own idiosyncratic way.

You didn't expect Discord to be completely rational, did you?

Forget it, Jake; it's Chinatown Alondro.


No, but it does annoy me when he's emulating wrongheaded arguments from people who should know better.

fyi, Alondro actually does hold a doctorate, is middle aged, and does work in a lab relevant to what he studied. Can't remember what, though, some facet of biology i think?


When emulating Discord's thought process, the goal is to see how many fallacies you can cram together in a single idea.

Love you for putting this into words! :raritystarry:

7485708 That's not an excuse for obnoxious roleplaying that has very little to do with the story.

Just throwing it out there. :applejackunsure:

One of my favourite scenes in Next of Kin to Chaos is Discord explaining to Twilight the differences between Chaos and Entropy.

When BFZ rolled around, it made me think/realize that Ulamog (at least) is a metaintelligent manifestation of Entropy. Kozilek has facets of Entropic leanings, but is really more like extreme Order, to the point of looking like Chaos, and Emrakul's mutations are just full of Chaos.

Now I actually want to see a one-shot where some of your Planeswalker Ponies are part of the Gatewatch, or what might happen if the Elements are used on the Eldrazi.

7485708 I'm looking for the part of that statement where it implies we should respect him or treat him like anything more than the colossal pain in the ass we all know him as.

He holds a doctorate? Good for him, he understands numbers on a sheet and diagrams. Fun fact, biology and chemistry don't matter in the field of magical horses, and they matter even less in the field of just being a nice person to talk to.

He's middle-aged? So what? Age is not an indicator of intelligence. If it was, we wouldn't all be afraid of a Trump presidency.

He does work in a laboratory relevant to his studies? How is that relevant to ANY PART OF THIS? A chemistry teacher working in a meth lab is technically working in a laboratory relevant to their studies. A laboratory is literally defined as 'a room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals'. Alondro's parents' basement could be outfitted as a laboratory and your statement would still hold exactly as much water.

No part of your statement is at all relevant to the discussion, and does nothing to defend Alondro's incessant, irrelevant, site-rules-violating behavior. If anything, your statements only give his detractors more fodder to mock him.

7484791 It doesn't change the fact that his committee constructs better insults. I'd expect as much with what they're paid.

Just throwing it out there. :applejackunsure:

The first two bonus prompts—"Alicorns are super susceptible!" and "Draconequi are ponies too!!"—got me thinking. If immortality makes ponies very emotional, by extension, that means that mortality makes them barely emotional at all. Almost like video game NPCs with a few preprogrammed reactions. And from a certain draconequus's perspective, long before he ever met Fluttershy...

Nice entry, and good luck!

But, I have to admit, this is not what I was expecting Discord's whole angle. I was thinking he was being quite a bit more meta for the story, practically leaning on the fourth wall-he's acknowledging himself, Celestia, and Luna as main characters, while everyone else is, generally, a background character who only gain any sort of depth through interaction with the main characters-but even then, they're fitting into their role, without any sort of awareness behind it. His talk about pony society as a whole seemed to reinforce this-from a reader's view, ponies often get an Pony society can almost appear as its own character based on the actions of its own populace, with only certain individuals going against the flow to truly realize themselves as separate entities-the mane 6, the villains who oppose Equestria, and so on.

Anyway, just what I was thinking of this. Still enjoyed the story thoroughly.

7487241 Slavery makes all things possible!

This was amazing. Need more discord from you.

Thing is, I can see Discord's point here. From his perspective ponies are NOT sentient enough to matter. With the fact that everything about them seems to be completely controlled by 'Destiny' it certainly looks like they're nothing more than cogs in a great machine. Combined this with the fact that they seem to be completely unaware that 'Destiny' controls them like pawns, or even worse simply accepting of it/uncaring about it, it WOULD give the impression that they aren't self-aware at all.

Of course the problem with this viewpoint is that Discord is effectively looking at the 'cover of the book' and making a snap judgement based on that barest of glances. Sunbutt and Best Princess, having grown up as mortal ponies, understand this. But once more, this also makes sense for Discord not to understand, because the implication is that he was NEVER mortal himself, or at least never remembers being one. Spending eons with unchallengeable omnipotence would taint anyone's perspective. Nothing less than a fellow godling matters to Discord because nothing less than that can do ANYTHING to him. There is a reason that one of the more common tropes with immortals/deities is they can't understand mortals in the slightest. (Though strangely I can't recall the name of that trope...)

of it once.

Of it at once

I think there's enough distance from it's release now for me to say that Discord REALLY reminded me of Flowey from Undertale here.

This is a good thing.

Huh. Yeah, I can see that. He's finally found someone—two someones, even!—who operates on the same level he does, and now he wants to play.

To say nothing of the implied estrangement from whatever family he might have had.

Interesting take on Discord and the royal sisters. But your logic here

If immortality makes ponies very emotional, by extension, that means that mortality makes them barely emotional at all.

is invalid. It does, however imply that un-emotional ponies are mortal. But I suppose it'd be silly to expect Discord to obey Aristrotelian logic, anyway.

"Human music" fun interaction... I like it.

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