"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes
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Sorry but... . First.
God, this is so fucking hardcore. Mac is totally metal. This is gonna be good...
I must admit, at first the idea of this crossover was sketchy. But I have to say that this turned out a lot better then I thought.
Great job, and as your reward, here is a mustache.
Well, this is like the fith super hero crossover that I like.
A new story before finish the others... well I will bounce my ideas to you then. XD
I haven't seen the movie (complete) or read the comics... next chapter please!
This. Is. AWESOME!! /)*3*(\
Let the Rider feast more tainted souls...
4074487 Next chapter.
i'm liking the character development of both the Rider and of Mac. You're leaving his cause for his curse completely in shadows which make me only crave the next chapter more. Also, Greasy Spoon, love him, good pony and feels like an OC that can be appreciated, almost feels like the magazine vendor from the Watchmen comic. Hope to see more soon, GGWP
I always preferred the original ghost rider but you're doing a great job.
I have nothing to say. This story is kicking ass.
Actually, I do have one thing to say. One word, actually: Cage.
4076474 Love it!
4075015 Thank you! Comparing any of my work to The Watchmen is a complement beyond measure! Also thank you, I am trying keep the curse in the shadows as much as I can. I think you will enjoy the upcoming chapters.
4076045 Same, but it wouldn't work for this story so I had to make up my own version.
Still don't get the notifications of your fics! only the blog's stuff. Nice chapter. and Trixie was a nice surprise! jejejeje!!! Keep writing!
i liked this
even when he died and completely changed his look, he still cant hide his macilicousness
Man this is intense. And somehow I think this evil soul is the bad guy in this story. And I forgot what universe Ghostt Rider is from. His own, DC or Marvel. I feel like an idiot for not remembering.
4102526 Marvel.
Unless if Mac is referring to Greasy Spoon as a 'thing' there is something wrong with this sentence.
You asked for a review in your blog. Well, I'm horrible at reviewing, so I'm just going to say this story's great. Advice for the future: feature a cameo from another character in the marvel universe, who it doesn't matter, or even have another character do something important and really help the Ghost Rider. Or really help Mac and not even realize s/he is in the presence of another superhero/antihero. And possibly do an extra run through for errors like the ones I spotted to make it flow better, although since every story including many professional published ones have mistakes so it's forgivable. I could even proof read for you if you want.
4116006 The cameo is not another Marvel character, but they do have a important role.
Hell fucking yes!
4119685 What is it with people and cursing when they read this story? Because I fucking love it!
That... was... so awesome!! i would enjoy it more if my head didn't hurt like a migrane! have to read again!
Something tells me this Demon Soul is going too be a tough one.
4175228 Nope
I am rather curious to find out what Big Mac sold his soul for. I look forwards to more.
Ghost Rider just doesn't know Pinkie Pie do he?
4177990 What? He knows everypony Mac does since they are one.
and Pinkie Pie not gonna ANY new pony in town go with out a Welcome To Ponyville Party.
and Pinkie Pie gonna see right through that disguise.
4178215 I think that the ghost rider demon magic is strong enough to, at worst, leave Pinkie Pie thinking about Big Mac but also realizing that pony can't possibly be Big Mac.
I can't wait till they find out. Moar!!!
4182661 Till who finds outs more?
i was waiting for this part and damn poor mac all those memories just damn
4183133 Oh, it will get worse.
Yeah, the Winter Soldier looks good. Only bad thing though is that I saw the Marvel documentary on their movies and with a just a tiny amount of Captain America knowledge I figured out the whole twist of the
movie. Not the one about the Winter Soldier being Bucky.
Oh boy! Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie. but demons? other than that, Bengrass was totally cool! and creepy as always!
Auch! the feels!!! I loved Pinkie, I kind of figure out Aj was married. Indeed, Ponyville is a confused place!
4177924 He sold his soul for a really REALLY big sandwich.
Or Bacon. 'Cause bacon is meat candy.
*lays on side to try and reconcile feels* Damn, this story is so good. Only thing that would've made it better was FlutterMac, but obviously Fluttershy is now taken. Oh well, this story is still stupendous with lots of good characters and a steadily developing plot line. Keepup the great work.