• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 3,552 Views, 72 Comments

Hush, Little Children - RainbowBob

Simple misunderstandings can lead to major consequences, as learned by Luna a thousand years ago with her banishment. Should've thought out those foalnappings better...

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Chapter 1: The History Books Were Dead Wrong

“Come little children, I'll take thee away

Into a land

Of enchantment”

“Huh?” the foal blurted out, awakened from her sleep. Blinking tired eyes, she wondered what woke her up. It was almost as if someone was... singing. But who could’ve been singing this late at night?

Lifting her torso from her bed, she stared up at the moon from her bedside window. A perfect circular orb or dazzling white brilliance, its beauty only broken by the odd crater on its surface. Its light illuminated Canterlot, shedding it in a dim glow.

But suddenly, the light was blocked out, as if a shadow passed over it. Squinting her eyes, the foal tried to make out what figure was blocking out the moon. It was pony shaped, and fast approaching her window.

In a soft breeze of air, the figure was at her window, its wings flapping ever so gently as to not make a sound. The soft tune of the singing voice was coming from none other than the stranger.

“Follow sweet children

I’ll show thee the way

Through all the pain and

The sorrows”

The voice was that of a goddess. Compelling and soothing, like the whispers of a dream calling you to sleep. The foal felt her eyes grow heavy, yet she was growing lighter. Actually, she was floating now, white sparkles of magic surrounding her body and levitating her in the air.

“Wh-what’s happening?” the foal asked, holding onto her blanket as her legs kicked uselessly in the air. Not matter how much she twisted or flailed her limbs, the magic wouldn’t release her from its grip.

“Weep not poor children

For life is this way

Murdering beauty and


“You’re g-gonna murder me?” the foal stuttered, the shadow hidden stranger pulling her closer with their magic. The voice was no longer so heavenly or benevolent. Now it sounded like the malice singing of sirens before they devoured their helpless prey. “L-lemme go!”

“Hush now dear children

It must be this way

Too weary of life and


“Pa! There’s a crazy serial killer here!” the foal screamed, waving her forelegs about to avoid her kidnapper from touching her. “I don’t wanna die!”

“Starheart? Star, what are you talking about?” her father shouted from across the hall in her parent’s bedroom. The sound of hooves racing down the floor could clearly be heard, followed by her door being forced open by her father.

“Rest now my children

For soon we’ll be away

Into the calm

And the quiet”

“Like hell you’re taking my daughter anywhere!” the stallion shouted, rushing to grab his daughter from the mysterious magical grip that had lifted her up in the air. Carrying her away and backpedaling across the room back to the door, the stallion prepared himself to confront the intruder. What he definitely wasn’t expecting for was the intruder to be the princess of the night: Luna.

The dark coated alicorn seemed bright and cheerful, finally revealed in the moon’s light in the foal’s bedroom. Taking a step closer to the father and daughter, she said, “Oh, I’m sorry to intrude upon your sleep. I just came for a quick stop.”

“Uh...” The stallion’s jaw was hanging low. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to meet a princess in real life. Or for that matter, meet one in his daughter’s bedroom. Composing himself from these wild turn of events, he asked, “What exactly are you doing in my daughter’s room, um... Princess?”

“Oh, I was just taking her to my garden of shadows,” Luna replied cheerfully, the smile ever so wide and never leaving her face.

Looking down at his frightened daughter, then back at the princess, then back to his daughter again, the stallion knew what he must do. “Someone, call the guards! I got a sick, pedo foalnapper who tried to steal my daughter away!”

“Listen, this is all just a simple misunderstanding,” Luna said, gripping hard at the bars of her jail cell. “I never meant for anything bad to happen!”

“Shut it, you sicko!” the guard shouted, causing Luna to flinch and back away into her cell. Not like there was much to back away into. Just a small room with metal bars for a door and window, that smelled of dank mildew and rat droppings.

The earlier commotion at the house with the father and daughter had unfortunately landed her into jail when an entire platoon of guards arrested her. Many were shocked the ‘sick, pedo foalnapper’ was none other than one of their princesses, but a quick word to the father and hearing the foal’s crying assured them they had the right perpetrator.

Pacing back and forth before her cell, the guard glared at her out of the corner of his eyes. “So, you enjoy foalnapping innocent children, eh? What, you get some type of sick pleasure from it?”

“No, no, you are mistaken,” Luna implored, searching for the right words to shed better light on her case. “I was merely taking those children away to my garden of shadows.”

Children?” the guard asked, a small smirk on his face. “As in more than one, right?”

“That is correct,” Luna said with a nod of her head.

“Well, looks like we just caught the famous Canterlot foalnapper now,” the guard chuckled lightly. “Never would’ve guessed that it’d be a princess of all ponies.”

“But I’m not a foalnapper!”

“Oh, really now?” the guard asked with sarcasm dripping like venom from his voice. “Then please explain to me why you were found in the foal’s room so late or night? Or how about the fact there have been a string of missing foal reports all over the city? Street urchins, orphans, and even foals from homes. All disappearing in the middle of the night.”

“Listen, I... I...” Luna gulped, trying desperately to search for the right words to use. “I was only giving these children a home. A place where they can grow strong and happy.”

“Yeah, well, explain that to the judge, you sick freak,” the guard grunted, going down the hall to the door. “And by the way, your sister is here to bail you out. Try to keep from giving any ‘children a home’ until your trial, okay?”

“C-Celestia is here?” Luna asked, her stomach dropping like a stone.

“Indeed I am, sister,” Celestia said, entering the hallway and making her way to Luna’s cell. “And I still can’t comprehend what you were thinking by pulling a stunt like this.”

“Tia, I just wanted a kingdom of my own,” Luna explained, tears springing up at the corner of her eyes. “Equestria is still in ruins because of Discord. Children are suffering each day! How could I look away from that without doing something about it?”

“Luna, you foalnapped foals from their homes,” Celestia said in a deadpan attitude. “Your actions have caused the grievance of dozens of worried parents. Not to mention the fact that many citizens in the city live in terror each night over one of their children being snatched away.”

“But why do you get to have a kingdom and I can’t?” Luna asked, drawing closer to the bars where her sister was. “Everyone loves your day so much, while my night is barely appreciated! I just wanted something to myself. A kingdom of my own where ponies could love my night... and me.”

“... You’re telling me you abducted dozens of foals over petty political jealousy?” Celestia said, her jaw nearly hitting the floor. “That’s... the most pathetic and over the top thing I’ve ever heard of!”

“It isn’t pathetic!” Luna said. “I built a system of caves that the children get to play in. Then at night we come outside to frolic in the meadows and pastures. Oh, you should see how much fun we have!”

“Luna, the reason I didn’t want you to establish a new colony is because it would tear Equestria apart,” Celestia reminded her, a serious scowl on her face at her sister’s foolishness. “Which it’s doing right now! Half the foals in the city are missing. The citizens are outraged, and once news of this breaks out, many will want your head in vengeance.”

“They’re... they’re just jealous!” Luna said, defending her viewpoint on the matter. “I’ve given these foals a future. A chance to live in a kingdom where they can truly appreciate the night under the moonlight of their mother.”

Celestia sighed and rubbed her temples. “Luna, you aren’t their mother. Many of those foals have mothers. And unless you’ll be willing to reveal the location of where those foals are, those mothers will never see their foals again.”

“Never,” Luna spat, glaring hard at her sister. “That is my colony, my children of the night, and my kingdom! I won’t let you or anyone else have them.”

“Oh please, now you’re sounding like a foal yourself,” Celestia said with a roll of her eyes. “Mine, mine, mine. They aren’t objects, Luna. They’re real living ponies that have families and friends that miss them.”

“But they’re perfectly happy in my land of enchantment. For now they shall not weep or be sorrowful any longer.”

“Okay, now you’re just being delusional.” Celestia turned to make her way to the door, not before looking over her shoulder at her bitter tempered sister. “I hope we’ll be able to resolute on a solution, Luna. No need to make this any more dramatic than it needs to be. Those pedophilia charges accused against you isn’t making your public profile look any better.”

And with that, Celestia left, leaving Luna all alone in the jailhouse with just her thoughts and envious vendetta against her sister.

“I’ll show you,” Luna muttered, her eyes briefly flashing a darkening purple light. “I’ll show everyone. The children of the night shall rise again. Under the light of the faithful moon.”

"Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden

Of shadows."

Comments ( 67 )

Hey, it made it through at last!

~Skeeter The Lurker

I thought this was going to be a preditor Hypno story.
Thank god I was wrong.

Dat horrible rime, lemme try 'n help'ya out here, 'kay?
"Come Little Children, I'll Take Thee Away
To a Land
Where nothing is Grey.
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Where horrors go Away.

May not be the best, but I was limited and i'm a bit sleepy :&

Awww... And I just finished getting permission to write the adaptation for the video...

It's not his rhyme, it's the lyrics of the original song used in the animation.

Also, I accept full responsibility for this story. I'm so sorry.

2957571 Don't be, it's just descriptions like that are best made in rhymes, it adds a ton of feeling to the story.
For example: A tomb stone, the first thing I see.
The carvings are corroded away, unlike me.
I can't remember who I am.
I don't even know what I am.
All I know is that apart from me,
There are little coloured ponies in a group of three.
One of which, if I had one catches my eye.
Two of them leave and she's left to cry.
What can a guy do, but to go up and say:
Hello, young one, would you like to play?
- Only bone deep.

I find it somewhat strange that they can arrest Luna. I always thought she and Celestia ruled absolute, benevolent but absolute.

10/10 would bang

Lol, very nice, funny and a hoot. Mad wizard approves.

2957562 it's not supposed to be a direct rhyme. it's a song... have you never seen the video, or watched the original hocus pocus?


I was expecting the guard to be disintegrated into ash and Luna becoming a killer pedophile.

This kept playing in my mind.

2958069 Damn i forgot how loud that song was

ummm ok holy shit awesome, this needs to go on damnit. waaaay to great a premise.

Come little children, come with me
Safe and happy, you will be
Away from your homes, now let us run
With Hypno, You'll have so much fun

Oh, littlie children, please don't cry
Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly
Be free, be free be free to play
Come down in my cave with me to stay

Oh, littlie children, please don't squirm
those ropes, I know, will hold you firm
Hypno tells you this is true
but sadly Hypno lied to you

Oh, little children, you mustn't leave
Your families for you will grieve
Their minds will unravel at the seams
Allowing me to haunt their dreams

But surely, all of you must know
That it is time for you to go
Oh, little children, you weren't so clever
Now you shall stay with me forever

I don't know which one is the creepiest.

Damn Bob. you really impressed me, I never really liked that video, but this was just too good man. Nice work m8.

Ah the precious light.

I remember that video! So beautiful!

I watched the video and I loved it and thought it was beautiful, but when I read this, I felt conflicted. I mean, on one hand I'm thinking, "Luna is just trying to obtain what she believes is fair," but while reading this, which was hilarious to the contrary of how the video would've went if it were a comedy, I'm thinking, "...So Luna is somewhat of a delusional and self-entitled foalnapper/pedophile who doesn't see anything wrong with her actions.":twilightoops:

Other than that, this is hilarious and gives another take at what helped lead to NMM's rise; you never cease to amaze.:moustache::moustache::moustache:

From a comedic standpoint this story...is pretty darn funny!:rainbowlaugh:

2960617 then you can't bash on a cover

Too many feels, cannot read.

You know, if Luna wore a green outfit she would basically be Peter Pan.

Funny story by the way :rainbowlaugh:

Hey! We have sane author here. Not some delusional freak-luna-fan.

Creepy... but funny! Awesome job!


You just made me realize that Peter Pan is a kidnapper.

Excellent take on the video, Bob. It feels like this would almost happen on the show.

Hypno's isn't as creepy as Luna's Edgar Allen Poe's the poem made for Hocus Pocus that was attributed to Edgar Allen Poe.

On a completely unrelated note, when I went to upvote this story after reading it, there were 66 upvotes and 6 downvotes. Remove the thumbs-down and...
All 666 votes should be up, yes 666 Likes you must give.
Cookie to whoever catches the reference.

2963693 I just read the Edgar Allen Poe poem, and to me, the hypno poem is still more creepy. Hypno is a canon pedophile in firered.

This was a funny read.
The video is better though.

Rainbow Bob. I love you.

You captured exactly what I was thinking when that video finished.

:moustache: I love how the dad went from badass Liam Neeson mode to confused as hell so fast. And Luna could bust outta there like nothing right? Like even before she got arrested?

Well, I'm sure the homeless foals taken from the street were absolutely delighted to be removed from the garden and care of Luna and returned to the dirty nooks on the streets.

2958069 Thanks dude, now I'm never going to sleep again! I'm so scared he's gonna jump out of my closet now.... :fluttercry:

I read the first line of the description and instantly thought of hypno's lullaby...

Y'know I thought something similar, honestly. Taking urchins off the streets is one thing she really was giving them a home and love that they were lacking. The foals from the orphanage starts to cross the line, but I guess you could justify it. When she starts floating them out of actual homes that's just unarguably kidnapping. Beautiful animation and a decent song, but it's lacking more than a bit in the logic department.

Your satire was nicely done.

What really creeps me out is the fact I remember that song from Pan's Labyrinth, probably one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. :twilightoops:

Is that where the song comes from? I had no idea. Yeesh, that does turn up the creepiness several notches.

I think it was a separate song, but I first remembered it from that movie. Out of all the songs they could have picked, they had to choose one that's related to a movie with this guy in it.


Okay, this one made me laugh.:rainbowlaugh:

this story i like it another:eeyup:

3033896 I believe that one of the earlier uses of the song is from the 1993 film Hocus Pocus, sung by Sarah Sanderson to lure the children to come to their cottage so the witches could harvest their life force.

One of my favorite movies from back then.

That was pretty funny.
Though I would have enjoyed more dialogue between Luna and the parents with the foal.
Something like this:
L: No, don't worry, nopony will get hurt. I just bring them to a better place.
P: But this is his home! This is a fine place.
L: You call that fine? The bed was passed down from his older brother, he doesn't get a dessert after every meal and your neighborhood is a joke! He is better off in my caves! We have X-Box!

This is a very good and well written story I only think that a few things are wrong such as Luna foalnapping foals with parents when it could have been Luna taking foals that are in orphanges (I think that is how it's spelled) and some that are living on the street (*cough*Scootaloo*cough*) and it is agued by InkRose or IloveKimPossiblealot (brony analisists who you should check out) that Luna is like one PeterPan and let's the childrendecide if they want to tay or go back to their families except for a less selfish reason she wishes to give them a better life one where they do not have to worry about crimes such as murder and in the video it appears they have been doing quite well. But if I havet one major complaint it has to be that the guards are complete bucking jackasses I don't know to much about the law but I am pretty sure the officers are not allowed to flat out insult the suspect and also say "yeah good luck trying to win the case we all know that you aren't through." I sort of really hate the gaurds if you have not guessed. I sort of thought Celestia was out of character when she is usually calm and collected she is acting like a child or in the season 2 opener when discord was introduced (A.K.A pissed off) but other than a few complaints I really enjoyed this story. It was intresting enough to where I wanted to know what was going to happen, funny enough to make me laugh and not let a joke get old and all out good for a place on my favorites list. thumbs-uh-hoofs up.

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