For Celestia, living forever isn't her curse. If immortality only include eternal life, she could handle that. What she can't deal with are the memories, or lack thereof. When her past escapes her day by day as the centuries progress, what will she have left?
Story is dedicated to Nightamarus. Keep on keeping on, dude.
Thanks to my editors Selbi and Trials, along with my prereader Skeeter The Lurker for all their help!
How many stories are you gonna upload in a day! I can't read all these now
This was a heavy one. I quite enjoyed it.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Might want to look at the description again...
If immortality only included eternal life, she could handle that.
Thanks for catching that, bro.
Auuuuuuugh the tears and the feels.
Well done as always.
3145417 My pleasure
Not bad. The premise was interesting, but it felt a bit flat in its delivery.
All the same, a like from me.
Living forever sounds cool at first, but once you get tired of it, you wish you could die.
Just, beautiful...
No other words to describe this masterpiece.
U sad brah? There's still... suicide.
This was a rather interesting fic. At least her having others who remember can help her remember things. Although she needs to make the Pensieve from Harry Potter. That way she doesn't need to remember she can just store her memories and relive them later. Or some other way to externally save memories.
It's kind of a nightmare, really - to slowly lose your mind, bit by bit. And for those losses to be drawing ever closer to the present? In a human that's bad enough but in an eternally-lived alicorn? The thought of being reduced to a drooling husk, unable to remember from one moment to the next even who and what you are and to not even be able escape by death?
But maybe alicorns don't live forever. Maybe, with her many millennia of life, Celestia is slowly approaching the end of her natural time. Maybe that's why she directed Twilight towards becoming an alicorn, so that there would be someone there for Luna after her own time is, at last, at an end.
Kinda sounds like "Dark Souls" when you think about it, doesn't it?
That was very cute. I love to read stories about Luna and Celestia's relationship.

Also, the concept that immortality lengthens the health of her body, but not her mind is very interesting. It makes it seem like at some point Celestia will become a hollow shell. Which is an interesting thought.
Not that Luna would let that happen. But still.
I was going to write something.
And then I was going to write something else.
And I'm glad I didn't write either of them.
This is beautiful.
I concur.
Feel like I've already seen this one, for all that I appreciate Luna's appearance at the end. :/