It was all about the process. Without a focus in her life now that Twilight is the single ruler of Equestria, Luna decides to apply for her dream job.

A mailmare. The best mailmare in all of Equestria. Or at least the Greater Canterlot Mail District. This would be a fantastic learning experience.

Chapters (3)

I am Scootaloo. My ancestor was Princess Raphinae, the founder of the island kingdom of flightless pegasi.

Takes place sometime before Diamond Tiara's reformation.

Chapters (1)

Everyone has a secret self they don’t show to other people. Not to friends, not to lovers, not even to family. They hide who they are and what they want behind lies and painted smiles. Thus the world maintains its thin veneer of peace.

The problems crop up when someone scratches that veneer while trying to do a 720 front flip on her scooter.

Second place in Bicyclette’s Lofty and Holiday contest. Not actually a crossover with Spy x Family. Kindly preread by EileenSaysHi and Krack-Fic Kai

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo waits in a hospital bed for her father and aunt to decide her fate.

Pulls from the Hasbro novel Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe by Nicole Dubuc in which Scootaloo is revealed to live with her lesbian aunts in Ponyville.

OMFG Cloud9 did a full cast reading of this fic!

Chapters (1)

Pegasi have their own ways of saying, "You're awesome and I love you."

Prereaders: CarlosSainz55 (no, not THAT CarlosSainz55, a different one.)

Contest Link Thingy: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216159/bikes-personal-contests/thread/496122/bpc-v-lofty-and-holiday-contest-2022-may-22-jul-31

Art: Mockingbirb made an MLP screencap and edited the wing anatomy, for reasons.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo arrives home one day, breathless and asking Auntie Lofty to do a presentation for Family Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, Scootaloo only wants the one part of Lofty's life she's not that eager to share.

An interpretation of Lofty's past featuring a popular sport.

Takes place just before and during "Family Appreciation Day".

Written for Bicyclette's Lofty and Holiday Contest.

Chapters (3)

This story starts just before season one

In the blink of an eye, the whole world collapsed in on me. Well, it didn't necessarily collapse. It's different though. Very different. Frighteningly different. I knew that God had a plan for me, I just didn't think it would involve being a pony.

New chapters twice a month.
Cover art by Hemlock conium

Chapters (71)

While moving into Ponyville Holiday meets a chivalrous knight on his long journey home.

I rolled a d4 and a d100 to find a character and then repeated the process. I ended up with these two. This is written for the May 2021 Pairing Contest. I decided to let the dice fall as they would as an extra challenge.

Now with a reading.

Chapters (1)

Fifteen years ago a mysterious wave of energy struck the Earth in what is now known as the Great Collision. Aside from the one crater left in Pinpoint Park it didn't seem to have any effect though. On that very same day Scootaloo was discovered on her moms doorstep and now that she's grown she can't shake the feeling that the two events are related, so when her two best friends in the world ask what she wants to do for her fifteenth adoption day she simply says, "I want to look for answers."

Those answers may lead to even more question though as they discover strange creatures called Bakugan and the larger then life game that can be played with them. What does all this mean and how does it relate to Scootaloo... well only way to find out BAKUGAN BRAWL!

Artwork commissioned from JumbleHorse on DeviantArt. As you can see they do great work and are over all just a joy to work so If any of you out there need a commission done the're a great option.

Chapters (4)

Lofty doesn’t reply to that. The sky flashes white and a roar of thunder sweeps them up. “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“Yes!” Her voice cracks.

“Holly. I don’t think you do.”

“I do.” It comes far weaker this time. Her grip on the wheel falters.

Lofty sighs. She puts a hoof on Holiday’s shoulder. “It’s not too late to turn around,” she whispers.

Entry for the Lofty Holiday contest.

Chapters (7)