Scootaloo arrives home one day, breathless and asking Auntie Lofty to do a presentation for Family Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, Scootaloo only wants the one part of Lofty's life she's not that eager to share.
An interpretation of Lofty's past featuring a popular sport.
Takes place just before and during "Family Appreciation Day".
Written for Bicyclette's Lofty and Holiday Contest.
Beautiful story. A great example of slice of life - I wouldn't mind reading more chapters of just Scootaloo learning more about baseball and her and her aunt's relationship.
I'm a little surprised she didn't play for the Seattle MAREiners
Everytime I think I'm done with a story, somebody like you always comes along and thinks of a legitimately good sequel idea. I think if I was to do a sequel though, I'd want to show a story with Aunt Holiday as the focal character. I mentioned in my blog that I wanted to focus on just one of the aunts for this contest because I suspected many of the other submissions would focus on the duo instead of just one of them, and I wanted emphasize that every parent has a story before they met their forever partner. Finding a way to do something similar with Holiday would probably be the route I'd take if I ever did a sequel to this story.
Dang, I should've used that.
hehe, this is a fun cartoon gag rendered through prose! all of it is very Scootaloo.
a bit of ironic in the most common interpretation of Lofty and Holiday being present for much more of Scootaloo’s life than her biological parents.
it would be very on-brand for Scootaloo to insist that her crush is just finding another pony cool, which is why it would be hard to distinguish the two cases.
really liked this bit! this was just so on-the-nose Bully Diamond Tiara. she is very good at her job!
and oof! exactly the fear Diamond Tiara would want to incept into Scootaloo’s head. “cutie mark for lying”, haha.
aww, yes! exactly what i would do as Scootaloo’s aunt, which is help her defeat every child.
honestly it pains me to see that the next generation has such little interest in as vital a thing as infrastructure. if i were there i would be very enthusiastic!
aww yes Cheerilee is the best
a fishermare always sees another fishermare from afar.
aww, i like this idea of Lofty using quilts to illustrate her storytelling
i thought “Marejor League” was a needless pun, which was great, but it turns out to be relevant to the historical worldbuilding, which is neat!
aww, poor Cheerilee!
i mean would this story be complete without famous ballplayer pun names
on top of the very well-done baseball metaphors, it is so great that Lofty is taking her enmity with a child so seriously!
oh yeah i cannot wait to stan problematic Diamond Tiara when she is older.
nice! take that, child!
aww, a good lesson for a grown-up to share.
prescient! and yes, it would be hard for Scootaloo to believe at this point that Diamond Tiara could change. it is funny looking at it as adults now, knowing just how much change there is to come
sometimes it’s just like that! just growing apart and not being happy in the relationship anymore. very true to life!
and that is the truth! we wouldn’t have been in the right time and place to meet the people in our lives weren’t it for everything that had happened before it, both good and bad.
this was a sweet story, and certainly satisfies its goal of rounding out the past of Aunt Lofty, especially since she could have had many lives before the age we see her in the canon. and most shipping stories do focus on young adults getting together, so it’s nice to see a couple that found each other later in life, even if that took place offscreen here.
it’s a good lesson to keep in mind, and a great one to end the story with. thanks for writing!
Stories with heroes and villains abound, a veritable bit a dozen. Stories like this without epic arcs and some huge epiphany or grandiose destiny are not exactly 'rare' but because of how everyday they are, they get less attention than the aforementioned "big" ones. But just as I'm unlikely to be remembered in a century, it's all the little stories that really flesh out the world Princess Platinum wouldn't have been able to save the world on her own, it was her advisor and all the unnamed ponies of history that allowed Lofty to be where she is, loving who she does, and putting imperious little snobs in their place so her niece can in time have her own stories.