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The years pass on.
Evil prospers here and there, until it's defeated by the current good guys.
The heroes come and go, they wither away, only to be replaced by others. But villains, they are immortals, right?
Well, not one of them. And once the inevitable happens, the others have to cope. And discover what "mourning" means.

Surprisingly NOT made for the Cozy Contest. I actually had this one done already before, I was just looking for someone for the cover. And it's @Apocheck13 on twitter (nsfw account so no links).

... I swear I can do other things than Cozy stories! Like CozyHearts stories...

Oh hey, first time I got the little flame thingy. Yay! Was there from 11/10/2024 to 13/10/2024 and featured until 15/10/2024. That's huge for me, thank you very much!

Chapters (1)

Phoenix Storm felt as if she had lived a wonderful life. She had a caring husband and wonderful son, and other than the fact her son rarely visited or wrote to her everything was perfect in her world.

However, a letter from her son inviting her to Ponyville for a celebration provided the perfect opportunity to not only see him again, but also to finally meet the mare that stole his heart. Little did she know that this was no ordinary celebration and would have to relearn everything she knew.

Written for Pride Month 2021, and is my official "coming out" story. As such, if you find it in your heart to help trans people across the globe, you can donate to the Transgender Law Center here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Lies We Tell Ourselves

A month after Applejack came out as transgender, she confides in her best friend and her family about her troubles. She finds it’s not good to keep it all inside, even if she doesn’t mean to. At least they’ve got her back.

Another entry to my Transverse AU. Recommend you start at the beginning.
This fic contains dysphoria, boob jokes, characters experiencing feelings of uncomfiness and supportive family!
Thanks to my wonderful friend RainbowDashSonicFast for pre-reading <3

Consider donating to Point of Pride (A charity for Trans People!)

Chapters (1)

Dusk Shine tries to fix a problem with the Fix-It Spell and learns more than expected.

Part of the Pride and Positivity 2021 Event

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle has been out to her friends as a mare for a while now, and things have been better than she could have imagined.

But the Grand Galloping is fast approaching, and Twilight plans to attend as herself. Which means coming out to all of Equestria, and by extension, her parents.

Surely there'll be enough time along the way for Twilight to figure out exactly what Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are to her! Not to mention how to tell her other friends...

Story will update as chapters are finished.

Content Warnings: Gender dysphoria, coming out, "Well intentioned" transphobia from parents, transphobia from strangers.

Sex tag for: Named discussion of genitals in a transition context.

Proofreading and editing by our lovely partners, Kataponies and FlutteringLillies.

Cover art by ourselves. Find more of our art at humanwhodoesstuff.com. Title lettering graciously provided by Kataponies.

Featured, 1/30/2022! Thank you very much!

Chapters (5)

Dusk Shine is completely fine with being a stallion.

Sure, he doesn’t like it, but I mean who does, right? He isn’t good enough to be a mare, like his friends are, so there’s no way he could be transgender.

Feeling out of place and alienated around his closest friends has to be some kind of friendship problem, and that is what he’s here to study after all.

Maybe once he fixes this hole in his heart, he’ll understand why his friends seem to want him around. Maybe he’ll even be somepony who deserves them.

Content Warnings: Moderate internalized transmisogyny and associated gender trauma, detailed depictions of panic attacks.

Sex tag for: Some very saucy cuddling and kissing, and vague discussion of genitals in a transition context.

Proofreading and editing by our lovely partners, Kataponies and FlutteringLillies.

Cover art by ourselves. Find more of our art at humanwhodoesstuff.com. Title lettering graciously provided by Kataponies.

Chapters (8)

Ever since she was a little girl, Fluttershy wanted to be a vampire. Strong, independent, majestic and graceful. For years, she kept her wish a secret, drowning herself in vampire lore; books, movies, and cosplaying. But deep down, she still wished that all the costumes and tales were real, and that one day... She'd become one with her dream.

But when she accidentily blurts out her secret at a sleep-over, to everyones dismay or gloating, the whole idea seems to vanish into thin air. And in that moment, when everything hit rock bottom... opportunity seems to knock on her door.

But maybe, just maybe, there are some wishes that is best kept unfulfilled...

Takes place in the EqG-universe, some six months after Rainbow Rocks.

The poor thing that has to deal with my bad spelling and non-existing grammar is Nopony Important, Proofreader and multi-instrumentalist.

Cover pic by Quizia. A bit misleading I know, no fruit bats in this one! But I just loved that picture.

Chapters (1)

After her sister's banishment, Celestia realized it was her failure that led to her sister's fall, and she vowed to build a better nation that her sister would have wanted. Here, Nightmare Moon is neither myth nor legend; everyone is taught about what truly happened to Princess Luna, and that the two are one and the same. Through her millennia of atonement, Celestia upholds her sister's visions for a better Equestria, reviving her lost legacy.

Now, at the 1000th summer sun celebration, the town of Ponyville is ready. Eager to witness the historic event, everyone's there to show their love and appreciation as they welcome the Princess of the Night's return. Would Nightmare Moon still seek retribution and bring nighttime eternal? Or would she reunite with her long-lost sister, graciously returning to her throne? It doesn't matter to Celestia. She just wants to see her sister once again.

Chapters (11)

Bat ponies were a convenient hiding place. Few knew of their true nature, if they even really existed, so he could pretend to be one and get few hard questions. A pity one princess knew more than most, and would not be casually brushed aside.

Requested by a loyal patron, with an initial schedule of 2/month.

Want one of your own? Get over here and sign up, or just help support me and more words like them!

Chapters (37)

Devin Hall, a former human of sound mind is randomly catapulted into the magical world of Equis in an unfamiliar body. Hopefully with some help, he will be able to find a way home or at least adjust to this new world filled with magic and sorcery. However, during his stay in Equestria he is asked to help out the nation with one of it's most important matters to date. Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done.

This is a HIE story that I just wanted to write the first chapter to. If it gains some momentum, I will continue to add chapters. Rated T for cursing and implied sexual situations. Rating may change depending on feedback.

Update: Just got a cover art for the story and I am so very proud of it! It was drawn by my amazing friend Dreamy (Link here, who you should go support by either commissioning her or supporting her on ko-fi. She is seriously an amazing artist!)

Chapters (9)