• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen January 27th

the frank


Ever since she was a little girl, Fluttershy wanted to be a vampire. Strong, independent, majestic and graceful. For years, she kept her wish a secret, drowning herself in vampire lore; books, movies, and cosplaying. But deep down, she still wished that all the costumes and tales were real, and that one day... She'd become one with her dream.

But when she accidentily blurts out her secret at a sleep-over, to everyones dismay or gloating, the whole idea seems to vanish into thin air. And in that moment, when everything hit rock bottom... opportunity seems to knock on her door.

But maybe, just maybe, there are some wishes that is best kept unfulfilled...

Takes place in the EqG-universe, some six months after Rainbow Rocks.

The poor thing that has to deal with my bad spelling and non-existing grammar is Nopony Important, Proofreader and multi-instrumentalist.

Cover pic by Quizia. A bit misleading I know, no fruit bats in this one! But I just loved that picture.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Great story

And I never expected Octavia be a vampire, and not Vinyl

Great story:twilightsmile:

Though I didn't expect Tavi be a vampire instead of Vinyl:trixieshiftleft:

6028544 Thanks! Yeah, that's a little pet peeve of mine. I have this other story... no, I will not spoil. Read it instead.

Didn't expect Ly and Bonnie, Octy kinda and Rares? Way out of left field.

Loved it.

Ah sublime suffering, thank you for this excellent story truly it is excellently cruel. A solid example of be careful what you wish for I would say but don't worry you'll learn to enjoy it flutters.:raritywink:

6028835 Well, my original idea was to have Octavia as the only one, then I thought "the more the merrier". Rares as vampire came to me when I realised that "Heh, it almoat seems like Rarity is a vampire too" when I was done with the first draft. And then it was not a far step to actually make her one.


Exactly the point. Poor Flutters. Maybe she is somewhere inside Chylene, eternally suffering. ..

Hmmm... I do love me some vampires... I'll give this a look.

That... was great.

I loved it, every bit of it.

6029318 Dead and loving it!

6029464 So, what did you think?

6031237 Thanks. :twilightsmile:

I love this story fluttershy reminds me of myself
I think you should make a sequel

Tell me who's who? And what is their age

6033927 Thanks!
Well...I have been thinking about sequel but I'm not sure what it should be about. I have bwwn considering writing the "how I was turned " for the rest of the pack but we will see. If I get an idea...

I can give you a rough guide. Ragnhild is Rarity, of cource.She was born in 927 A.D in Iceland as Ragnhild Guvisdottir. She was turned when she was 18 by some sort of demon. That makes her something of 1090 years old. I know she said over 900 but she isn't wrong, not technically.
Lene is Lyra. She was born 400 years ago on the highlands of Trotland. She was born Lyra Heartstrings, and took lene as name when she became part of Raritys pack.
Asa is BonBon. She is Equestrian by birth, her parents being from Prance. She was born in 1880 and was turned in 1901. She also took the name Asa when she became part of the pack.that makes her...135 years old. She was 21 but looked like 16 when she was turned.
Olga is Octavia. She is the second oldest and spent many years on her own before she reluctantly joined the pack. nobody knows how old she is, she hasn't told anyone. But she was atleast around in the 14th century. She isn't older than Rarity though. Her surname is also unknown.

I'll give you an idea :the rest of the mane 6 turned, Chylene's revenge, fluttershy reacting to chylene' actions and that backstory you've mention

Is pony rarity a vampire too, it would make sense seeing it's parallel to the pony world.
I always think that principal celestia and Luna were 1000 years old and have goodly powers

"I think you would be interested in knowing that vampires do exist. If you want to know more, come to the rock quarry on Monday night, 23:30."

It wasn't until half an hour later that the washing machine was started.


Love the story! nearly wanted to kill Vinyl for making fluttershy sad but happy that she had her wish come true:twilightsheepish:

6455109 Glad you enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:
Vinyl has had a rough time with nasty rumours but she is too harsch to Flutters, I totally agree!

what language did you use for the vampire language? if i had to guess was it german or russian

6846481 It's Icelandic. Looks cool and sounds pretty cool too.

Fluttershy reminds me of me in this. Very good!! :yay:

Systir! Þú eins og ég hefi boðið, annars verður svara mér

Láttu umbreytingu vera

(My Icelandic is rusty but as best as I can figure this is:)
"Sister! Do as I have commanded, otherwise you'll answer to me..."
"Let the transformation begin!"

Also, and again I'm not the best at Icelandic, but I'm pretty sure the grammar is a bit wonky? For example, "night sister" is translated into "night, sister" for some reason.


On another note, this is actually kind of horrifying. "Fluttershy" has technically just been killed, all because of a silly childhood fantasy. The transition here clearly rewrote her personality to a significant enough degree that I'm not sure if it's even accurate to call her Fluttershy anymore.

That’s accurate, yes. It's done with Google translate so it's no surprise it's wonky. I'm not sure how to correct it though, I can't speak it at all.

And indeed it is so, she is no Longer Fluttershy but a shell of her post self. She is Chylene, posing as Fluttershy when necessary. They all do, more or less.

That was so mean to poor Scratch...

I suppose, after 200 years you see a few casualties as unavoidable.

But Scratch isn't that thin-skinned.
Back in the day when it was written, I was sick of the Vinyl-is-a-vampire-trope so I suppose in the end it was me that didn't show mercy. Ah well. She will have a good life.


I am sick of where she was always a vampire. Origin story hinted at but unimportant. How is it unimportant? Why are vampires portrayed as the glittery greek gods? I grew up on Lost Boys so having original personality intact isn't too much of a problem. Though one wonders how they kept going as themselves over just years of killing. Not decades or centuries. That would make a great story.

Seems like most just want Octavia to have a story and not Scratch...

Just out or curiosity, is this your opinion in general or concearning this story? Just so I know how to respond.

I suppose opinion in general will be my answer.

I loved the story though. Felt that an opportunity was missed by not having slightly more content after turning. Felt like you went with the enthrallment angle (even if she seems more enthralled to vampirism in general), which is the part i loved most; you're the first person I've found on this site to enthrall the main character. A bold move; but, as i said, a missed opportunity to let the horror of the thing she became to really set in for us the audience. On the other hand i am happy you missed it. The sole chapter might feel bloated if you kept going for another few thousand words. Also like the warevamp angle, something different while still keeping it as something 'other' and 'horrific'.

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