• Member Since 9th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen Dec 25th, 2024


Hello! I write stories and never finish them. Hope you enjoy whatever

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  • 200 weeks
    Hello! And both sad and exciting news

    I have decided that both A Filly Named Alex and Storming Sun are going to be canceled. I know, many of you are sad but the truth is I had no idea where I was going with those stories. They didn't have an end and in Storming Sun's case, I merely wanted to write something interesting and expected it to die as soon as it began.

    Now, that being said, I give all of you permission to take these stories or ideas as your own!

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    5 comments · 774 views
  • 202 weeks
    Hey there, everypony

    So as you know, I haven't posted a Storming Sun chapter in a bit. The answer is life has been so incredibly stressful that I ran away for a bit with my dad. Real life got a little much for me and unfortunately. But good news, I realized how little information there was in between the prologue and birthday stumbles. So I'm pleased to announce that after everything arc there's going to be an Interlude! So be excited for that haha

    I'll get on it as soon as I'm back home! Toodles

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  • 205 weeks
    Pony Time revised

    So, I fucked up pretty terribly on the time and I was getting frustrated with trying to use Earth resolution and earth numbers. So I decided to say fuck that. Ponies would probably use their own time and they'd probably like a nice big even number that was good for everypony. So here it is, revised. No, I'm not changing any of the times in A Filly named Alex. Everyone can just suffer.

    Calendar and Time

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  • 205 weeks
    Pony Numbers


    Ponies numbers are based 6 due to most ponies having 6 limbs: Hooves, tail, and head. Though unicorns and pegasi can count higher. Their numbers are very simple.

    Word | Symbol | Base 10 value

    The single digit words are:
    Zero | 0 | 0
    One | 1 | 1
    Two | 2 | 2
    Three | 3 | 3
    Four | 4 | 4
    Five | 5 | 5

    The double-digit words are:
    Tensy | 10 | 6
    Twensy | 20 | 12
    Thirsy | 30 | 18
    Forsy | 40 | 24
    Fifsy | 50 | 30

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    7 comments · 505 views
  • 206 weeks
    Storming Sun: What do you want to see?

    I'll be honest, what I wrote was kind of a oneshot but because so many people like it I thought I'd give it a chance. However, I didn't really have any more ideas for the future of Storming Sun. So if you all won't mind giving me some of your ideas or what your want the story to be and maybe that'll help me when writing future chapters. Leave all your ideas in the comments below

    And as always, have a happy happy day!!!

    11 comments · 211 views

Hello! And both sad and exciting news · 4:52pm Apr 5th, 2021

I have decided that both A Filly Named Alex and Storming Sun are going to be canceled. I know, many of you are sad but the truth is I had no idea where I was going with those stories. They didn't have an end and in Storming Sun's case, I merely wanted to write something interesting and expected it to die as soon as it began.

Now, that being said, I give all of you permission to take these stories or ideas as your own!

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Report Pegysus · 774 views · Story: Storming Sun · #A Filly named Alex
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My pleasure, good sir

Thank you, good sir. I shall give you an onety bit. I bid you good day

Have a fresh comment, lol :twilightsmile:

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